[Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

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[Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

I have the chance to reevaluate GemStone for a demo in our software
company and several questions are still open:

-> the free version is limited to 2 cpus. Where is this limitation
viewable. Do all vm (gems) share two cpus or the stones or what ?

-> I need Http and REST - better without Seaside

I looked at https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/releases/tag/2.3.2_gs3.1,
but there one can read, that GLASS 1.0 beta.9 is needed for that. But
this beta.9 is not available .

Then to install Zinc one needs Metacello -> but how is this done in
GemTools ?

  Metacello  new
       baseline:  'Zinc';
       repository:  'github://glassdb/zinc:2.3.2_gs3.1/repository';
       load:  'Tests'.

How can I load this ...

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Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

Update to Glass 1.0 Beta.9 - ok, I've found on another repository page
how to do it:

ConfigurationOfGLASS project updateProject.
GsDeployer deploy: [

   "Upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1"
   (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load].

Fine - that worked out of the box.

Then I tried to load any repository e.g.

Metacello new
     baseline: 'SIXX';
     repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';

or from any other repository and I get:

a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), file is too short.

That's all a mess .....


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Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

Richard Sargent
Hi Marten,

Dale Henrichs is our expert on GLASS and he is presently in Argentina at the Smalltalks conference. I know from his previous posts these things are supposed to be and usually are quite simple. So I hope he will be able to reply in the next few days with the necessary instructions.

I'm glad you have occasion to retry GemStone. I hope it proves itself to you. Good luck.

Richard Sargent
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Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by marten

The "file too short" error is indicative of a failed network download ... without more of the stack it isn't possible for me to guess which file and or repository is involved...


----- Original Message -----
| From: [hidden email]
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 8:58:39 AM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...
| Update to Glass 1.0 Beta.9 - ok, I've found on another repository
| page
| how to do it:
| ConfigurationOfGLASS project updateProject.
| GsDeployer deploy: [
|    "Upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1"
|    (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load].
| Fine - that worked out of the box.
| Then I tried to load any repository e.g.
| Metacello new
|      baseline: 'SIXX';
|      repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';
|      load.
| or from any other repository and I get:
| a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), file is too short.
| That's all a mess .....
| Marten
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Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by marten

I think that I should tell you that GLASS is currently in a bit of a transtion period ... over the last several years I had hoped that putting all of the information on a wiki that users would help to maintain the project documentation etc, but (understandably) that did not happen. As the code moves forward the task of maintaining a wiki with documentation for multiple versions of the project is just not feasible ... consequently the quality of the (free) documentation is suffering ...

My plan is to settle on embedding the documentation in a git repository so that the documentation and code will (can) match ... of course, this entails providing support for using git and Smalltalk together which itself entails providing a way for not only storing smalltalk source code in git, but providing a development environment that supports the use of git ... I am just one person and these are all significant tasks ... add on top of that the necessity for me to work on internal GemStone features, I have just not had the time to properly support the peripheral projects especially while I am transitioning to git and tODE ...

It is slow going, but I am making progress ...

I guess this a long way of saying that I don't have a lot of documentation for using the github-base projects with GemTools ... I don't intend to add git support to GemTools. I have added git support to tODE, but tODE is not quite ready for public consumption ...

Sooo, my recommendation for you going forward is to stick with the projects as documented on the glass db wiki[1] and not stray too far into the github world ... we continually run tests internally to ensure the integrity of Seaside/Magritte/Pier, etc. based on the wiki instructions, so those projects are considered sound. The github projects like SIXX and Zinc are in somewhat of a state of flux, I know that Zinc is used in production, but the folks using Zinc helped in getting Zinc ported to GemStone, so they are familiar with the process needed to get it loaded in their GemTools worlds ..

I am heading into crunch time for the internal GemStone project and have an end-of November deadline so I will not have a lot of time for the next couple of weeks in making the kind of progress that I'd like ...

Don't get me wrong, I am using tODE full-time in my internal development, so it is very usable, I just don't have the time to put the polish on tODE that it needs for public consumption and tODE is the last project that needs to be finished before I can turn my attention to improving the rest of the GLASS eco system ....


[1] https://code.google.com/p/glassdb/

----- Original Message -----
| From: [hidden email]
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 7:56:32 AM
| Subject: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ...
| I have the chance to reevaluate GemStone for a demo in our software
| company and several questions are still open:
| -> the free version is limited to 2 cpus. Where is this limitation
| viewable. Do all vm (gems) share two cpus or the stones or what ?
| -> I need Http and REST - better without Seaside
| I looked at https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/releases/tag/2.3.2_gs3.1,
| but there one can read, that GLASS 1.0 beta.9 is needed for that. But
| this beta.9 is not available .
| Then to install Zinc one needs Metacello -> but how is this done in
| GemTools ?
|   Metacello  new
|        baseline:  'Zinc';
|        repository:  'github://glassdb/zinc:2.3.2_gs3.1/repository';
|        load:  'Tests'.
| How can I load this ...
| Marten
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Re: [Glass] Retry Gemstone - once again ... solved

In reply to this post by marten
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The reason for this error has been solved. The little tool "curl" is
needed and it was not installed on my new Linux machine.

Thanks for Dale pointing out ...

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