Glamorous Framework: How to propagate values to a model?

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Glamorous Framework: How to propagate values to a model?

Juraj Kubelka-5
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Re: Glamorous Framework: How to propagate values to a model?

Tudor Girba-2

It's Glamour, not Glamorous. And the development tools form the Glamorous Toolkit :)

The Glamour widgets do not propagate changes to the model by default. But, you can get notified when something changes in a port. See below an example:

browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #one.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a dropDownList
display: [ :x | x ];
onChangeOfPort: #selection 
act: [ :dropDownListPresentation | dropDownListPresentation selection inspect ] ].
browser openOn: (1 to: 42)


On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]> wrote:

There is an example GLMBasicExamples>>dropDownList where a user can select a value from drop down list. If I change some lines like this:

browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #one size: 30; row: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a dropDownList
display: [ :myModelObject | myModelObject valuesForDropDownList ] ].

How can I update selected value in myModelObject when a user select something? 

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Re: Glamorous Framework: How to propagate values to a model?

Juraj Kubelka-5
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