[Glass] Problem assigning to temp vars from Seaside callbacks?

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[Glass] Problem assigning to temp vars from Seaside callbacks?

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys,

I am starting to see strange problems that happen only in GemStone but work correctly in Pharo.

I have a menu action that looks like this:

(aWebAppBrowser actionType new
context: #contextMenu;
(aWebAppBrowser class)};
label: 'SIXX Import and Replace DB';
block: [ :cls :collection :app | 
| list |
(app activeModelReport isKindOf: MAReport)
ifTrue: [ | filenameForm filename |
list := app objectsForActions. "filtered and sorted"
filenameForm := MyRenderedBlockFormDialog new.
{(#import -> [ filenameForm answer: true ]).
(#cancel -> [ filenameForm answer: false ])};
renderingBlock: [ :html |
html text: 'Import filename prefix'.
html textInput
size: 100;
callback: [ :value | self halt. filename := value trimBoth ];
value: 'filename_here' ];
(app call: filenameForm)
ifTrue: [
self halt.

That action has the closure which is compiled once at the beginning of the app and then valued whenever clicked. Now...that closure creates an instance of MyRenderedBlockFormDialog which has a simple input for a filename. When I click on "import" the callback of the text input is invoked correctly. Soo....'filename' temp receives the value correctly. However, after the call to such a component (app call: filenameForm), (the "self halt" inside the ifTrue)... the temp var 'filename' has a nil!!!!   Any ideas why I get a nil here instead of the real value? 
Same code and same test in Pharo does work correctly.

Thanks in advance, 


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Re: [Glass] Problem assigning to temp vars from Seaside callbacks?

Johan Brichau-3
Hey Mariano,

If you want to transfer values between callbacks (closures) in Seaside on Gemstone, you need to put the value in a valueholder object instead of assigning to method temporaries. Otherwise, you experience exactly what you see. That means, for example:

| valueholder|
valueholder := ValueHolder new.

html jQuery ajax
        callback: [:v | valueholder value: v];
        script: [:s | self doSomethingWith: valueholder value]

You can use anything you like as a valueholder: Association, Array, Set, ... whatever. As long as you are not directly assigning to the temporary var.
There is also code demonstrating this in the JQueryUI Autocomplete code of Seaside (gemstone version) [2].

I referred to that issue in this mail [1] but it was a bit condensed I guess.


[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Basic-questions-regarding-GemBuilder-for-Smalltalk-GemTools-and-tODE-tp4711463p4711987.html
[2] https://github.com/glassdb/Seaside31/blob/gemstone3.1/repository/JQuery-UI.package/JQAutocomplete.class/instance/search.labels.callback..st

On 27 Jan 2014, at 22:10, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am starting to see strange problems that happen only in GemStone but work correctly in Pharo.
> I have a menu action that looks like this:
> (aWebAppBrowser actionType new
> context: #contextMenu;
> argumentTypes:
> {Object.
> Collection.
> (aWebAppBrowser class)};
> label: 'SIXX Import and Replace DB';
> block: [ :cls :collection :app |
> | list |
> (app activeModelReport isKindOf: MAReport)
> ifTrue: [ | filenameForm filename |
> list := app objectsForActions. "filtered and sorted"
> filenameForm := MyRenderedBlockFormDialog new.
> filenameForm
> buttonsAndCallbacksList:
> {(#import -> [ filenameForm answer: true ]).
> (#cancel -> [ filenameForm answer: false ])};
> renderingBlock: [ :html |
> html text: 'Import filename prefix'.
> html textInput
> size: 100;
> callback: [ :value | self halt. filename := value trimBoth ];
> value: 'filename_here' ];
> addForm.
> (app call: filenameForm)
> ifTrue: [
> self halt.
> ]
> ]]
> That action has the closure which is compiled once at the beginning of the app and then valued whenever clicked. Now...that closure creates an instance of MyRenderedBlockFormDialog which has a simple input for a filename. When I click on "import" the callback of the text input is invoked correctly. Soo....'filename' temp receives the value correctly. However, after the call to such a component (app call: filenameForm), (the "self halt" inside the ifTrue)... the temp var 'filename' has a nil!!!!   Any ideas why I get a nil here instead of the real value?
> Same code and same test in Pharo does work correctly.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Re: [Glass] Problem assigning to temp vars from Seaside callbacks?

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hey Mariano,

If you want to transfer values between callbacks (closures) in Seaside on Gemstone, you need to put the value in a valueholder object instead of assigning to method temporaries. Otherwise, you experience exactly what you see. That means, for example:

| valueholder|
valueholder := ValueHolder new.

html jQuery ajax
        callback: [:v | valueholder value: v];
        script: [:s | self doSomethingWith: valueholder value]

You can use anything you like as a valueholder: Association, Array, Set, ... whatever. As long as you are not directly assigning to the temporary var.
There is also code demonstrating this in the JQueryUI Autocomplete code of Seaside (gemstone version) [2].

I referred to that issue in this mail [1] but it was a bit condensed I guess.

Thanks Johan!!!! That was exactly the problem and using a ValueHolder solved the problem. 
I didn't remember directly you comment in [1] but somewhere deep in my brain was it because I knew it was related to callbacks and temps ;)

BTW..... do you know if there is a slime rule or something to check this? I am sure I have many other places like this...


[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Basic-questions-regarding-GemBuilder-for-Smalltalk-GemTools-and-tODE-tp4711463p4711987.html
[2] https://github.com/glassdb/Seaside31/blob/gemstone3.1/repository/JQuery-UI.package/JQAutocomplete.class/instance/search.labels.callback..st

On 27 Jan 2014, at 22:10, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am starting to see strange problems that happen only in GemStone but work correctly in Pharo.
> I have a menu action that looks like this:
> (aWebAppBrowser actionType new
>               context: #contextMenu;
>               argumentTypes:
>                               {Object.
>                                       Collection.
>                                       (aWebAppBrowser class)};
>               label: 'SIXX Import and Replace DB';
>               block: [ :cls :collection :app |
>                                       | list |
>                                       (app activeModelReport isKindOf: MAReport)
>                                               ifTrue: [ | filenameForm filename |
>                                                       list := app objectsForActions.  "filtered and sorted"
>                                                       filenameForm := MyRenderedBlockFormDialog new.
>                                                       filenameForm
>                                                               buttonsAndCallbacksList:
>                                                                       {(#import -> [ filenameForm answer: true ]).
>                                                                       (#cancel -> [ filenameForm answer: false ])};
>                                                               renderingBlock: [ :html |
>                                                                       html text: 'Import filename prefix'.
>                                                                       html textInput
>                                                                               size: 100;
>                                                                               callback: [ :value | self halt. filename := value trimBoth ];
>                                                                               value: 'filename_here' ];
>                                                               addForm.
>                                                       (app call: filenameForm)
>                                                               ifTrue: [
>                                                                       self halt.
>                                                               ]
>                                                       ]]
> That action has the closure which is compiled once at the beginning of the app and then valued whenever clicked. Now...that closure creates an instance of MyRenderedBlockFormDialog which has a simple input for a filename. When I click on "import" the callback of the text input is invoked correctly. Soo....'filename' temp receives the value correctly. However, after the call to such a component (app call: filenameForm), (the "self halt" inside the ifTrue)... the temp var 'filename' has a nil!!!!   Any ideas why I get a nil here instead of the real value?
> Same code and same test in Pharo does work correctly.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass


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Re: [Glass] Problem assigning to temp vars from Seaside callbacks?

Johan Brichau-3
On 28 Jan 2014, at 16:26, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> BTW..... do you know if there is a slime rule or something to check this? I am sure I have many other places like this...

I remember to have tried that once, but I did not have too much understanding of writing Slime rules.
Actually, I'm still not reasonably good Slime rule writer. I wrote 1 rule for Seaside and got help from Lukas for that ;-)

So, no there is no rule for that.
Maybe it's feasible: you need to find assignments to method temporaries from within seaside callback blocks.

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