[Glamour] Building complex browsers

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[Glamour] Building complex browsers

Damien Cassou

I would like to create a code browser, where the top pane is a finder which adds a new pane when some clicks on a class name. The following code works fine except with interactions like:

1- select a class
2- select a selector of this class
3- select a class in the newly added pane

This tries to display the source code of the class selected in step 3 for the selector of step 2 (which is wrong because selector of step 2 is only defined in the class of step 1).

Can somebody help me please? The code is:

|extTabulator finder intTabulator|

intTabulator := GLMTabulator new column: #classes; column: #selectors; yourself.

intTabulator transmit to: #classes; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'classes'; display: [:class | class allSuperclasses]].
intTabulator transmit from: #classes; to: #selectors; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'selectors'; display: [:class | class selectors]].

finder := GLMFinder new.
finder custom: intTabulator.

"Makes the finder add an new pane when selecting a class"
intTabulator transmit from: #classes; toOutsidePort: #selection.

extTabulator := GLMTabulator new row: #finder; row: #source; yourself.
extTabulator transmit to: #finder; andShow: [:a | a custom: finder].

"Makes the internet tabulator exports the currently selected selector"
intTabulator transmit from: #selectors; toOutsidePort: #selector.

extTabulator transmit
from: #finder;
from: #finder port: #selector;
to: #source;
andShow: [:a | a text
display: [:class :selector | class name, '>>', selector, String cr,
((class includesSelector: selector)
ifTrue: ['ok']
ifFalse: ['ERROR: class does not have this selector!'])]].

extTabulator openOn: IdentitySet.

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them popular by not having them." James Iry

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Re: [Glamour] Building complex browsers

Tudor Girba-2

I am not sure I like the whole setup of the browser :). Anyway, you would want to reset the #selector port every time you select a class. Add this:

intTabulator transmit from: #classes; toOutsidePort: #selector; transformed: [nil].

It is hackish, but this is because you want to reason outside of the intTabulator browser about something that is internal.


On 21 Jul 2011, at 08:03, Damien Cassou wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to create a code browser, where the top pane is a finder which adds a new pane when some clicks on a class name. The following code works fine except with interactions like:
> 1- select a class
> 2- select a selector of this class
> 3- select a class in the newly added pane
> This tries to display the source code of the class selected in step 3 for the selector of step 2 (which is wrong because selector of step 2 is only defined in the class of step 1).
> Can somebody help me please? The code is:
> |extTabulator finder intTabulator|
> intTabulator := GLMTabulator new column: #classes; column: #selectors; yourself.
> intTabulator transmit to: #classes; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'classes'; display: [:class | class allSuperclasses]].
> intTabulator transmit from: #classes; to: #selectors; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'selectors'; display: [:class | class selectors]].
> finder := GLMFinder new.
> finder custom: intTabulator.
> "Makes the finder add an new pane when selecting a class"
> intTabulator transmit from: #classes; toOutsidePort: #selection.
> extTabulator := GLMTabulator new row: #finder; row: #source; yourself.
> extTabulator transmit to: #finder; andShow: [:a | a custom: finder].
> "Makes the internet tabulator exports the currently selected selector"
> intTabulator transmit from: #selectors; toOutsidePort: #selector.
> extTabulator transmit
> from: #finder;
> from: #finder port: #selector;
> to: #source;
> andShow: [:a | a text
> display: [:class :selector | class name, '>>', selector, String cr,
> ((class includesSelector: selector)
> ifTrue: ['ok']
> ifFalse: ['ERROR: class does not have this selector!'])]].
> extTabulator openOn: IdentitySet.
> --
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them popular by not having them." James Iry
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Re: [Glamour] Building complex browsers

Damien Cassou
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am not sure I like the whole setup of the browser

Your solution worked perfectly. What setup would you propose to have similar browsing interactions?

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them popular by not having them." James Iry

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Re: [Glamour] Building complex browsers

Tudor Girba-2
I would have encapsulated class + selector from the intTabulator in a dedicated port. Like that you would be able to reason about one value.

So, the script could look like:

|extTabulator finder intTabulator|

intTabulator := GLMTabulator new row: #classes; row: #selectors; yourself.

intTabulator transmit to: #classes; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'classes'; display: [:class | class allSuperclasses]].
intTabulator transmit from: #classes; to: #selectors; andShow: [:a | a list title: 'selectors'; display: [:class | class selectors]].

"Makes the finder add an new pane when selecting a class"
intTabulator transmit from: #classes; toOutsidePort: #selection.

"Makes the internet tabulator exports the currently selected class and selector"
intTabulator transmit from: #classes; from: #selectors; toOutsidePort: #classSelector; transformed: [:class :selector | class -> selector ].

finder := GLMFinder new.
finder custom: intTabulator.

extTabulator := GLMTabulator new row: #finder; row: #source; yourself.
extTabulator transmit to: #finder; andShow: [:a | a custom: finder].

extTabulator transmit
                from: #finder port: #classSelector;
                to: #source;
                andShow: [:a |
                        a text display: [:classSelector | classSelector key name, '>>', classSelector value asString  ]].

extTabulator openOn: IdentitySet.


On 21 Jul 2011, at 09:37, Damien Cassou wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I am not sure I like the whole setup of the browser
> Your solution worked perfectly. What setup would you propose to have similar browsing interactions?
> --
> Damien Cassou
> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
> "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them popular by not having them." James Iry
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