Github + Metacello + Baselines

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Github + Metacello + Baselines

Julián Maestri-2
I'm trying to use a BaselineOf approach for development, and wanted to know if I got something wrong.

1. Development must be done on the baseline?
2. Configurations must reference a specific point (commit,tag,branch) of the baseline?
3. My dependencies to other projects must be Baselines or Configurations? Why?

Thanks in advance, Julián
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Re: Github + Metacello + Baselines

Thierry Goubier
Hi Julián,

Le 26/12/2015 18:12, Julián Maestri a écrit :
> I'm trying to use a BaselineOf approach for development, and wanted to
> know if I got something wrong.
> 1. Development must be done on the baseline?

Hum, I'd say the two concepts are orthogonal:

A BaselineOf express the relations and requirements of the packages in
your project. You associate a BaselineOf to every project.

Development or stable happen in separates branches. Each of those
branches has a BaselineOf to express the dependencies and packages...

> 2. Configurations must reference a specific point (commit,tag,branch) of
> the baseline?

The ConfigurationOf specify a target repository (in git, this means a
commit, a tag or a branch, by default master) and the BaselineOf to load
from that repository.

In short, it's not it must, but it will, since you can't avoid it :)

> 3. My dependencies to other projects must be Baselines or
> Configurations? Why?

They can be BaselineOf or ConfigurationOf. Having ConfigurationOf is a
bit more flexible, because a ConfigurationOf can carry multiple
versions, #stable and #development, whereas a BaselineOf carry a single
baseline spec.

It is also a bit easier to request a single group or package of a
ConfigurationOf than from a BaselineOf; in the latter case you often
have to import the BaselineOf names (packages and groups) inside the
namespace of your project baseline, which may be problematic.

> BaselineOf:
> Thanks in advance, Julián

