Glamour: update presenter with new text

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Glamour: update presenter with new text


In the method bellow, when the method is recompiled, the presenter's
text is still the same (i.e. select another method, then the modified
method: the former source code is still presented).

How to request an update of the presenter's text with the newer method

sourceIn: composite
    ^ composite text
        title: 'Source code' translated;
        display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
        act: [ :presentation :compiledMethod |
            compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text]
        on: $s
        entitled: 'Save' translated



Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Andrei Chis

You should send #update to the presentation. By default the presentation does not update when an action is executed, as the action could be anything.

sourceIn: composite
    ^ composite text
        title: 'Source code' translated;
        display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
        act: [ :presentation :compiledMethod |
            compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text.
            presentation update ]
        on: $s
        entitled: 'Save' translated


On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

In the method bellow, when the method is recompiled, the presenter's
text is still the same (i.e. select another method, then the modified
method: the former source code is still presented).

How to request an update of the presenter's text with the newer method

sourceIn: composite
    ^ composite text
        title: 'Source code' translated;
        display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
        act: [ :presentation :compiledMethod |
            compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text]
        on: $s
        entitled: 'Save' translated



Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text


Le 02/07/2017 à 20:21, Andrei Chis a écrit :
> You should send #update to the presentation. By default the
> presentation does not update when an action is executed, as the action
> could be anything.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Ah sorry no it is not working as expected.

When I saved a modified method, the presenter got its source text
updated (good), but the morph view is reversed to its previous content.

Here is the code I use, anything wrong in the code bellow?



sourceIn: composite ^ composite pharoMethod title: 'Source code'
translated; smalltalkClass: [ :each | each methodClass]; display: [
:aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ]; act: [ :presentation
:compiledMethod | compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text.
presentation update.] on: $s entitled: 'Save' translated

Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text


Sorry for the text formating, it was wrong, hope it is better now:

sourceIn: composite
    ^ composite pharoMethod
        title: 'Source code' translated;
        smalltalkClass: [ :each | each methodClass];
        display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
        act: [ :presentation :compiledMethod |
            compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text.
            presentation update.] 
        on: $s 
        entitled: 'Save' translated
Dr. Geo
Dr. Geo
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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Andrei Chis
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes
If I'm not mistaken CompiledMethod instances are immutable. When you run 'compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text' another CompiledMethod object is created and installed in the methods dictionary. So in the display block 'aCompiledMethod' references the old method. To make this work you'll need to not reference the compiled method object directly or also refresh the list of methods.


On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ah sorry no it is not working as expected.

When I saved a modified method, the presenter got its source text
updated (good), but the morph view is reversed to its previous content.

Here is the code I use, anything wrong in the code bellow?



sourceIn: composite ^ composite pharoMethod title: 'Source code'
translated; smalltalkClass: [ :each | each methodClass]; display: [
:aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ]; act: [ :presentation
:compiledMethod | compiledMethod methodClass compile: presentation text.
presentation update.] on: $s entitled: 'Save' translated

Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

I will be curious to know how to do that...

Le 03/07/2017 à 18:08, Andrei Chis a écrit :
> 'aCompiledMethod' references the old method. To make this work you'll
> need to not reference the compiled method object directly or also
> refresh the list of methods.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Juraj Kubelka

> El 03-07-2017, a las 22:28, Hilaire <[hidden email]> escribió:
> I will be curious to know how to do that…

You may have a wrapper that holds the compiled method. So, the method list can hold your wrappers instead of compiled methods.
Than your wrapper could listen to the system announcer for changes and updates its value accordingly.
Or you can update your method list on according to changes in the system announcer.

Check, SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance on: MethodModified do: [ :ann | self inform: ann method printString, ‘ changed’ ].


> Le 03/07/2017 à 18:08, Andrei Chis a écrit :
>> 'aCompiledMethod' references the old method. To make this work you'll
>> need to not reference the compiled method object directly or also
>> refresh the list of methods.
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Le 03/07/2017 à 23:20, Juraj Kubelka a écrit :
You may have a wrapper that holds the compiled method. So, the method list can hold your wrappers instead of compiled methods.
Than your wrapper could listen to the system announcer for changes and updates its value accordingly.
Or you can update your method list on according to changes in the system announcer.

I really don't know how to hook this in the DrGeo script browser.

The methods are displayed with this code. How to add a listener to update it?

methodsIn: composite  
	composite wrapper  title: 'Methods' translated;
		show: [ :wrapper |
			wrapper fastList 
				display: [ :aClass | aClass methods ];
				format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
	composite wrapper title:  'Script data' translated;
		show: [ :wrapper |
			wrapper fastList 
				display: [ :aClass | aClass class methods ];
				format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
	composite onChangeOfPort: #activePresentation act: [ :presentation | 
		(presentation pane port: #activePresentation) value ifNotNil: [ :activePresentation | 
			((browser paneNamed: #methods) port: #selection) value: (activePresentation defaultPane port: #selection) value ] ]

Check, SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance on: MethodModified do: [ :ann | self inform: ann method printString, ‘ changed’ ].

In Pharo6, it should be written:

 SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance when: MethodModified do: [ :ann | self inform: ann method printString, ‘ changed’ ].
Dr. Geo
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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text


I added these lines of code, but it is not that yet:

		updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
		updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.

Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text


May be my use case does not fit to Glamour, but I am tempted to think it does. I really need help on that to make progress.



Le 04/07/2017 à 23:08, Hilaire a écrit :

I added these lines of code, but it is not that yet:

		updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
		updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.

Dr. Geo
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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Tudor Girba-2
Hi Hilaire,

I think it does fit your problem.

However, I am not sure what the current problem is. Could you describe it again in more details?


> On Jul 5, 2017, at 5:10 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> May be my use case does not fit to Glamour, but I am tempted to think it does. I really need help on that to make progress.
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> Le 04/07/2017 à 23:08, Hilaire a écrit :
>> I added these lines of code, but it is not that yet:
>> browser
>> updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
>> updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
> --
> Dr. Geo


"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Juraj Kubelka
I think the issue is how to update a browser when a method is modified. There is a script: 

browser := GLMTabulator new
column: #one;
column: #two;
column: #three;
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :composite |
composite fastList ].

browser transmit from: #one; to: #two; andShow: [ :composite |
composite wrapper 
title: [ 'Instance' translated ];
show: [ :wrapper |
wrapper fastList 
display: [ :aClass | aClass methods ];
format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
composite wrapper 
title: [ 'Class side' translated ];
show: [ :wrapper |
wrapper fastList 
display: [ :aClass | aClass class methods ];
format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
composite updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ].
composite onChangeOfPort: #activePresentation act: [ :presentation | 
(presentation pane port: #activePresentation) value
ifNotNil: [ :activePresentation | 
((browser paneNamed: #two) port: #selection) value: (activePresentation defaultPane port: #selection) value ] ] ].

browser transmit 
from: #two; to: #three; 
andShow: [ :composite | composite text 
display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ]. ].

browser openOn: Collection allSubclasses.

But it is not perfect, because it does not keep the selection.

Hilaire, it looks like you are going to end up with a simplified Nautilus/Calypso system editor. 
Maybe it is possible to take Calypso and find out how to simplify it for your needs? 
Well, I am writing it without understanding your goal :-)


El 05-07-2017, a las 19:24, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> escribió:

Hi Hilaire,

I think it does fit your problem.

However, I am not sure what the current problem is. Could you describe it again in more details?


On Jul 5, 2017, at 5:10 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

May be my use case does not fit to Glamour, but I am tempted to think it does. I really need help on that to make progress.



Le 04/07/2017 à 23:08, Hilaire a écrit :
I added these lines of code, but it is not that yet:

updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.

Dr. Geo


"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2

Okay, I will try to describe it:

First in Dr. Geo there is user scripting. The idea is to let the user define a computing object he can plug on a sketch. This object receive an arbitrary number of objects as arguments selected from the sketch by mouse. This script object is a class, subclass of DrGeoUserScript, and each use in a geometric canvas create an instance. This video exposes this:

Now, the script editing is done with Nautilus and it is a bit too overload for average user.
What I want is a dedicated browser with more targeted information:
  • Two vertical panes:
  1. at the left, the script classes, but it is the script name (as given by the user) displayed
  2. at the right, the methods of the selected script
  • A large horizontal pane with the source of selected pane.

The attached screenshot shows the wished user interface as writen with Glamour.


Le 05/07/2017 à 19:24, Tudor Girba a écrit :
However, I am not sure what the current problem is. Could you describe it again in more details?

Dr. Geo

DrGeoBrowser.gif (32K) Download Attachment
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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Nicolai Hess-3-2
In reply to this post by Juraj Kubelka

2017-07-05 19:43 GMT+02:00 Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]>:
I think the issue is how to update a browser when a method is modified. There is a script: 

browser := GLMTabulator new
column: #one;
column: #two;
column: #three;
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :composite |
composite fastList ].

browser transmit from: #one; to: #two; andShow: [ :composite |
composite wrapper 
title: [ 'Instance' translated ];
show: [ :wrapper |
wrapper fastList 
display: [ :aClass | aClass methods ];
format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
composite wrapper 
title: [ 'Class side' translated ];
show: [ :wrapper |
wrapper fastList 
display: [ :aClass | aClass class methods ];
format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
composite updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ].
composite onChangeOfPort: #activePresentation act: [ :presentation | 
(presentation pane port: #activePresentation) value
ifNotNil: [ :activePresentation | 
((browser paneNamed: #two) port: #selection) value: (activePresentation defaultPane port: #selection) value ] ] ].

browser transmit 
from: #two; to: #three; 
andShow: [ :composite | composite text 
display: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod sourceCode ];
updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ]. ].

browser openOn: Collection allSubclasses.

I have some strange behavior with this example.
Saving the edited method in this browser does not actually change the code shown in a "real" browser.
Saving the edited method in a "real" browser may update the code in this browser, but sometimes not, and sometimes it even
shows the code from a different method.


But it is not perfect, because it does not keep the selection.

Hilaire, it looks like you are going to end up with a simplified Nautilus/Calypso system editor. 
Maybe it is possible to take Calypso and find out how to simplify it for your needs? 
Well, I am writing it without understanding your goal :-)


El 05-07-2017, a las 19:24, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> escribió:

Hi Hilaire,

I think it does fit your problem.

However, I am not sure what the current problem is. Could you describe it again in more details?


On Jul 5, 2017, at 5:10 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

May be my use case does not fit to Glamour, but I am tempted to think it does. I really need help on that to make progress.



Le 04/07/2017 à 23:08, Hilaire a écrit :
I added these lines of code, but it is not that yet:

updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.

Dr. Geo


"It's not how it is, it is how we see it."

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

In reply to this post by Juraj Kubelka

For me it unselects the method, and it still reverts the source code view with the previous source code method

Le 05/07/2017 à 19:43, Juraj Kubelka a écrit :
composite updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ].

Dr. Geo
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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

In reply to this post by Juraj Kubelka
Le 05/07/2017 à 19:43, Juraj Kubelka a écrit :

> I have added the bold line from the previous
> post: 
> But it is not perfect, because it does not keep the selection.
> Hilaire, it looks like you are going to end up with a simplified
> Nautilus/Calypso system editor.
> Maybe it is possible to take Calypso and find out how to simplify it
> for your needs?
> Well, I am writing it without understanding your goal :-)

I read again carrefully your example and applied it to my case, and it
does not work as I explained one week ago.
And I am not sure I want to mess arround with Nautilus.
I don't know what to do? Do you want a copy of my image to test it?


Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Tudor Girba-2

I will try to follow up tomorrow.


> On Jul 12, 2017, at 6:01 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Le 05/07/2017 à 19:43, Juraj Kubelka a écrit :
>> I have added the bold line from the previous
>> post: 
>> But it is not perfect, because it does not keep the selection.
>> Hilaire, it looks like you are going to end up with a simplified
>> Nautilus/Calypso system editor.
>> Maybe it is possible to take Calypso and find out how to simplify it
>> for your needs?
>> Well, I am writing it without understanding your goal :-)
> I read again carrefully your example and applied it to my case, and it
> does not work as I explained one week ago.
> And I am not sure I want to mess arround with Nautilus.
> I don't know what to do? Do you want a copy of my image to test it?
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo


"Problem solving should be focused on describing
the problem in a way that makes the solution obvious."

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

Stephane Ducasse-3
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes
I can tell you that you do not want to play with nautilus :).


On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 6:01 PM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Le 05/07/2017 à 19:43, Juraj Kubelka a écrit :
>> I have added the bold line from the previous
>> post:
>> But it is not perfect, because it does not keep the selection.
>> Hilaire, it looks like you are going to end up with a simplified
>> Nautilus/Calypso system editor.
>> Maybe it is possible to take Calypso and find out how to simplify it
>> for your needs?
>> Well, I am writing it without understanding your goal :-)
> I read again carrefully your example and applied it to my case, and it
> does not work as I explained one week ago.
> And I am not sure I want to mess arround with Nautilus.
> I don't know what to do? Do you want a copy of my image to test it?
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Glamour: update presenter with new text

In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
Ok, thanks Doru.

In case it can helpm I upload a DrGeo image[1] with all the involved code.




Le 12/07/2017 à 19:19, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Hi,
> I will try to follow up tomorrow.
> Cheers,
> Doru

Dr. Geo