Hi guys,
I am trying to use WAGemStoneWalkback >> #renderStackOn: to nicely render a continuation that I get from WAObjectLog. The problem is that in the ObjectLogEntry what I have is a GsProcess (stored in the 'continuation' instVar), not the exception itself.
WAGemStoneWalkback needs some initialization of the frames:
initializeWithException: anException
| context |
super initializeWithException: anException.
context := self currentContextForWalkback.
frames := OrderedCollection new.
[ context isNil ] whileFalse: [
frames add: context.
context := context sender ].
limit := 5 min: frames size
So...how could I get the 'frames' filled in the WAGemStoneWalkback out of the GsProcess stored as continuation in the ObjectLog ?
The complicated part seems to be to get the GsContext our of GsProcess (I need to mimic #currentContextForWalkback).
Any idea how could I do this?
Thanks in advance,
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