[Glass] TimeStamp format

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[Glass] TimeStamp format

GLASS mailing list

        i have a problem when i print  a TimeStamp

        ( TimeStamp  fromString: '10-28-2014 11:11:11 am') report -> 10/28/2014 11:11:11

        The system don't  report the dd  mm  year    format as i need.

        I setup the system with:

        | time |
        time:= TimeZone timeDifferenceHrs: 1 dstHrs: 1 atTimeHrs: 2
        fromDayNum: 95 toDayNum: 304 on:  #Sunday beginning: 1967
        stdPrintString: 'Germany Standard Time' dstPrintString: 'Germany Legal Time'.
        TimeZone for:#Germany put: time.
        TimeZone default: time

        DateTime now. report -> 25/11/2014 16:26:28  ( it's right ).

        Into GLASS 2.4 the system report  TimeStamp  in the right format,

         and i think don't did any other change - setup into it.



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Re: [Glass] TimeStamp format

GLASS mailing list
I forgot:

        I have a problem into GLASS

> Ciao,
> i have a problem when i print  a TimeStamp
> ( TimeStamp  fromString: '10-28-2014 11:11:11 am') report -> 10/28/2014 11:11:11
> The system don't  report the dd  mm  year    format as i need.
> I setup the system with:
> run
> | time |
> time:= TimeZone timeDifferenceHrs: 1 dstHrs: 1 atTimeHrs: 2
> fromDayNum: 95 toDayNum: 304 on:  #Sunday beginning: 1967
> stdPrintString: 'Germany Standard Time' dstPrintString: 'Germany Legal Time'.
> TimeZone for:#Germany put: time.
> TimeZone default: time
> DateTime now. report -> 25/11/2014 16:26:28  ( it's right ).
> Into GLASS 2.4 the system report  TimeStamp  in the right format,
> and i think don't did any other change - setup into it.
> Considerations?
> Thank,
> Dario
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> Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] TimeStamp format

GLASS mailing list

In order to control the format of Date printing you need to use #asStringUsingFormat:. The format array for DD/MM/YYY is:

  #(1 2 3 $/ 1 1 $: true true false)

TimeStamp does not implement #asStringUsingFormat: but it should and it should look like this:

asStringUsingFormat: anArray
  "Returns a String that expresses the receiver in the format defined by anArray.
 Generates an error if anArray contains an incorrect formatting specification.

 See the class documentation of Date for a complete description of the
 String-formatting specification Array."

  | strm |
  strm := WriteStream on: String new.
    nextPutAll: (self date asStringUsingFormat: anArray);
    nextPutAll: self time printString.
  ^ strm contents

I will be adding this method into the GLASS master branch shortly ... I've submitted an issue for this[1] ...


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
I forgot:

        I have a problem into GLASS

> Ciao,
>       i have a problem when i print  a TimeStamp
>       ( TimeStamp  fromString: '10-28-2014 11:11:11 am')              report   ->              10/28/2014 11:11:11
>       The system don't  report the     dd  mm  year    format as i need.
>       I setup the system with:
>       run
>       | time |
>       time:= TimeZone timeDifferenceHrs: 1 dstHrs: 1 atTimeHrs: 2
>       fromDayNum: 95 toDayNum: 304 on:  #Sunday beginning: 1967
>       stdPrintString: 'Germany Standard Time' dstPrintString: 'Germany Legal Time'.
>       TimeZone for:#Germany put: time.
>       TimeZone default: time
>       DateTime now.    report         ->      25/11/2014 16:26:28  ( it's right ).
>       Into GLASS 2.4 the system report  TimeStamp  in the right format,
>        and i think don't did any other change - setup into it.
>       Considerations?
>       Thank,
>                       Dario
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> Glass mailing list
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> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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