[Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

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[Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

dario trussardi

        i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.

        Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:

                ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1 [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]

        When i do the command:

                DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'

        the system erase the error :

        a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]

AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
Object >> halt: (envId 0)
Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
Executed Code          
String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

The statement:

formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context: dictionary
        | formatterName env resolver formatter |
        formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
  formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
        env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
        resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
        formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.
        ^ formatter isNil
                ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
                                signal: formatterName
                                element: sixxElement
                                context: dictionary]
                ifFalse: [formatter]
where formatterName is set to #''

Any idea ?

Dale i have doubt about the ConfigurationOfGsSIXX version03c1: spec
        it's correct defined ?


Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3

I haven't started looking into the issues, but in preparation for working on SIXX, I've created a github repository[1] where we can start managing the work.

I've also hooked up travis, so that we can run tests against all of the supported GemStone versions. At this very moment, none of the builds are passing[2], but I am suspicious that I have some setup errors to work through.

I also need to set up a github repo for XML-Support, since both projects need to work cleanly ....

Once I've resolved the setup errors for SIXX I will add the XML-Support projects and then send mail on how to setup for development with github-based repositories...

I assume that you are familiar with git?

We'll see how far I get tonight...


[1] https://github.com/glassdb/SIXX
[2] https://travis-ci.org/glassdb/SIXX
----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| Ciao,
| i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.
| Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:
| ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1
| [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]
| When i do the command:
| DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'
| the system erase the error :
| a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound
| occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| Executed Code
| String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
| The statement:
| formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context: dictionary
| | formatterName env resolver formatter |
| formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
|   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
| env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
| formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.
| ^ formatter isNil
| ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
| signal: formatterName
| element: sixxElement
| context: dictionary]
| ifFalse: [formatter]
| where formatterName is set to #''
| Any idea ?
| Dale i have doubt about the ConfigurationOfGsSIXX version03c1:
| spec
| it's correct defined ?
| Thanks,
| Dario
| _______________________________________________
| Glass mailing list
| [hidden email]
| http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by dario trussardi

I've taken a look at the tests and they are running clean on except for two UTF8 related issues ... I don't think your error is related to UTF8 from the looks of the stack ... I'm still working on fixing the bug..

From poking in the code, the formatter is used as an alternative to creating instances from classes, so in your particular case the SIXX was produced supplying a formatter ... knowing the name of the formatter and some information about the element that is being reified would probably help understand the error ...

The only places I've found that formatters are used is in tests:


So perhaps you need to check the environment that produced your SIXX file and see if there are any fomatters produced ... senders of:

  SixxContext class>>applyFormatters:while:


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| Ciao,
| i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.
| Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:
| ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1
| [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]
| When i do the command:
| DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'
| the system erase the error :
| a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound
| occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| Executed Code
| String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
| The statement:
| formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context: dictionary
| | formatterName env resolver formatter |
| formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
|   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
| env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
| formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.
| ^ formatter isNil
| ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
| signal: formatterName
| element: sixxElement
| context: dictionary]
| ifFalse: [formatter]
| where formatterName is set to #''
| Any idea ?
| Dale i have doubt about the ConfigurationOfGsSIXX version03c1:
| spec
| it's correct defined ?
| Thanks,
| Dario
| _______________________________________________
| Glass mailing list
| [hidden email]
| http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3
tests are green on all gemstone versions[1], but as I mentioned the bugs are related to encoding problems...If you want to load the most recent work just in case, upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 then:

  Metacello new
    baseline: 'SIXX';
    repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';


[1] https://travis-ci.org/glassdb/SIXX/builds/8646599

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dale K. Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| Cc: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 9:51:34 PM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| Dario,
| I've taken a look at the tests and they are running clean on
| except for two UTF8 related issues ... I don't think your error is
| related to UTF8 from the looks of the stack ... I'm still working on
| fixing the bug..
| From poking in the code, the formatter is used as an alternative to
| creating instances from classes, so in your particular case the SIXX
| was produced supplying a formatter ... knowing the name of the
| formatter and some information about the element that is being
| reified would probably help understand the error ...
| The only places I've found that formatters are used is in tests:
|   SixxFormatterTestCase>>testLiteralArrayReadWrite
|   SixxFormatterTestCase>>testBagReadWrite
| So perhaps you need to check the environment that produced your SIXX
| file and see if there are any fomatters produced ... senders of:
|   SixxContext class>>applyFormatters:while:
| Dale
| ----- Original Message -----
| | From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| | To: [hidden email]
| | Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| | Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| |
| | Ciao,
| |
| | i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.
| |
| | Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:
| |
| | ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1
| | [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]
| |
| | When i do the command:
| |
| | DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'
| |
| | the system erase the error :
| |
| | a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a
| | SixxFormatterNotFound
| | occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]
| |
| | AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| | AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| | AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| | Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| | Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| | SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| | AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| | AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| | SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| | Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| | DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| | Executed Code
| | String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| | JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| | JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| | GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
| |
| |
| | The statement:
| |
| | formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context:
| | dictionary
| | | formatterName env resolver formatter |
| | formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| |   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
| | env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| | resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
| | formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.
| |
| | ^ formatter isNil
| | ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
| | signal: formatterName
| | element: sixxElement
| | context: dictionary]
| | ifFalse: [formatter]
| |
| | where formatterName is set to #''
| |
| |
| | Any idea ?
| |
| | Dale i have doubt about the ConfigurationOfGsSIXX version03c1:
| | spec
| |
| | it's correct defined ?
| |
| | Thanks,
| |
| | Dario
| | _______________________________________________
| | Glass mailing list
| | [hidden email]
| | http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
| |
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3
One more little Metacello tidbit ... you can reference a github project in a configuration using the following:

    baseline: 'SIXX' with: [
      spec repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository' ].

which is like referencing a bleeding edge (you get the HEAD of the master branch).

You can reference a specific commit by doing the the following:

    baseline: 'SIXX' with: [
      spec repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:3ff5399a1726a771882b2c27d93404af61bbe21e/repository' ].

So you can pick a specific commit on your own without depending upon the maintainer of the SIXX project to 'release' a Metacello version for you...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dale K. Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| Cc: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 11:24:24 PM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| tests are green on all gemstone versions[1], but as I mentioned the
| bugs are related to encoding problems...If you want to load the most
| recent work just in case, upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 then:
|   Metacello new
|     baseline: 'SIXX';
|     repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';
|     load
| Dale
| [1] https://travis-ci.org/glassdb/SIXX/builds/8646599
| ----- Original Message -----
| | From: "Dale K. Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
| | To: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| | Cc: [hidden email]
| | Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 9:51:34 PM
| | Subject: Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| |
| | Dario,
| |
| | I've taken a look at the tests and they are running clean on
| |
| | except for two UTF8 related issues ... I don't think your error is
| | related to UTF8 from the looks of the stack ... I'm still working
| | on
| | fixing the bug..
| |
| | From poking in the code, the formatter is used as an alternative to
| | creating instances from classes, so in your particular case the
| | SIXX
| | was produced supplying a formatter ... knowing the name of the
| | formatter and some information about the element that is being
| | reified would probably help understand the error ...
| |
| | The only places I've found that formatters are used is in tests:
| |
| |   SixxFormatterTestCase>>testLiteralArrayReadWrite
| |   SixxFormatterTestCase>>testBagReadWrite
| |
| | So perhaps you need to check the environment that produced your
| | SIXX
| | file and see if there are any fomatters produced ... senders of:
| |
| |   SixxContext class>>applyFormatters:while:
| |
| | Dale
| |
| | ----- Original Message -----
| | | From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| | | To: [hidden email]
| | | Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| | | Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone
| | |
| | | Ciao,
| | |
| | | i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.
| | |
| | | Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:
| | |
| | | ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1
| | | [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]
| | |
| | | When i do the command:
| | |
| | | DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'
| | |
| | | the system erase the error :
| | |
| | | a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a
| | | SixxFormatterNotFound
| | | occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104
| | | IP100:2]
| | |
| | | AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| | | AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| | | AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| | | Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| | | Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| | | SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| | | AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| | | AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| | | SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| | | Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| | | DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| | | Executed Code
| | | String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| | | JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| | | JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| | | GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)
| | |
| | |
| | | The statement:
| | |
| | | formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context:
| | | dictionary
| | | | formatterName env resolver formatter |
| | | formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| | |   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
| | | env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
| | | resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
| | | formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.
| | |
| | | ^ formatter isNil
| | | ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
| | | signal: formatterName
| | | element: sixxElement
| | | context: dictionary]
| | | ifFalse: [formatter]
| | |
| | | where formatterName is set to #''
| | |
| | |
| | | Any idea ?
| | |
| | | Dale i have doubt about the ConfigurationOfGsSIXX version03c1:
| | | spec
| | |
| | | it's correct defined ?
| | |
| | | Thanks,
| | |
| | | Dario
| | | _______________________________________________
| | | Glass mailing list
| | | [hidden email]
| | | http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
| | |
| |
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

dario trussardi
In reply to this post by dario trussardi


I've taken a look at the tests and they are running clean on except for two UTF8 related issues ... I don't think your error is related to UTF8 from the looks of the stack ... I'm still working on fixing the bug..

From poking in the code, the formatter is used as an alternative to creating instances from classes, so in your particular case the SIXX was produced supplying a formatter ... knowing the name of the formatter and some information about the element that is being reified would probably help understand the error ...

The only places I've found that formatters are used is in tests:


So perhaps you need to check the environment that produced your SIXX file and see if there are any fomatters produced ... senders of:

The same file is right read from Gemstone .

I remember to have some problem with SIXX into Gemstone :


The fact that SIXX.310-dkh.175 is not in the ancestor list for SIXX.310-DTR.176 means that Monticello doesn't think that you merged. Nonetheless, I've looked at SIXX.310-DTR.176 and it contins the fixes from SIXX.310-dkh.175, so we're cool there...

If you change the contents of a repository while you are looking at it through the repository browser, you won't see the new contents until you refresh or open a new browser ... it is too expensive to automtically reread the repository contents every time...

I've updated the configuration with your new package ...

It looks like there a few DoubleByte related tests that aren't passing, so I'll check into them as well ...


The following code :

Object readSixxFrom:  '<sixx.object sixx.id="72"
sixx.name="cllOrarioServizioSaturday" sixx.type="SortedCollection"
<sixx.object sixx.id="76" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="77" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="78" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="79" sixx.type="SmallInteger"

is right interpreter into Gemstone

into Gemstone generate the error as report in the previous e-mail :

a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:1]



SixxContext class>>applyFormatters:while:


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

| Ciao,

i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.

Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:

ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1

When i do the command:

DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'

the system erase the error :

a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound
occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]

| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| Executed Code
| String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

| The statement:

| formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context: dictionary
| formatterName env resolver formatter |
formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
|   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.

^ formatter isNil
ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
signal: formatterName
element: sixxElement
context: dictionary]
ifFalse: [formatter]

| where  formatterName  is set to  #''

| Any idea ?

| Dale i have doubt about the  ConfigurationOfGsSIXX  version03c1:
| spec

it's correct defined ?


| _______________________________________________
| Glass mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3

There is an existing SIXX test for  SortedCollection and that test is passing for me, but then I am running in GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1.

In  a different message you said that you hadn't upgraded to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.1 and at this point in time, I think that you should upgrade and run the test again ...


From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 1:44:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone



I've taken a look at the tests and they are running clean on except for two UTF8 related issues ... I don't think your error is related to UTF8 from the looks of the stack ... I'm still working on fixing the bug..

From poking in the code, the formatter is used as an alternative to creating instances from classes, so in your particular case the SIXX was produced supplying a formatter ... knowing the name of the formatter and some information about the element that is being reified would probably help understand the error ...

The only places I've found that formatters are used is in tests:


So perhaps you need to check the environment that produced your SIXX file and see if there are any fomatters produced ... senders of:

The same file is right read from Gemstone .

I remember to have some problem with SIXX into Gemstone :


The fact that SIXX.310-dkh.175 is not in the ancestor list for SIXX.310-DTR.176 means that Monticello doesn't think that you merged. Nonetheless, I've looked at SIXX.310-DTR.176 and it contins the fixes from SIXX.310-dkh.175, so we're cool there...

If you change the contents of a repository while you are looking at it through the repository browser, you won't see the new contents until you refresh or open a new browser ... it is too expensive to automtically reread the repository contents every time...

I've updated the configuration with your new package ...

It looks like there a few DoubleByte related tests that aren't passing, so I'll check into them as well ...


The following code :

Object readSixxFrom:  '<sixx.object sixx.id="72"
sixx.name="cllOrarioServizioSaturday" sixx.type="SortedCollection"
<sixx.object sixx.id="76" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="77" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="78" sixx.type="SmallInteger"
<sixx.object sixx.id="79" sixx.type="SmallInteger"

is right interpreter into Gemstone

into Gemstone generate the error as report in the previous e-mail :

a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:1]



SixxContext class>>applyFormatters:while:


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dario Trussardi" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 3:42:20 PM
| Subject: [Glass] SIXX error read into Gemstone

| Ciao,

i have a SIXX file generating by Pharo.

Now i need to read it in Gemstone  where i load:

ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion  >=0.3-c.1

When i do the command:

DTRConfig readSixxFileNamed: 'BonicelliPorting.sixx'

the system erase the error :

a Halt occurred (error 2709), Debug Warning: a SixxFormatterNotFound
occurred (notification 2731):  -  G/S[MonvisoSeaside3104 IP100:2]

| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
| AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
| Object >> halt: (envId 0)
| Warning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| SixxWarning >> defaultAction (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
| AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
| SixxWarning class >> signal:element:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> formatterFromSixxElement:for:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> newInstanceFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> fromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFromSixxElement:context: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
| Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)
| DTRConfig class >> readSixxFileNamed: (envId 0)
| Executed Code
| String >> evaluateInContext:symbolList: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> evaluate:inContext: (envId 0)
| JadeServer >> printIt:in: (envId 0)
| GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

| The statement:

| formatterFromSixxElement: sixxElement for: aClass context: dictionary
| formatterName env resolver formatter |
formatterName := self formatterNameFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
|   formatterName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
env := self envFromSixxElement: sixxElement.
resolver := dictionary formatterResolver.
formatter :=  resolver formatterAt: aClass in: env.

^ formatter isNil
ifTrue: [SixxFormatterNotFound
signal: formatterName
element: sixxElement
context: dictionary]
ifFalse: [formatter]

| where  formatterName  is set to  #''

| Any idea ?

| Dale i have doubt about the  ConfigurationOfGsSIXX  version03c1:
| spec

it's correct defined ?


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