Hi Again
I'm wondering if its possible to have a double click (#strongSelection) action on single cells within a composite table. Basically I'd like to double click a value and be able to edit it (by whatever means I deem necessary). A lot of this is because I have a need to deal with unknown data, unknown values, in sets of unknown sizes. I'm trying to build stuff to be as dynamic as possible. So given the below example, are there any suggestions on how to add actions to single cells? |browser aCollection firstDict secondDict thirdDict| firstDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'john'; at: 'surname' put: 'blogs'; at: 'age' put: 33; at: 'location' put: 'everywhere'; yourself. secondDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'mary'; at: 'surname' put: 'jones'; at: 'age' put: 25; at: 'location' put: 'nowhere'; yourself. thirdDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'steve'; at: 'surname' put: 'irwin'; at: 'age' put: 51; at: 'location' put: 'somewhere'; yourself. aCollection := OrderedCollection new add: firstDict; add: secondDict; add: thirdDict; yourself. browser := GLMTabulator new. browser column: #table. browser transmit to: #table; andShow: [ :composite :collection| |aTable| aTable := composite table. collection first keys do: [ :key | aTable column: key evaluated: [ :each | each at: key ] ] ]. browser openOn: aCollection Many Thanks --
Hi, Unfortunately, this is not supported in the current TablePresentation. You would need to implement a different presentation to handle this behavior. Cheers, Doru On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Gareth Cox <[hidden email]> wrote:
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