[Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

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[Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
Hi Dale,

that is amazing news! Thank you!

There is one thing that I would love to try out!
Could you please compile the needed communication dlls for RaspbianOS on ARM architecture.

I would love to try out to connect ScratchOnPi with the needed tODE layer and serverBlocks during the Spring CampSmalltalk in Nanaimo,BC Canada end of April.

The only thing I am not really aware of is the question if it is possible at all to load the tODE communication layers into a Squeak image? Would it?

It is really too unfortunate that Pharo's VirtualGPU needs NativeBoost which is not available for the ARM VMs.... The other thing I would love to try out is having a Gemstone Pharo VirtualGPU tODE-ServerBlock Parallella board setup.

So if somebody has an idea on how to set this up, please let me know or come to the CampSmalltalk ;-)


On 2015-04-15 10:23 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
+1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1    +1


Am 16.04.2015 um 08:02 schrieb Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass:

> Hi Dale,
> that is amazing news! Thank you!
> There is one thing that I would love to try out!
> Could you please compile the needed communication dlls for RaspbianOS on
> ARM architecture.
> I would love to try out to connect ScratchOnPi with the needed tODE
> layer and serverBlocks during the Spring CampSmalltalk in Nanaimo,BC
> Canada end of April.
> The only thing I am not really aware of is the question if it is
> possible at all to load the tODE communication layers into a Squeak
> image? Would it?
> It is really too unfortunate that Pharo's VirtualGPU needs NativeBoost
> which is not available for the ARM VMs.... The other thing I would love
> to try out is having a Gemstone Pharo VirtualGPU tODE-ServerBlock
> Parallella board setup.
> So if somebody has an idea on how to set this up, please let me know or
> come to the CampSmalltalk ;-)

Marten Feldtmann
Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On 4/15/15 11:02 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass wrote:
Hi Dale,

that is amazing news! Thank you!
Well it's in the very early stages, but I do think it has some interesting potential:)

There is one thing that I would love to try out!
Could you please compile the needed communication dlls for RaspbianOS on ARM architecture.

I would love to try out to connect ScratchOnPi with the needed tODE layer and serverBlocks during the Spring CampSmalltalk in Nanaimo,BC Canada end of April.
Well, on the one hand I would love to say, yes, but you have to understand that building the dlls on a new architecture does not come without a significant commitment on our part ... if we're lucky the dlls will build without problems in RaspbianOS, but to get to that point we need to port our development environment to RaspbianOS, if we're lucky that port will go without a hitch ... if we're lucky then your experiment is successful, but then we will be faced with the prospect of supporting a new architecture ... without a business case.

So perhaps we should take this discussion off-line and see what we can work out? We are in the midst of our push for 3.3, so we don't have a lot of spare cycles right now...

The only thing I am not really aware of is the question if it is possible at all to load the tODE communication layers into a Squeak image? Would it?
tODE can be ported to Squeak ... it's one of the items on my todo list ... The communication layer code is based on the GemTools code base which shouild work on both Pharo and Squeak. OTOH, I am using some Pharo specific widget/menu code for the list and text views, but with a little work I am certain that the gui can be ported to Squeak.

Unfortunately I do not have the cycles to put into this ... I'm running on fumes as it is:) I am willing to help, but I can't take the point on doing this right now.

Is it possible to do your proof of concept work for Scratch without having to run on the ARM? That will save quite a bit of up front effort that would be needed just to have the experiment fail on the ARM ... I'm guessing the tODE port to Squeak could be done within a week or so...

It is really too unfortunate that Pharo's VirtualGPU needs NativeBoost which is not available for the ARM VMs.... The other thing I would love to try out is having a Gemstone Pharo VirtualGPU tODE-ServerBlock Parallella board setup.
It looks like the Parallela runs Ubuntu14.04 so this might be an easier route to go?


Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
Hi Dale,

which are the branches on has to load in order to get this package in a tODE image?

I am missing he TDShell forSessionNamed: method.

Am I right that this would be the implementation?
TDShell class >>
forSessionNamed: aSessionName
  ^ self sessionDescription: (TDSessionDescription importFrom: self sessionDescriptionHome, aSessionName)


On 2015-04-15 10:23 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

Follow these directions to do use the server blocks install[1] ... for best results right now follow all of the steps with a fresh clone so you'll get the right checkout of gsDevKitHome and tODE ... the standard installs are written to work with the master branches, but both projects are in development ... part of the installation instructions arrange for you to load the dev branch of tode in both pharo and gemstone...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md#roassal-visualization-setup-and-install

On 4/18/15 6:51 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass wrote:
Hi Dale,

which are the branches on has to load in order to get this package in a tODE image?

I am missing he TDShell forSessionNamed: method.

Am I right that this would be the implementation?
TDShell class >>
forSessionNamed: aSessionName
  ^ self sessionDescription: (TDSessionDescription importFrom: self sessionDescriptionHome, aSessionName)


On 2015-04-15 10:23 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
Hi Dale,

This is very interesting!!! Not exactly right now, BUT at some point in the future, i was thinking an scenario where this could really be of help. Basically, I have some jobs that would take hours/days to run (for example neural networks implementations for backtesting and automated trading). And these jobs may not read/write much of the data in GemStone. So what I thought is to fire up several Pharo images to split the work and to avoid collapsing the stone that will be used for other things as well.  With that strategy in mind, I needed to somehow resolve the read/write of the little data I need (either REST + json or whatever). But this server blocks idea may be exactly what I need.

I hope I have the chance in the future to try this out.

Thanks a lot, very interesting.  I have some other ideas in mind...like consuming a no-sql or sql db from pharo and push data into gemstone (otherwise you would need to find another way). Anyway...lots of ideas come to my mind where this could be useful. 

On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 12:54 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

Follow these directions to do use the server blocks install[1] ... for best results right now follow all of the steps with a fresh clone so you'll get the right checkout of gsDevKitHome and tODE ... the standard installs are written to work with the master branches, but both projects are in development ... part of the installation instructions arrange for you to load the dev branch of tode in both pharo and gemstone...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md#roassal-visualization-setup-and-install

On 4/18/15 6:51 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass wrote:
Hi Dale,

which are the branches on has to load in order to get this package in a tODE image?

I am missing he TDShell forSessionNamed: method.

Am I right that this would be the implementation?
TDShell class >>
forSessionNamed: aSessionName
  ^ self sessionDescription: (TDSessionDescription importFrom: self sessionDescriptionHome, aSessionName)


On 2015-04-15 10:23 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

On 04/21/2015 08:57 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> This is very interesting!!! Not exactly right now, BUT at some point
> in the future, i was thinking an scenario where this could really be
> of help. Basically, I have some jobs that would take hours/days to run
> (for example neural networks implementations for backtesting and
> automated trading). And these jobs may not read/write much of the data
> in GemStone. So what I thought is to fire up several Pharo images to
> split the work and to avoid collapsing the stone that will be used for
> other things as well.
Yes this type of "light weight" stone access is one of the things that
server blocks are good for ... you can login and logout on demand so
there is no need to keep sessions alive for long periods of time ...
> With that strategy in mind, I needed to somehow resolve the read/write
> of the little data I need (either REST + json or whatever). But this
> server blocks idea may be exactly what I need.
Yep ... I think the best model is to keep things simple (thus the
emphasis on thin client) ... but the built-in STON access and the
ability to execute arbitrary Smalltalk on the server makes server blocks
superior to a restful interface ... Obviously for external use REST is
the right thing but for trusted clients it's really a good way to go ...
> I hope I have the chance in the future to try this out.
Drop me a line before trying in case the api or dev instructions change[1].

> Thanks a lot, very interesting.  I have some other ideas in
> mind...like consuming a no-sql or sql db from pharo and push data into
> gemstone (otherwise you would need to find another way). Anyway...lots
> of ideas come to my mind where this could be useful.
That's what is nice about server Blocks ... they provide a low-level and
simple interface to GemStone upon which interesting capabilities can be
built ...

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 04/21/2015 08:57 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale,

This is very interesting!!! Not exactly right now, BUT at some point in the future, i was thinking an scenario where this could really be of help. Basically, I have some jobs that would take hours/days to run (for example neural networks implementations for backtesting and automated trading). And these jobs may not read/write much of the data in GemStone. So what I thought is to fire up several Pharo images to split the work and to avoid collapsing the stone that will be used for other things as well.
Yes this type of "light weight" stone access is one of the things that server blocks are good for ... you can login and logout on demand so there is no need to keep sessions alive for long periods of time ...
With that strategy in mind, I needed to somehow resolve the read/write of the little data I need (either REST + json or whatever). But this server blocks idea may be exactly what I need.
Yep ... I think the best model is to keep things simple (thus the emphasis on thin client) ... but the built-in STON access and the ability to execute arbitrary Smalltalk on the server makes server blocks superior to a restful interface ... Obviously for external use REST is the right thing but for trusted clients it's really a good way to go ...


I fully agree with all you said. There is something I would really like to know and it's about the exact type of primitive objects that can successfully be serialized from Pharo to GemStone (are these the tests of STONWriterTests?) . That is... the tempvars 'x' and 'y' of your example. I think I remember you saying there were some problems with certain type of objects.... 

I hope I have the chance in the future to try this out.
Drop me a line before trying in case the api or dev instructions change[1].

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md#roassal-visualization-setup-and-install

Thanks a lot, very interesting.  I have some other ideas in mind...like consuming a no-sql or sql db from pharo and push data into gemstone (otherwise you would need to find another way). Anyway...lots of ideas come to my mind where this could be useful.

That's what is nice about server Blocks ... they provide a low-level and simple interface to GemStone upon which interesting capabilities can be built ...



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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
There are a couple of things going on with STON serialization:

1. Out of the box STON works with pure  indexable classes and pure non-indexable classes. Classes with instance variables and indexable fields will cause STON to choke. BUT it is possible to write a custom serializer for those instances. See the Text class in a tODE stone for an example.

2. The class must be defined on both systems otherwise custom serialization code must be written ...

3. Out of the box STON expects to find the same set of instance variables on both sides. STON represents objects as  a collection of instance variable name/value pairs (or an indexed list of values) and when de-serializing will throw an error if an instance variable is missing ... Again custom serializer code can be written to paper over minor differences between implementations.

With that said, it is pretty easy to write custom serialization ...

So out of the box you can depend upon the list of classes in STONWriterTests to work, plus any pure non-indexable/indexable classes that have the  same shapes on both systems will work.

For example if your model code is loaded on both Gemstone and Pharo and the object graph is made up ov common classes, the you can pass instances of your model across the wire with the caveat that identity is not maintained (can you say custome serialization?).


On 04/21/2015 09:32 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 04/21/2015 08:57 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale,

This is very interesting!!! Not exactly right now, BUT at some point in the future, i was thinking an scenario where this could really be of help. Basically, I have some jobs that would take hours/days to run (for example neural networks implementations for backtesting and automated trading). And these jobs may not read/write much of the data in GemStone. So what I thought is to fire up several Pharo images to split the work and to avoid collapsing the stone that will be used for other things as well.
Yes this type of "light weight" stone access is one of the things that server blocks are good for ... you can login and logout on demand so there is no need to keep sessions alive for long periods of time ...
With that strategy in mind, I needed to somehow resolve the read/write of the little data I need (either REST + json or whatever). But this server blocks idea may be exactly what I need.
Yep ... I think the best model is to keep things simple (thus the emphasis on thin client) ... but the built-in STON access and the ability to execute arbitrary Smalltalk on the server makes server blocks superior to a restful interface ... Obviously for external use REST is the right thing but for trusted clients it's really a good way to go ...


I fully agree with all you said. There is something I would really like to know and it's about the exact type of primitive objects that can successfully be serialized from Pharo to GemStone (are these the tests of STONWriterTests?) . That is... the tempvars 'x' and 'y' of your example. I think I remember you saying there were some problems with certain type of objects.... 

I hope I have the chance in the future to try this out.
Drop me a line before trying in case the api or dev instructions change[1].

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md#roassal-visualization-setup-and-install

Thanks a lot, very interesting.  I have some other ideas in mind...like consuming a no-sql or sql db from pharo and push data into gemstone (otherwise you would need to find another way). Anyway...lots of ideas come to my mind where this could be useful.

That's what is nice about server Blocks ... they provide a low-level and simple interface to GemStone upon which interesting capabilities can be built ...



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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
There are a couple of things going on with STON serialization:

1. Out of the box STON works with pure  indexable classes and pure non-indexable classes. Classes with instance variables and indexable fields will cause STON to choke. BUT it is possible to write a custom serializer for those instances. See the Text class in a tODE stone for an example.

2. The class must be defined on both systems otherwise custom serialization code must be written ...

3. Out of the box STON expects to find the same set of instance variables on both sides. STON represents objects as  a collection of instance variable name/value pairs (or an indexed list of values) and when de-serializing will throw an error if an instance variable is missing ... Again custom serializer code can be written to paper over minor differences between implementations.

With that said, it is pretty easy to write custom serialization ...

So out of the box you can depend upon the list of classes in STONWriterTests to work, plus any pure non-indexable/indexable classes that have the  same shapes on both systems will work.

For example if your model code is loaded on both Gemstone and Pharo and the object graph is made up ov common classes, the you can pass instances of your model across the wire with the caveat that identity is not maintained (can you say custome serialization?).

Thanks Dale, that is pretty clear. 


On 04/21/2015 09:32 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 04/21/2015 08:57 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale,

This is very interesting!!! Not exactly right now, BUT at some point in the future, i was thinking an scenario where this could really be of help. Basically, I have some jobs that would take hours/days to run (for example neural networks implementations for backtesting and automated trading). And these jobs may not read/write much of the data in GemStone. So what I thought is to fire up several Pharo images to split the work and to avoid collapsing the stone that will be used for other things as well.
Yes this type of "light weight" stone access is one of the things that server blocks are good for ... you can login and logout on demand so there is no need to keep sessions alive for long periods of time ...
With that strategy in mind, I needed to somehow resolve the read/write of the little data I need (either REST + json or whatever). But this server blocks idea may be exactly what I need.
Yep ... I think the best model is to keep things simple (thus the emphasis on thin client) ... but the built-in STON access and the ability to execute arbitrary Smalltalk on the server makes server blocks superior to a restful interface ... Obviously for external use REST is the right thing but for trusted clients it's really a good way to go ...


I fully agree with all you said. There is something I would really like to know and it's about the exact type of primitive objects that can successfully be serialized from Pharo to GemStone (are these the tests of STONWriterTests?) . That is... the tempvars 'x' and 'y' of your example. I think I remember you saying there were some problems with certain type of objects.... 

I hope I have the chance in the future to try this out.
Drop me a line before trying in case the api or dev instructions change[1].

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md#roassal-visualization-setup-and-install

Thanks a lot, very interesting.  I have some other ideas in mind...like consuming a no-sql or sql db from pharo and push data into gemstone (otherwise you would need to find another way). Anyway...lots of ideas come to my mind where this could be useful.

That's what is nice about server Blocks ... they provide a low-level and simple interface to GemStone upon which interesting capabilities can be built ...




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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

On 4/21/15 7:01 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization.
The short answer is yes.

The long answer is that there is a bit of client-side code that is written in Pharo now that would have to be ported to GemStone. The bits that are specific to server blocks is a pretty small slice of code, but it is a chunk of code ...

I think I see where you are going with this - moving object graphs between stones?:)

I guess the one sticking point is that it may not be quite as easy to automatically extract variable references from blocks, so it would probably make sense to just pass block args across the wire ... not quite as "fancy" but still very functional ...


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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list


Depending on what you mean by "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2 includes something called GsExternalSession. It it capable of executing Smalltalk specified in  Block on a separate session against the same stone or a different one.

It doesn't support copying object graphs, but if your definition of execute stuff has limited requirements for exchanging data, it could be what you are looking for.
See the 3.2 documentation for details.

On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:55 AM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 4/21/15 7:01 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization.
The short answer is yes.

The long answer is that there is a bit of client-side code that is written in Pharo now that would have to be ported to GemStone. The bits that are specific to server blocks is a pretty small slice of code, but it is a chunk of code ...

OK, I see. 
I think I see where you are going with this - moving object graphs between stones?:)


I guess the one sticking point is that it may not be quite as easy to automatically extract variable references from blocks, so it would probably make sense to just pass block args across the wire ... not quite as "fancy" but still very functional ...

Ok, I see. 

Thanks Dale for the answer 


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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Richard Sargent <[hidden email]> wrote:


Depending on what you mean by "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2 includes something called GsExternalSession. It it capable of executing Smalltalk specified in  Block on a separate session against the same stone or a different one.

It doesn't support copying object graphs, but if your definition of execute stuff has limited requirements for exchanging data, it could be what you are looking for.
See the 3.2 documentation for details.

Good to know too. Thanks Richard. 

On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
Thanks again Dale !

here are three small examples using these blocks in the roassal workspace of tODE:  https://vimeo.com/126435220

I highlight here the server blocks in red.

The first one is a Mondrian view of the class Collection (server side) with all it's subclasses.
The classes are processed in the block and stocked statically on the variable "classes".

| b classes |
classes := shell onServerDo:[Collection withAllSubclasses collect: [ :c | c name -> {(c superClass name). ((c instVarNamed: #methDicts asString) numElements)}]].

b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle.
b nodes: classes.
b edges connectFrom: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]] .

b shape bezierLineFollowing: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]];
     color: (Color blue alpha: 0.2).

b normalizer
    normalizeSize: [:e | e value second ] using: #sqrt;
    normalizeColor: [:e | e value second ] using: (Array with: Color green with: Color red) using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.
b build.
b view open

The second script use the RTExploraBuilder to do the same process, but this time the builder call dynamically the server on clics (we are using the oop of objects).

| builder |
    builder := RTExploraBuilder new.
    builder shape circle
        size: 30;
        color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5);
        if: [ :cls |
            (shell onServerDo: [ (Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses size]) = 0 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
        layout: [RTClusterLayout new horizontalGap: 80];
        onClickExplore: [ :cls |
            shell onServerDo: [ ((Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses collect: [:c | c asString -> c asOop]) asArray ]
        withPopup: [:cls | cls key];
        node: (shell onServerDo: [Collection asString -> Collection asOop]);

The last script is about users. This need the last version of Roassal. We present some selection menus, a button and a radar Chart. Created with the RTMenuBuilder the button add a new user on the server with the characteristics selected in the other menus and present the characteristics of the added users on a Kiviat chart on the view.

|nameMenus privilegeMenus groupMenus|
    v := RTView new.
    kiv := RTKiviatBuilder new view: v.
    n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: (kiv objects).
    kiv shape circle color: [ :value | n rtValue: value kiviatNode named]; size: 10.

    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v second size] max: 5 title: 'groups'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v third size] max: 5 title: 'privileges'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v first size] max: 10 title: 'name'.

    kiv activatePolygons.
    kiv build.
    b := RTMenuBuilder new view: v.
    nameMenus := Array with: ('Henri'->[:m |]) with: ('Bob'->[:m |]) with: ('Robert'->[:m |]).
    groupMenus := Array with: ('Subscribers'->[:m |]) with:('Publishers'->[:m |]).
    privilegeMenus := Array with: ('ObsoleteStatistics'->[:m |]) with:('UserPassword'->[:m |]) with:('SessionAccess'->[:m |]).

    b menu: 'add User' callback: [
        |name groups privileges |
        name := (nameMenus detect: [ :m | m selected ]) name.
        groups := (groupMenus select: [:m | m selected]) collect: [:g | g name].
        privileges := (privilegeMenus select: [:m | m selected])  collect: [:p | p name].
        shell onServerDo: [
            AllUsers addNewUserWithId: name password: '' defaultObjectSecurityPolicy: nil privileges: privileges inGroups: groups .
            System commitTransaction.]
        kiv addDynamicObject: (Array with: (name) with: (groups) with: (privileges))

    nameMenus := b menu: 'user' subcheckmenus: nameMenus background: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
    RTMenuGroup on: nameMenus.
    nameMenus first selected: true.

    groupMenus := b menu: 'groups' subcheckmenus: groupMenus background: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
    groupMenus first selected: true.

    privilegeMenus := b menu: 'privileges' subcheckmenus: privilegeMenus background: (Color green alpha: 0.3).
    privilegeMenus first selected: true.
    b view open.



2015-04-23 19:58 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass <[hidden email]>:

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Richard Sargent <[hidden email]> wrote:


Depending on what you mean by "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2 includes something called GsExternalSession. It it capable of executing Smalltalk specified in  Block on a separate session against the same stone or a different one.

It doesn't support copying object graphs, but if your definition of execute stuff has limited requirements for exchanging data, it could be what you are looking for.
See the 3.2 documentation for details.

Good to know too. Thanks Richard. 

On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
Hi Pierre,

I dabbled around with the serverBlocks during CampSmalltalk, too and I like your ObjectPointer solution.
I just wanted to ask whethere there is some kind of lazy initialiyation in Roassal? I encountered some issues.

I also want to report a bug in the implementation and will file it as soo nas I am working on this again.
For the executeOnServer code string creation there is printString used,.... this results in issues once you would like to upload longer csv strings because they are trimmed and end with "...".

I also have trouble using this functionality from outside the workspace.
E.g. this is more or less the same implementatin as the one in the example and still the onserverDo: Block return an exception complaining about a Parameter 1.

'mycsvFile.csv' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream |  | records numRecords line buffer bufCnt|
        stream nextLine.
         buffer := Array new: 10000.
  bufCnt := 0.
    line:= stream nextLine.
  [ line notNil ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: line.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                MyLineprocessor processLine: record.].
              MySystemExtensionClass markForCollectionAndCommit .
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ].
    line:= stream nextLine].


Did you encounter these problems during your tests, too?

I also want to add that there seems to be a limitation on connections this interface can handle. During debugging I accidently didn't qiot the shell properly and it doesn'T take long until the server had to be restarted due to too many open connections errors.


Am 29.04.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Pierre CHANSON via Glass:
Thanks again Dale !

here are three small examples using these blocks in the roassal workspace of tODE:  https://vimeo.com/126435220

I highlight here the server blocks in red.

The first one is a Mondrian view of the class Collection (server side) with all it's subclasses.
The classes are processed in the block and stocked statically on the variable "classes".

| b classes |
classes := shell onServerDo:[Collection withAllSubclasses collect: [ :c | c name -> {(c superClass name). ((c instVarNamed: #methDicts asString) numElements)}]].

b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle.
b nodes: classes.
b edges connectFrom: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]] .

b shape bezierLineFollowing: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]];
     color: (Color blue alpha: 0.2).

b normalizer
    normalizeSize: [:e | e value second ] using: #sqrt;
    normalizeColor: [:e | e value second ] using: (Array with: Color green with: Color red) using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.
b build.
b view open

The second script use the RTExploraBuilder to do the same process, but this time the builder call dynamically the server on clics (we are using the oop of objects).

| builder |
    builder := RTExploraBuilder new.
    builder shape circle
        size: 30;
        color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5);
        if: [ :cls |
            (shell onServerDo: [ (Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses size]) = 0 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
        layout: [RTClusterLayout new horizontalGap: 80];
        onClickExplore: [ :cls |
            shell onServerDo: [ ((Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses collect: [:c | c asString -> c asOop]) asArray ]
        withPopup: [:cls | cls key];
        node: (shell onServerDo: [Collection asString -> Collection asOop]);

The last script is about users. This need the last version of Roassal. We present some selection menus, a button and a radar Chart. Created with the RTMenuBuilder the button add a new user on the server with the characteristics selected in the other menus and present the characteristics of the added users on a Kiviat chart on the view.

|nameMenus privilegeMenus groupMenus|
    v := RTView new.
    kiv := RTKiviatBuilder new view: v.
    n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: (kiv objects).
    kiv shape circle color: [ :value | n rtValue: value kiviatNode named]; size: 10.

    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v second size] max: 5 title: 'groups'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v third size] max: 5 title: 'privileges'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v first size] max: 10 title: 'name'.

    kiv activatePolygons.
    kiv build.
    b := RTMenuBuilder new view: v.
    nameMenus := Array with: ('Henri'->[:m |]) with: ('Bob'->[:m |]) with: ('Robert'->[:m |]).
    groupMenus := Array with: ('Subscribers'->[:m |]) with:('Publishers'->[:m |]).
    privilegeMenus := Array with: ('ObsoleteStatistics'->[:m |]) with:('UserPassword'->[:m |]) with:('SessionAccess'->[:m |]).

    b menu: 'add User' callback: [
        |name groups privileges |
        name := (nameMenus detect: [ :m | m selected ]) name.
        groups := (groupMenus select: [:m | m selected]) collect: [:g | g name].
        privileges := (privilegeMenus select: [:m | m selected])  collect: [:p | p name].
        shell onServerDo: [
            AllUsers addNewUserWithId: name password: '' defaultObjectSecurityPolicy: nil privileges: privileges inGroups: groups .
            System commitTransaction.]
        kiv addDynamicObject: (Array with: (name) with: (groups) with: (privileges))

    nameMenus := b menu: 'user' subcheckmenus: nameMenus background: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
    RTMenuGroup on: nameMenus.
    nameMenus first selected: true.

    groupMenus := b menu: 'groups' subcheckmenus: groupMenus background: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
    groupMenus first selected: true.

    privilegeMenus := b menu: 'privileges' subcheckmenus: privilegeMenus background: (Color green alpha: 0.3).
    privilegeMenus first selected: true.
    b view open.



2015-04-23 19:58 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass <[hidden email]>:

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Richard Sargent <[hidden email]> wrote:


Depending on what you mean by "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2 includes something called GsExternalSession. It it capable of executing Smalltalk specified in  Block on a separate session against the same stone or a different one.

It doesn't support copying object graphs, but if your definition of execute stuff has limited requirements for exchanging data, it could be what you are looking for.
See the 3.2 documentation for details.

Good to know too. Thanks Richard. 

On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list

On 04/30/2015 09:09 AM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass wrote:
Hi Pierre,

I dabbled around with the serverBlocks during CampSmalltalk, too and I like your ObjectPointer solution.
Yes oops are very convenient for use on the client-side ... the caveat is that you have to be very aware of what you are doing when playing with oops ... a reference to an oop is not strong, so GemStone will freely create new objects with the same oop unless you take precautions ... there are several different approaches that can be used to protect yourself that all boil down to creating a session-based reference to the objects that you are referring to by oop on the client ... just keep in mind that the longer-lived your client-side reference is the more complicated the solution becomes:) For references that are attached to a roassal window you are pretty safe ... if you start keeping and sharing objects around that have references to server objects via oops, you are wandering into some complicated territory.

This is why I mention Thin Clients in concert with Server Blocks ... short-lived references to oops  with restricted scope can be managed ...
I just wanted to ask whethere there is some kind of lazy initialiyation in Roassal? I encountered some issues.

I also want to report a bug in the implementation and will file it as soo nas I am working on this again.
For the executeOnServer code string creation there is printString used,.... this results in issues once you would like to upload longer csv strings because they are trimmed and end with "...".
Did you look at my CSV example[1] (look at item 5) ... in that example the domain objects are created in Pharo shipped over the wire .... perhaps you are using a different technique? I didn't think that STON used printString for passing Strings, but then I could be wrong  or are you talking about real big workspaces?

Include a concrete example in your bug report  ....

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md

I also have trouble using this functionality from outside the workspace.
E.g. this is more or less the same implementatin as the one in the example and still the onserverDo: Block return an exception complaining about a Parameter 1.

'mycsvFile.csv' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream |  | records numRecords line buffer bufCnt|
        stream nextLine.
         buffer := Array new: 10000.
  bufCnt := 0.
    line:= stream nextLine.
  [ line notNil ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: line.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                MyLineprocessor processLine: record.].
              MySystemExtensionClass markForCollectionAndCommit .
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ].
    line:= stream nextLine].


Did you encounter these problems during your tests, too?
The temp variable extraction code is pretty shakey right now especially when it comes to nested blocks ... this is an area that deserves more attention ... to get the exported variable references and their values, I have to use the debugger data structure which works fine for the debugger and almost works for my use case (tantalizingly close), so I've had to make do with less complete techniques ... it's a solvable problem, but at the moment isn't really up to snuff ....

To work around this problem, try declaring temp vars inside block boundaries that get assigned the temp var value from the outer context ... on second thought when you get back to this send me the actual workspace code and I'll see if I can jigger things to work:)

BTW, I see that in the above you are passing a buffer of lines across the wire ... is this the place where you are having trouble? I'm not sure I know where the printString gets involved other than in the STON code?

I also want to add that there seems to be a limitation on connections this interface can handle. During debugging I accidently didn't qiot the shell properly and it doesn'T take long until the server had to be restarted due to too many open connections errors.
Well this is very, very early code and you are responsible for managing your connections ... you are limited by the GemStone license in terms of the number of connections/gems that you can use ... eventually I will provide some sort of connection pool scheme ...


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Re: [Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
Hi Pierre,

Do you want to do a super killer example of using Roassal and ServerBlocks?

As you may known, since in Smalltalk you cannot delete an object (compared to relational DBs where you do delete rows), removing all references to an object so that is GCed,  sometimes is not a walk in park. Ben was tired of using the Pharo Explorer for that, and he did this: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~BenComan/PointerDetective

If that is valuable in Pharo, imagine in GemStone. And now, with the serverBlocks, that would be very easy. 

Just see today's email of Otto saying he couldn't GC an object.

To find pointers to an object in GemStone:

SystemRepository findReferencePathToObject: 123456789 asObject

yeah...maybe I should try it myself :)

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Pierre CHANSON <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks again Dale !

here are three small examples using these blocks in the roassal workspace of tODE:  https://vimeo.com/126435220

I highlight here the server blocks in red.

The first one is a Mondrian view of the class Collection (server side) with all it's subclasses.
The classes are processed in the block and stocked statically on the variable "classes".

| b classes |
classes := shell onServerDo:[Collection withAllSubclasses collect: [ :c | c name -> {(c superClass name). ((c instVarNamed: #methDicts asString) numElements)}]].

b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle.
b nodes: classes.
b edges connectFrom: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]] .

b shape bezierLineFollowing: [:e | classes detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[ nil ]];
     color: (Color blue alpha: 0.2).

b normalizer
    normalizeSize: [:e | e value second ] using: #sqrt;
    normalizeColor: [:e | e value second ] using: (Array with: Color green with: Color red) using: #sqrt.
b layout cluster.
b build.
b view open

The second script use the RTExploraBuilder to do the same process, but this time the builder call dynamically the server on clics (we are using the oop of objects).

| builder |
    builder := RTExploraBuilder new.
    builder shape circle
        size: 30;
        color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5);
        if: [ :cls |
            (shell onServerDo: [ (Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses size]) = 0 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
        layout: [RTClusterLayout new horizontalGap: 80];
        onClickExplore: [ :cls |
            shell onServerDo: [ ((Object _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses collect: [:c | c asString -> c asOop]) asArray ]
        withPopup: [:cls | cls key];
        node: (shell onServerDo: [Collection asString -> Collection asOop]);

The last script is about users. This need the last version of Roassal. We present some selection menus, a button and a radar Chart. Created with the RTMenuBuilder the button add a new user on the server with the characteristics selected in the other menus and present the characteristics of the added users on a Kiviat chart on the view.

|nameMenus privilegeMenus groupMenus|
    v := RTView new.
    kiv := RTKiviatBuilder new view: v.
    n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: (kiv objects).
    kiv shape circle color: [ :value | n rtValue: value kiviatNode named]; size: 10.

    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v second size] max: 5 title: 'groups'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v third size] max: 5 title: 'privileges'.
    kiv addMetric: [ :v | v first size] max: 10 title: 'name'.

    kiv activatePolygons.
    kiv build.
    b := RTMenuBuilder new view: v.
    nameMenus := Array with: ('Henri'->[:m |]) with: ('Bob'->[:m |]) with: ('Robert'->[:m |]).
    groupMenus := Array with: ('Subscribers'->[:m |]) with:('Publishers'->[:m |]).
    privilegeMenus := Array with: ('ObsoleteStatistics'->[:m |]) with:('UserPassword'->[:m |]) with:('SessionAccess'->[:m |]).

    b menu: 'add User' callback: [
        |name groups privileges |
        name := (nameMenus detect: [ :m | m selected ]) name.
        groups := (groupMenus select: [:m | m selected]) collect: [:g | g name].
        privileges := (privilegeMenus select: [:m | m selected])  collect: [:p | p name].
        shell onServerDo: [
            AllUsers addNewUserWithId: name password: '' defaultObjectSecurityPolicy: nil privileges: privileges inGroups: groups .
            System commitTransaction.]
        kiv addDynamicObject: (Array with: (name) with: (groups) with: (privileges))

    nameMenus := b menu: 'user' subcheckmenus: nameMenus background: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
    RTMenuGroup on: nameMenus.
    nameMenus first selected: true.

    groupMenus := b menu: 'groups' subcheckmenus: groupMenus background: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
    groupMenus first selected: true.

    privilegeMenus := b menu: 'privileges' subcheckmenus: privilegeMenus background: (Color green alpha: 0.3).
    privilegeMenus first selected: true.
    b view open.



2015-04-23 19:58 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass <[hidden email]>:

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM, Richard Sargent <[hidden email]> wrote:


Depending on what you mean by "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2 includes something called GsExternalSession. It it capable of executing Smalltalk specified in  Block on a separate session against the same stone or a different one.

It doesn't support copying object graphs, but if your definition of execute stuff has limited requirements for exchanging data, it could be what you are looking for.
See the 3.2 documentation for details.

Good to know too. Thanks Richard. 

On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass" <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
A GsDevKit Server Block[1] is a block that is written in-line in client Smalltalk, but is executed in GemStone. For example the following expression is executed in a standard Pharo workspace:

  | shell x y |
  shell := TDShell forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
  x := 3.
  y := 4.
  shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].


I know (because I already asked a few months/years ago) that from a stone X you can do a remote login on stone Y and execute stuff in Y. But now I wonder....could server blocks also work for gemstone-gemstone? (my gut feelings tell me that yes) I mean, could I run the above code from GemStone itself?   That would automatically resolve all the remote login stuff and the ston serialization. 
Thanks in advance, 

and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is executed in GemStone using the `devKit` session description to log into the stone. The temp vars x and y referenced in the server block and defined in Pharo are shipped across the wire to GemStone along with block source where the block source is compiled and executed. The result is then shipped back across the wire and returned as the result of #onServerDo: message in Pharo. Pharo execution can continue on using the result. STON[2] is used to serialize the objects that are shipped across the wire.

For any of you familiar with underpinnings of GemTools, Jade or tODE, this is not necessarily ground-breaking technology, however, exposing this capability to developers just may be.

It has been a long standing crime that developers in the Pharo community choose to use  MongoDB and MySQL over GemStone, but frankly the problem is that (until now) we have not had a simple client-based solution for adding GemStone-based persistence for native Pharo applications - the pharo developers have not really had a choice.

Being able to embed server blocks in client code certainly qualifies as simple. Solution(?), well that remains to be seen, but I am optimistic.

As a more concrete example, here's Pharo workspace code that uses NeoCSV running in Pharo to load stone objects in a Dictionary in GemStone:

  'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv' asFileReference
  readStreamDo: [ :stream |
  | reader converter buffer bufCnt numRecords records |
  converter := [ :string | NeoNumberParser parse: string ].
  reader := NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: stream).
    recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
    addIntegerField: #'x:';
    addIntegerField: #'y:';
    addIntegerField: #'z:'.
  buffer := Array new: 1000.
  bufCnt := 0.
  [ reader atEnd ]
    whileFalse: [
      bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
      buffer at: bufCnt put: reader next.
      bufCnt = buffer size
        ifTrue: [
          numRecords := bufCnt.
          records := buffer.
            onServerDo: [
              1 to: numRecords do: [ :index |
                | record |
                record := records at: index.
                NeoCSVDictionary at: record x put: record ].
              System commitTransaction.
              nil ].
          bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
   DevKitShell onServerDo: [ System commitTransaction ]

The code ships 1000 instances of NeoCSVTestObject at a pop to GemStone. Using the above technique, one can easily arrange to store some pretty large object graphs in GemStone ... Efficient queries based on standard Smalltalk can be written on the client and transparently performed in GemStone (see the GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1] for the complete example).

Server blocks do not duplicate the functionality GemBuilder for Smalltalk[6][7] which provides transparent replication and maintenance of objects between the client and server. With server blocks you end up with disconnected copies of server objects.

Because of this disconnect, I think the best way to architect an application using server blocks, is to plan on "executing all business logic" on the server --- If you are using an MVC pattern, the M would primarily be managed on the server while the VC would be managed on the client.

As an application evolves, the code can migrate back and forth between client and server as needed.

Most of the server blocks code leverages tODE and has been in use for several years. The code that spelunks in the block structure and extracts the _value_ of temp variables is only a couple of days old and has some pretty rough edges (notice the odd placement of temp variables and declarations in the above example).

The server-side debugger and inspectors, etc. will use tODE (at least for now) ...  in the server blocks doc[1] I demonstrate an #exportClassToServer: to illustrate the potential to share code in weird and wonderful ways between the client and server.

If you have the interest/opportunity to take this code for a spin, let me know. I have written instructions[5] for installing the experimental Roassal Visualization code[4] (GemStone and Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for Pierre Chanson and those instructions can be used for doing work with GsDevKit
Server Blocks. There are a handful of obvious things that need to be done:
  - connection pools
  - coordinated client/server debuggers
  - client-side exception handlers for server errors
  - more???
and if folks express interest in start to do exploratory work with server blocks, then I will make time to provide support.

I am hoping to have something to announce by Smalltalks in November,so it would be useful if some experienced GemStoners tried things out before then...

I do have to finish up the documentation for GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE 0.1.0 and I'm also committed to doing some work on the 3.3 GemStone release, so we'll see how that goes:)

I also think that server blocks can be very useful for the "develop in Pharo, deploy in GemSstone" crowd, since it will be possible to write "pharo-based scripts" to perform server-side tasks ...

Questions or comments?


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
[3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
[6] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
[7] http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/

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