[Glass] FFI [ WAS ] Re: ODBC to GemStone and ODBC from GemStone

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[Glass] FFI [ WAS ] Re: ODBC to GemStone and ODBC from GemStone

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Otto Behrens <[hidden email]> wrote:

Yes, we wrote an interface for Sybase's ctlib using the GS 3 FFI. It
worked, but never went live.

So, in principle, if you have a C library for your relational DB,
using the FFI works.

Thanks Otto. Yes, I thought the same. Being one of the developers of OpenDBXDriver (from DBXSuite), I guess it should not be difficult to port it to GemStone if you know a bit about GemStone. All the OpenDBX function calls are together in a Platform class in which we have PharoPlatform as default...but we could easily create a subclass and use GemStone FFI. 

Do you know if GemStone 64bits FFI supports 64 bits libraries? and 32 bits?

Anyway...we should be careful about locking the VM... In Pharo they are sync (the lock the whole VM), in VW you can choose (you have both). In GemStone 3.0 Dale told me: 
"the FFI calls are blocking calls, so the pattern one would want to follow when consider using long running FFI calls is to isolate those long running calls in a separate vm similar to the approach that we're using with the Service VM[1] ...



On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I remember a presentation about GemStone status and future in which you
> mention ODBC. At that moment I was interested about it and I asked. It was
> supposed to be included in some version of GemStone. This "ODBC" you were
> talking about was NOT an ODBC client as I imagined, but the other way
> around: that any ODBC client from any language could query GemStone. So
> first question, was this released? what is the satus?
> Say I want to build some reports using Java (JasperReports or whatever)
> would I need "GemBuilder for java"?  Seems a bit overkill to me since it is
> not a whole client/server application. That's why I was asking about ODBC.
> Of course, there could be other workarounds but just wondering.
> Finally, I guess there is no generic ODBC client for GemStone right, so the
> only relational DB I can connect right now is Oracle (with GemConnect
> product)? Has anyway workarounded the scenario where you had to interact
> with another relational DB than Oracle?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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Re: [Glass] FFI [ WAS ] Re: ODBC to GemStone and ODBC from GemStone

James Foster-9

On Oct 1, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Do you know if GemStone 64bits FFI supports 64 bits libraries? and 32 bits?

GemStone/S 64 Bit is a 64-bit application and cannot load a 32-bit library.

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