Giving instructions to the GC

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Giving instructions to the GC

Fernando Rodriguez

Is it possible to give instructions to the GC, such as "don't gc while
in this block" or "now is a good moment to GC"?


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Re: Giving instructions to the GC

Andy Bower-3

> Is it possible to give instructions to the GC, such as "don't gc while
> in this block" or "now is a good moment to GC"?

Well you can't really turn it off completely. Some collection is
performed incrementally as the method stack frames collapse. Cycles
collection and finalization are deferred and performed by separate

What you can do, however, is force this latter type of GC to occur at a
"good moment" by executing:

MemoryManager current collectGarbage
MemoryManager current compact

See the method comment in MemoryManager>>collectGarbage for details.

Best regards

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: Giving instructions to the GC

Chris Uppal-3
Andy Bower wrote:

> Well you can't really turn [GC] off completely. Some collection is
> performed incrementally as the method stack frames collapse.

Aha!  I've suspected for a while that the Dolphin GC wasn't using only the
"advertised" unsophisticated mark-n-sweep -- it keeps up with heavy loads much
to well for that to be entirely plausible...

    -- chris