Glamour - width of a GLMTableColumn

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Glamour - width of a GLMTableColumn

Andre Hora

The code below works fine, but I am not sure if it is correct way.  Is there another way to change the width of a GLMTableColumn?

    | finder d |   
    finder := GLMFinder new.
    d := finder table display: [ :x | x lines ].
    d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'v.'; computation: [ :e | '999']; width: 30).
    d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'aut.'; computation: [ :e | 'anAuthor']; width: 70).
    d addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'code'; computation: #asString ).
    finder openOn: (Date>>#addMonths:) getSource


Andre Hora

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