Thanks Marten!
With this little change it worked for me:
| aDictionary |
aDictionary := Dictionary new.
at: 'someName' put: 321 .
aDictionary := RCConverter new messagesFromDLL: 'tzres.dll' index: aDictionary.
(aDictionary at: 'someName') asString
Am Montag, 2. April 2012 18:22:11 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
| aDictionary |
aDictionary := Dictionary new.
at: 'someName' put: 322 .
RCConverter new messagesFromDLL: 'tzres.dll' index: aDictionary.
(aDictionary at: 'someName') asString -> 'Mitteleuropäische Zeit'
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