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[Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

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[Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts

        i have a code to open tcp/ip connection and send data to relative printer device.

        The code work fine into Pharo but i have problem into GLASS.

        The code is :

        [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
                                                                on: Error do: [:ex |
                                                                                                self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
                                                                                                        title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
                                                                                        ex retry]

        A) The block :

                         [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]

                open a tcp/ip connection and send data to the printer.

        B) The on: Error do: [:ex |

                        is define to manage  some connection problem ( for example if the tcp/ip  printer is off )

                        If this happens the   jqDialog is open  to indicate at the user the problem.

        Now in Pharo when i have a connection problem and the: ex retry   is execute   all work fine,

                and the retry  loop with jqDialog  segnalation  until the  connection is ok,  and the ticket is printed.

        Into GLASS when i have connection problem and the:   ex retry is  execute  the relative gem go down

                        and i need soon to restart  the GLASS environment  (All WAFastCGIAdaptor is down )

        Thanks for any considerations.


P.S. Of course if the connection is ok all works fine in both the environment.
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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts

> HI,
> i have a code to open tcp/ip connection and send data to relative printer device.
> The code work fine into Pharo but i have problem into GLASS.
> The code is :
> [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
> on: Error do: [:ex |

        i remove the jqDialog user action

> self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
> title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
        and add :  ( Delay forSeconds: 20) wait.

> ex retry]

        With this code the ex retry work fine :    it loop until the connection is ok.

        A this point how i can manage the browser interface to advised the user  of the connection problem and resubmit the printer task ?

The AbstractException class   retry method  is :

        AbstractException retry
          "When sent within an ANSI handler's handlerBlock ,
           resume execution by sending  #value  to the receiver of the
           #on:do: send which installed the currently active handlerBlock ,
  and using the stack frame of that #on:do: .

   Any ensure: blocks between top of stack and that #on:do: will
  be executed and stack trimmed back before resuming execution.
  Generates an error if sent within a legacy handler's handlerBlock,
  or if stack trim would cross the frame of a C primitive or user action."

        ^self retryUsing: nil

        This user action is in conflict with the jqDialog ???

        Thanks for any advise,


> A) The block :
> [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
> open a tcp/ip connection and send data to the printer.
> B) The on: Error do: [:ex |
> is define to manage  some connection problem ( for example if the tcp/ip  printer is off )
> If this happens the   jqDialog is open  to indicate at the user the problem.
> Now in Pharo when i have a connection problem and the: ex retry   is execute   all work fine,
> and the retry  loop with jqDialog  segnalation  until the  connection is ok,  and the ticket is printed.
> Into GLASS when i have connection problem and the:   ex retry is  execute  the relative gem go down
> and i need soon to restart  the GLASS environment  (All WAFastCGIAdaptor is down )
> Thanks for any considerations.
> Dario
> P.S. Of course if the connection is ok all works fine in both the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

Richard Sargent
946 posts
Dario Trussardi wrote
        i remove the jqDialog user action

> self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
> title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
        and add :  ( Delay forSeconds: 20) wait.
Hi Dario,

At this point, I would be suspicious of something in the jqDialog>>#openOnException:onModel: method (or methods it calls) interfering with the exception. Check what operations against the exception are executed when handling it via the dialogue.

By the way, the Gem should have written a log. We normally clean them up on a clean exit, but the crashing version should keep its log around. I believe I have seen messages saying the Gem's logs are normally in /opt/gemstone ..., but I am not certain of that.

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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

Dale Henrichs-3
2163 posts
In reply to this post by dario trussardi

Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...

Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:

  - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
    Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
    while waiting for the print job to be handled
  - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can 
    avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
    set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
    code following the exception might work as well ...

There might be other approaches as well...


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> HI,
>       i have a code to open tcp/ip connection and send data to relative printer device.
>       The code work fine into Pharo but i have problem into GLASS.
>       The code is :
>       [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>                                                               on: Error do: [:ex |

        i remove the jqDialog user action

>                                                                                               self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
>                                                                                               title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
        and add :                         ( Delay forSeconds: 20) wait.

>                                                                                       ex retry]

        With this code the      ex retry                work fine :    it loop until the connection is ok.

        A this point how i can manage the browser interface to advised the user  of the connection problem and resubmit the printer task ?

The AbstractException class   retry method  is :

        AbstractException       retry
          "When sent within an ANSI handler's handlerBlock ,
           resume execution by sending  #value  to the receiver of the
           #on:do: send which installed the currently active handlerBlock ,
         and using the stack frame of that #on:do: .

          Any ensure: blocks between top of stack and that #on:do: will
         be executed and stack trimmed back before resuming execution.

        Generates an error if sent within a legacy handler's handlerBlock,
        or if stack trim would cross the frame of a C primitive or user action."

        ^self retryUsing: nil

        This             user action             is in conflict with the jqDialog ???

        Thanks for any advise,


>       A)      The     block :
>                        [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>               open a tcp/ip connection and send data to the printer.
>       B) The  on: Error do: [:ex |
>                       is define to manage  some connection problem ( for example if the tcp/ip  printer is off )
>                       If this happens the   jqDialog is open  to indicate at the user the problem.
>       Now in Pharo when i have a connection problem and the:           ex retry                  is execute   all work fine,
>               and the retry  loop with jqDialog  segnalation  until the  connection is ok,  and the ticket is printed.
>       Into GLASS when i have connection problem and the:         ex retry             is  execute  the relative gem go down
>                       and i need soon to restart  the GLASS environment  (All WAFastCGIAdaptor is down )
>       Thanks for any considerations.
>               Dario
> P.S. Of course if the connection is ok all works fine in both the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts



Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...

Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:

  - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
    Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
    while waiting for the print job to be handled
what service ?

  - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can 
    avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
    set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
    code following the exception might work as well ...

How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?

Anyone has an example about it ?

There might be other approaches as well...

I change my code for go out from exception :  ex return: false

and manage a new request .

With this the whileFalse loop ok two times, after the gem go down.

[ stampaok]  whileFalse:[ 
stampaok := true.
[TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
on: Error do: [:ex |
self  jqDialog:  (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)

stampaok := false.
ex return: false.
I allegate the relative  WAFast*** .log.




On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> HI,
>       i have a code to open tcp/ip connection and send data to relative printer device.
>       The code work fine into Pharo but i have problem into GLASS.
>       The code is :
>       [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>                                                               on: Error do: [:ex |

        i remove the jqDialog user action

>                                                                                               self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
>                                                                                               title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
        and add :                         ( Delay forSeconds: 20) wait.

>                                                                                       ex retry]

        With this code the      ex retry                work fine :    it loop until the connection is ok.

        A this point how i can manage the browser interface to advised the user  of the connection problem and resubmit the printer task ?

The AbstractException class   retry method  is :

        AbstractException       retry
          "When sent within an ANSI handler's handlerBlock ,
           resume execution by sending  #value  to the receiver of the
           #on:do: send which installed the currently active handlerBlock ,
         and using the stack frame of that #on:do: .

          Any ensure: blocks between top of stack and that #on:do: will
         be executed and stack trimmed back before resuming execution.

        Generates an error if sent within a legacy handler's handlerBlock,
        or if stack trim would cross the frame of a C primitive or user action."

        ^self retryUsing: nil

        This             user action             is in conflict with the jqDialog ???

        Thanks for any advise,


>       A)      The     block :
>                        [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>               open a tcp/ip connection and send data to the printer.
>       B) The  on: Error do: [:ex |
>                       is define to manage  some connection problem ( for example if the tcp/ip  printer is off )
>                       If this happens the   jqDialog is open  to indicate at the user the problem.
>       Now in Pharo when i have a connection problem and the:           ex retry                  is execute   all work fine,
>               and the retry  loop with jqDialog  segnalation  until the  connection is ok,  and the ticket is printed.
>       Into GLASS when i have connection problem and the:         ex retry             is  execute  the relative gem go down
>                       and i need soon to restart  the GLASS environment  (All WAFastCGIAdaptor is down )
>       Thanks for any considerations.
>               Dario
> P.S. Of course if the connection is ok all works fine in both the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts



Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...

Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:

  - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
    Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
    while waiting for the print job to be handled
what service ?

  - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can 
    avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
    set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
    code following the exception might work as well ...

How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?

Anyone has an example about it ?

There might be other approaches as well...

I change my code for go out from exception :   ex return: false

and manage a new request .

With this the whileFalse loop ok two times, after the gem go down.

[ stampaok]  whileFalse:[ 
stampaok := true.
 [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
 on: Error do: [:ex |
self  jqDialog:  (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)

stampaok := false.
ex return: false.
I allegate the relative  WAFast*** .log.




I semplificate the code:

[ stampaok]  whileFalse:[ 
stampaok := true.
 [ Error signal: 'error'  ]
 on: Error do: [:ex |  self inform:  'ERRORE STAMPA'.
stampaok := false.
ex return: false. ].

It loop well two times after the gem go down.

I wrong something ?



On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> HI,
>       i have a code to open tcp/ip connection and send data to relative printer device.
>       The code work fine into Pharo but i have problem into GLASS.
>       The code is :
>       [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>                                                               on: Error do: [:ex |

        i remove the jqDialog user action

>                                                                                               self  jqDialog: (DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: ex onModel: dcmModel)
>                                                                                               title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'.
        and add :                         ( Delay forSeconds: 20) wait.

>                                                                                       ex retry]

        With this code the      ex retry                work fine :    it loop until the connection is ok.

        A this point how i can manage the browser interface to advised the user  of the connection problem and resubmit the printer task ?

The AbstractException class   retry method  is :

        AbstractException       retry
          "When sent within an ANSI handler's handlerBlock ,
           resume execution by sending  #value  to the receiver of the
           #on:do: send which installed the currently active handlerBlock ,
         and using the stack frame of that #on:do: .

          Any ensure: blocks between top of stack and that #on:do: will
         be executed and stack trimmed back before resuming execution.

        Generates an error if sent within a legacy handler's handlerBlock,
        or if stack trim would cross the frame of a C primitive or user action."

        ^self retryUsing: nil

        This             user action             is in conflict with the jqDialog ???

        Thanks for any advise,


>       A)      The     block :
>                        [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
>               open a tcp/ip connection and send data to the printer.
>       B) The  on: Error do: [:ex |
>                       is define to manage  some connection problem ( for example if the tcp/ip  printer is off )
>                       If this happens the   jqDialog is open  to indicate at the user the problem.
>       Now in Pharo when i have a connection problem and the:           ex retry                  is execute   all work fine,
>               and the retry  loop with jqDialog  segnalation  until the  connection is ok,  and the ticket is printed.
>       Into GLASS when i have connection problem and the:         ex retry             is  execute  the relative gem go down
>                       and i need soon to restart  the GLASS environment  (All WAFastCGIAdaptor is down )
>       Thanks for any considerations.
>               Dario
> P.S. Of course if the connection is ok all works fine in both the environment.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts

> Ciao,
>> Ciao,
>>> Dario,
>>> Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...
>>> Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:
>>>   - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
>>>     Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
>>>     while waiting for the print job to be handled
>> what service ?

        Any indication about it, for not block the gem ?

>>>   - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can
>>>     avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
>>>     set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
>>>     code following the exception might work as well ...
>> How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?
>> Anyone has an example about it ?
>>> There might be other approaches as well...

I complete extrapolate the iqDialog from on: do:  exception :

                stampaok:= false.
                erroreTcpIP := false.
                [ stampaok]  whileFalse:[
                        stampaok := true.
                        erroreTcpIP ifTrue:[ self jqDialog: ( DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: exRef
                                                                                                                                onModel: dcmModel)
                                                                                title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'. ].
                         [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
                                 on: PrinterError do: [:ex | exRef := ex .
                                                                        erroreTcpIP := true.
                                                                        stampaok := false.
                                                                        ex return: false. ].

Now the while loop work fine.



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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

Dale Henrichs-3
2163 posts

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Ciao,
>> Ciao,
>>> Dario,
>>> Yes, trying to do a seaside callback inside the exception is a use case that has not been tested in GemStone, so I am not surpirsed that it causes a nasty problem...
>>> Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of different approaches:
>>>   - given that it may take time for the print connection to succeed, I'd replace the
>>>     Delay loop with a call to a sevice vm that way the seaside gem is not blocked
>>>     while waiting for the print job to be handled
>>      what service ?

        Any indication about it, for not block the gem ?

The service vm is described here[1]

>>>   - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can
>>>     avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
>>>     set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
>>>     code following the exception might work as well ...
>>      How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?
>>      Anyone has an example about it ?
>>> There might be other approaches as well...

I complete extrapolate the iqDialog from on: do:  exception :

                stampaok:= false.
                erroreTcpIP := false.

                [ stampaok]  whileFalse:[
                        stampaok := true.
                        erroreTcpIP ifTrue:[ self jqDialog: ( DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: exRef
                                                                                                                                onModel: dcmModel)
                                                                                title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'. ].

                         [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
                                 on: PrinterError do: [:ex |    exRef := ex .
                                                                        erroreTcpIP := true.
                                                                        stampaok := false.
                                                                        ex return: false. ].

Now the while loop work fine.

I would think that this while loop would be touchy to use in a multi-vm GemStone scenario since http requests would be delivered to a different vm, unless you are using session affinity or a single gem ...


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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

dario trussardi
422 posts

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

The service vm is described here[1]

>>>   - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can
>>>     avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
>>>     set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
>>>     code following the exception might work as well ...
>>      How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?
>>      Anyone has an example about it ?
>>> There might be other approaches as well...

I complete extrapolate the iqDialog from on: do:  exception :

                stampaok:= false.
                erroreTcpIP := false.

                [ stampaok]  whileFalse:[
                        stampaok := true.
                        erroreTcpIP ifTrue:[ self jqDialog: ( DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: exRef
                                                                                                                                onModel: dcmModel)
                                                                                title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'. ].

                         [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
                                 on: PrinterError do: [:ex |    exRef := ex .
                                                                        erroreTcpIP := true.
                                                                        stampaok := false.
                                                                        ex return: false. ].

Now the while loop work fine.

I would think that this while loop would be touchy to use in a multi-vm GemStone scenario since http requests would be delivered to a different vm, unless you are using session affinity or a single gem 

Thanks Dale,

but what do you intend for session affinity ?

When i have a method with temporary  variables and i do a callback  or   a jqDialog   as on 

i lose this temporary data ?

What are the data on which i can rely,  into on environment with more gem  where http request would be delivered to a different vm ?

Thanks for any considerations,


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Re: [Glass] Gem go down when ex retry is manage for aBlock on: do:

Dale Henrichs-3
2163 posts

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:17 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:

The service vm is described here[1]

>>>   - you might be able to successfully trigger a dialog to pop up if you can
>>>     avoid making the jquery call inside the exception block ... something where you
>>>     set a flag inside the exception block and pop up the dialog for retry in the
>>>     code following the exception might work as well ...
>>      How i can open a pop up when exception occured ?
>>      Anyone has an example about it ?
>>> There might be other approaches as well...

I complete extrapolate the iqDialog from on: do:  exception :

                stampaok:= false.
                erroreTcpIP := false.

                [ stampaok]  whileFalse:[
                        stampaok := true.
                        erroreTcpIP ifTrue:[ self jqDialog: ( DTRCassaDialogConferma openOnException: exRef
                                                                                                                                onModel: dcmModel)
                                                                                title: 'ERRORE STAMPA'. ].

                         [TicketBaseTipoCentriCarico newOn: dcmModel dettagli: tfDettagli onPrinter: rfrMaster aPrinterTicket ]
                                 on: PrinterError do: [:ex |    exRef := ex .
                                                                        erroreTcpIP := true.
                                                                        stampaok := false.
                                                                        ex return: false. ].

Now the while loop work fine.

I would think that this while loop would be touchy to use in a multi-vm GemStone scenario since http requests would be delivered to a different vm, unless you are using session affinity or a single gem 

Thanks Dale,

but what do you intend for session affinity ?

I haven't kept up with session affinity for GemStone, but I mentioned it because that is one that the loop in seaside code might behave correctly ... 

In general I don't think it is a good idea to try to get too fancy in the seaside code (long delays, loops and forked processes) because this fanciness doesn't work well across multiple gems ...


When i have a method with temporary  variables and i do a callback  or   a jqDialog   as on 

i lose this temporary data ?

The callback implementation preserves the temp vars on the stack, but if the jqDialog sends a request and you are running with multiple gems the request will not end up coming to the same gem ...  I am not really familiar with the mechanics of a jqDialog, but I am suspicious of a loop in a seaside reequest (on general principles) ... if the call is working for you then it must be okay ... but I am a bit surprised (and it may just be my ignorance:)

What are the data on which i can rely,  into on environment with more gem  where http request would be delivered to a different vm ?

With the "standard way of running GemStone with multiple gems" each http request is routed to a different gem. The seaside session state is persisted so any gem is capable of handling the ensuing request ...

Loops in seaside response code that wrap jquery calls cause my brain to explode because I can't imagine how the loop can ever run correctly:)  I grant that it could just be a failure of my imagination, but that doesn't change the fact that brain explodes trying to wrap itself around the concept:)


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