Getting rid of 'case statements'

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Sean M-3
> 3. Vehicle (parent class)
>       |
>       |
>    Bicycle (child class)
> The creator of the Bicycle subclass defined no methods or instance
> variables. It's sole purpose was for use in a case statement:
> x class = Wagon ifTrue: [^...]
> x class = Bicycle ifTrue: [^...]
> x class = Cart ifTrue: [^...].
> There were no other references to the Bicycle class in the system. Its
> author, having amassed a record of many similar inventions, was promoted
> to the architecture team.

That should be posted to The Daily WTF

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Bruce Samuelson-2
> That should be posted to The Daily WTF

I checked WTF on Google, and I assume it's not the Welcome To Finland
site. :-)

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Thomas Koschate-3
Bruce Samuelson wrote:
>> That should be posted to The Daily WTF
> I checked WTF on Google, and I assume it's not the Welcome To Finland
> site. :-)

The Daily WTF - Curious Perversions in Information Technology.  Weird
and less than wonderful snippets of "unusual" programming techniques.

... C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Bruce Samuelson-2
Bruce Samuelson wrote:

> For your amusement or dismay, here are variations of this design problem
> from a recent project. [...]

Dear God...


> 2. Copy/paste redux: '' repeated 25 times.
> Those 25 methods, about 2 pages long each, were nearly identical to each
> other.

Words fail me.

    -- chris

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Ian Upright
In reply to this post by Peter van Rooijen
Peter van Rooijen <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Peter van Rooijen wrote:
>> BTW, Squeak's {} syntax provides a reasonably efficient and elegant way
>> of writing this is:
>!!Misinformation Alert!!
>I want to correct myself: the solution I presented is *not* efficient.
>It may have been convenient (all the code in one place), and even
>reasonably elegant. But it's not an efficient solution.
>I based the idea that it was efficient on my assumption that Squeak's {}
>syntax provides compile-time evaluation (as I explained at the end of my
>However, I have discovered that it does not (provide compile-time
>In fact Squeak's {} is not an interesting and useful extension of the
>language, as I mistakenly thought it was, but merely syntactic sugar. It
>avoids the need to write Array with: 1, instead allowing writing {1}.

And just to be clear, GemStone's arrays:

#[ 1, 2, object, object message, (object message: object2) ]

Are very similar to Squeak, except for syntax, and don't seem to offer any
performance advantages.  A smarter compiler could at least check to see if
the objects in the arrays are literals, and if so, optimize it.

The compile-time constant ##( expr ) seems to be the one that is in some
implementations that actually can do optimization.



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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Ian Upright
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3
Wel, I think among the worst is to write a code generator to duplicate the
same method many times, and then just modify each one ever so slighty to
"tweak" it to do something a little different in each case.  :)


"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Bruce Samuelson wrote:
>> For your amusement or dismay, here are variations of this design problem
>> from a recent project. [...]
>Dear God...
>> 2. Copy/paste redux: '' repeated 25 times.
>> Those 25 methods, about 2 pages long each, were nearly identical to each
>> other.
>Words fail me.
>    -- chris


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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Ian Upright
In reply to this post by Sean M-4
"Sean M" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>schemes := (Dictionary new)
>    at: 'http' put: HttpUrl;
>    at: 'msw' put: MswUrl;
>    at: 'ftp'put: FtpUrl;
>    at: 'file' put: FileUrl;
>    at: 'browser' put: BrowserUrl;
>    at: 'mailto' put: MailtoUrl;
>    yourself.
>newUrl := (schemes at: scheme ifAbsent: [ GenericUrl ])
>    new privateInitializeFromText: remainder.
>or something?

Generally, this is closer to the solution I would often choose, but normally
I would put the schemes in a class instance variable or Pool, and have it
initialized only once in the system.  Also, when using this type of pattern
I also deeply frown upon mapping values to method selectors, and instead map
values to blocks, if the need be.



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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Bruce Samuelson-2
In reply to this post by Ian Upright
I think the 25 nearly identical methods I mentioned came about by the
technique that Ian deprecates below. It was a VAST application, and the
methods were generated by Instantiations' Window Builder Pro, later to
be tweaked by developers.

The application also had many examples of duplicate methods that arose
from copy / paste reuse, without assistance from WB Pro. I'll set aside
the question of why this reuse technique is so popular among developers.

Are there ways for GUI builders to generate code that can be gracefully
extended via inheritance?

With VAST, WB Pro creates very long, procedural methods. If a GUI
subclass wants to reuse and extend its parent, what I saw developers
doing was applying the layout tool to the subclass GUI and auto
generating a bunch of methods. Many of these methods duplicated, or
nearly duplicated, the parent's methods. Inheritance was not utilized.

With VW, the GUI builder generates shorter #windowSpec methods that are
declarative rather than procedural, consisting of a hierarchy of literal
arrays and other literals. However, I'm still not aware of a mechanism
for a subclass to extend these methods by inheritance.

VAST/WB Pro and VW can both use composition (e.g., subcanvasses) rather
than inheritance to get reuse, but many developers don't take advantage
of this technique.

Object oriented languages offer so much potential for reuse, and in my
experience, most managers and developers take little advantage of it.

Ian Upright wrote:

> Wel, I think among the worst is to write a code generator to duplicate the
> same method many times, and then just modify each one ever so slighty to
> "tweak" it to do something a little different in each case.  :)
> Ian
> "Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>Bruce Samuelson wrote:
>>>For your amusement or dismay, here are variations of this design problem
>>>from a recent project. [...]
>>Dear God...
>>>2. Copy/paste redux: '' repeated 25 times.
>>>Those 25 methods, about 2 pages long each, were nearly identical to each
>>Words fail me.
>>   -- chris
> ---

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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Peter van Rooijen
Bruce Samuelson wrote:
> With VAST, WB Pro creates very long, procedural methods.

AFAIK, it is largely up to you to decide if and where these methods are
broken up, so you do have control over the length and the
overridability. With WindowBuilder, I have used overriding for 'visual
inheritance' many times, with great results, in VA Smalltalk. And in
Visual Smalltalk before that.

 > If a GUI
> subclass wants to reuse and extend its parent, what I saw developers
> doing was applying the layout tool to the subclass GUI and auto
> generating a bunch of methods. Many of these methods duplicated, or
> nearly duplicated, the parent's methods. Inheritance was not utilized.

They could have factored their methods with WB. May have been a matter
of RTFM.

> With VW, the GUI builder generates shorter #windowSpec methods that are
> declarative rather than procedural, consisting of a hierarchy of literal
> arrays and other literals. However, I'm still not aware of a mechanism
> for a subclass to extend these methods by inheritance.

VWs windowSpecs are a very different animal from the GUI code generated
by WB. I always have the feeling with windowSpecs that the whole
mechanism was devised before the GUI builder existed, and the specs were
intended to be edited manually by lazy programmers who didn't care about
extensibility. Overridability is essentially zero. I am not a great fan
of windowSpecs.

[Probably they were more like a clever hack that someone really smart
built so that you could get GUIs up and running much faster if you were
willing give up some modularity, extensibility, and speed. Maybe someone
who was there way back when can inform us.]

FYI, it is possible, and can be quite enjoyable, to code directly to the
widgets in VW, without using windowSpecs at all. I.e., your code does
the work that the builder does when it interprets a windowSpec. You
don't get support from a GUI-builder then, but you get all the visual
inheritance that you can dream of.

Coding directly to the widgets is much faster than interpreting
windowSpecs, too, giving much snappier GUIs.

> VAST/WB Pro and VW can both use composition (e.g., subcanvasses) rather
> than inheritance to get reuse, but many developers don't take advantage
> of this technique.

That is a completely separate issue. Composition of components
introduces completely different problems (that inheritance avoids).

> Object oriented languages offer so much potential for reuse, and in my
> experience, most managers and developers take little advantage of it.

I don't disagree with that :-).



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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Ian Upright
In reply to this post by Bruce Samuelson-2
Oh don't even get me started on the pitfalls of code generation!  I think
the approach taken by WBPro does exactly what you describe -- it creates
long procedural methods that are hard to reuse.  The implementation and
features are tied highly to the intended implementation of the windows.

Let me just say though, that I think there are some really great things
about WBPro, and it is otherwise quite a great tool.  I first started using
it back in 1995!

Lets try imagine some other windowing frameworks, where the formulation of a
window is merely a template, and then templates can be combined with
behavioral mechanisims and extend other templates.  Or even imagine a world
where these templates can be modified and hundreds of forms simultaneously
updated, and you can edit a form and visually see it along with it's
templates, and in editing the form you could also be potentially editing
several templates at once.  Also, perhaps these forms could be shared to be
used in a GUI client, or on the web, or both.

Or imagine where these templates and even behavior are stored persitently
and declaratively in an object database, and so an end user could manipulate
a template, commit it, and instantly update hundreds of views that used this
template, for everyone in the database.  All without going anywhere within a
100-foot pole of Smalltalk code.

Obviously, a GUI builder that is focusing on code generation is quite a
distance away from all these goals.

I work with systems on a daily basis that do everything I've described and
more, so I'm well aware of the pitfalls and advantages of different
approaches.  However, I've been working with, and developing systems for
many years that follow a very different school of thought -- one where there
is extremely heavy emphasis on keeping all code to a minimum and putting as
much data and non-code behavior in the database as possible.  This goes so
far as being able to construct fairly substantial and sophisticated
applications without any coding at all, and large amounts of the
infrastructure itself, development environment, etc., all implemented in
data and not in code.  But as I said, I'm from a different camp and
paradigm, so perhaps we're a little out there than the rest of the world.


Bruce Samuelson <[hidden email]> wrote:

>I think the 25 nearly identical methods I mentioned came about by the
>technique that Ian deprecates below. It was a VAST application, and the
>methods were generated by Instantiations' Window Builder Pro, later to
>be tweaked by developers.
>The application also had many examples of duplicate methods that arose
>from copy / paste reuse, without assistance from WB Pro. I'll set aside
>the question of why this reuse technique is so popular among developers.
>Are there ways for GUI builders to generate code that can be gracefully
>extended via inheritance?
>With VAST, WB Pro creates very long, procedural methods. If a GUI
>subclass wants to reuse and extend its parent, what I saw developers
>doing was applying the layout tool to the subclass GUI and auto
>generating a bunch of methods. Many of these methods duplicated, or
>nearly duplicated, the parent's methods. Inheritance was not utilized.
>With VW, the GUI builder generates shorter #windowSpec methods that are
>declarative rather than procedural, consisting of a hierarchy of literal
>arrays and other literals. However, I'm still not aware of a mechanism
>for a subclass to extend these methods by inheritance.
>VAST/WB Pro and VW can both use composition (e.g., subcanvasses) rather
>than inheritance to get reuse, but many developers don't take advantage
>of this technique.
>Object oriented languages offer so much potential for reuse, and in my
>experience, most managers and developers take little advantage of it.
>Ian Upright wrote:
>> Wel, I think among the worst is to write a code generator to duplicate the
>> same method many times, and then just modify each one ever so slighty to
>> "tweak" it to do something a little different in each case.  :)
>> Ian
>> "Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>Bruce Samuelson wrote:
>>>>For your amusement or dismay, here are variations of this design problem
>>>>from a recent project. [...]
>>>Dear God...
>>>>2. Copy/paste redux: '' repeated 25 times.
>>>>Those 25 methods, about 2 pages long each, were nearly identical to each
>>>Words fail me.
>>>   -- chris
>> ---


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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Ian Upright
In reply to this post by Peter van Rooijen
Peter van Rooijen <[hidden email]> wrote:


>FYI, it is possible, and can be quite enjoyable, to code directly to the
>widgets in VW, without using windowSpecs at all. I.e., your code does
>the work that the builder does when it interprets a windowSpec. You
>don't get support from a GUI-builder then, but you get all the visual
>inheritance that you can dream of.
>Coding directly to the widgets is much faster than interpreting
>windowSpecs, too, giving much snappier GUIs.

This may be the case with windowSpecs, but if this sort of idea is done
right (I'm definitely not saying windowSpecs were done right), "interpreting
the data" should be more efficient than generating code.  VM's are usually
optimized to have a cache, and if the primary codebase is quite small, much
of the execution stays within the native instruction cache and within the
CPU cache, and overall performance can be better than that of not
interpeting and leaning towards code generation techniques.


>> VAST/WB Pro and VW can both use composition (e.g., subcanvasses) rather
>> than inheritance to get reuse, but many developers don't take advantage
>> of this technique.
>That is a completely separate issue. Composition of components
>introduces completely different problems (that inheritance avoids).
>> Object oriented languages offer so much potential for reuse, and in my
>> experience, most managers and developers take little advantage of it.
>I don't disagree with that :-).


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Re: Getting rid of 'case statements'

Reinout Heeck-3
In reply to this post by Peter van Rooijen
Peter van Rooijen wrote:

> VWs windowSpecs are a very different animal from the GUI code generated
> by WB. I always have the feeling with windowSpecs that the whole
> mechanism was devised before the GUI builder existed, and the specs were
> intended to be edited manually by lazy programmers who didn't care about
> extensibility. Overridability is essentially zero. I am not a great fan
> of windowSpecs.
> [Probably they were more like a clever hack that someone really smart
> built so that you could get GUIs up and running much faster if you were
> willing give up some modularity, extensibility, and speed. Maybe someone
> who was there way back when can inform us.]

I vaguely recall that one of the driving forces to make windowspecs this
way is that it makes it possible to write a generic editor that can
_visually_ edit windowspecs containing declarations for widgets that are
not in the system and/or the editor does not now about.

The literal array business is just a way to passivate them without
referencing classes directly.
