Glamour Accordion arrangement

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Glamour Accordion arrangement

Guillermo Polito

Mainly to Doru I think, How difficult is to have horizontal Accordion arrangement in glamour?

I've hacked a bit in adding the commented lines:

GLMMorphicAccordionRenderer>>render: aPresentation
    | presentations container expander |
    presentations := aPresentation matchingPresentations.
    presentations isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ GLMMorphic emptyMorph ].
    presentations size = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ self renderWithToolbar: presentations first ].
    container := GLMMorphic containerMorph.
    container changeTableLayout.
    "container listDirection: #leftToRight."
    presentations do: [ :each |
        expander := self theme
            newExpanderIn: container
            label: (self titleOrIconOf: each in: container)
            forAll: {(self renderWithToolbar: each)}.
        "expander listDirection: #leftToRight."
        container addMorphBack: expander.
        (aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation notNil and: [
            each title = aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation title ]) ifTrue: [
                expander expanded: true]].
    (aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation isNil and: [container submorphs notEmpty]) ifTrue: [
        container submorphs first expanded: true].
    ^ container

But the expanders just look ugly ugly :)

Other IDEs, when you collapse a widget just keep an icon without the label.

Should I open an issue?

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Re: Glamour Accordion arrangement

Tudor Girba-2

In short, the difficulty depends on Morphic. If you provide the magic incantations (to have vertical bars, nice collapsing possibilities etc), I can integrate them :)


On 6 Jan 2012, at 04:25, Guillermo Polito wrote:

> Hi!
> Mainly to Doru I think, How difficult is to have horizontal Accordion arrangement in glamour?
> I've hacked a bit in adding the commented lines:
> GLMMorphicAccordionRenderer>>render: aPresentation
>     | presentations container expander |
>     presentations := aPresentation matchingPresentations.
>     presentations isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ GLMMorphic emptyMorph ].
>     presentations size = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ self renderWithToolbar: presentations first ].
>     container := GLMMorphic containerMorph.
>     container changeTableLayout.
>     "container listDirection: #leftToRight."
>     presentations do: [ :each |
>         expander := self theme
>             newExpanderIn: container
>             label: (self titleOrIconOf: each in: container)
>             forAll: {(self renderWithToolbar: each)}.
>         "expander listDirection: #leftToRight."
>         container addMorphBack: expander.
>         (aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation notNil and: [
>             each title = aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation title ]) ifTrue: [
>                 expander expanded: true]].
>     (aPresentation pane lastActivePresentation isNil and: [container submorphs notEmpty]) ifTrue: [
>         container submorphs first expanded: true].
>     ^ container
> But the expanders just look ugly ugly :)
> Other IDEs, when you collapse a widget just keep an icon without the label.
> Should I open an issue?
> Guille
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