Gettext (for use by Gettext-Seaside) ported to Gemstone

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Gettext (for use by Gettext-Seaside) ported to Gemstone

Johan Brichau-2
Hi all,

The Gettext [1] implementation of Pharo has now been ported to Gemstone, such that we can use it for internationalization in web applications together with Gettext-Seaside.
More precisely, the Gettext package is a prerequisite for Gettext-Seaside.

With the "develop in Pharo, deploy in Gemstone" philosophy, I ported only those parts that are required to deploy the translation files in the Seaside web apps.
The implementation that generates translation files from the codebase is a bit more entrenched into platform-specific libraries. So, one has to generate the translation catalogs to disk in Pharo, edit them with a tool like poedit, and deploy the locale with the Gemstone deployment.

The Gettext-Gemstone package is available from



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