Glamour transmission when same input entity

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Glamour transmission when same input entity

Usman Bhatti

In the browser code below, I would like to trigger the transmission to the #one pane when the user selects update list. According to my understanding, Glamour does not transmit when a pane port is populated with the same object as the port got before. One way would be to give the outer port a dummy value before reseting the value to the same object but that will be a bit hackish.
Is there a way to trigger transmission when the old value and the new values on the port are the same?

|browser |

browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #one  size: 30; row: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; transformation:[:x | x * 10 ];
andShow: [:a |
a dropDownList
display: [:x | (1 to: x) ];
selectedIndex: 2 ].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:x | 1 to: x ];
act: [browser entity: 5] entitled: 'Update List' ].
browser openOn:5



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