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[Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

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[Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys,

I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.

I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started. 

1) I saw SystemLoginNotification but I need to register a class. I would like to simply add a piece of code (that start seaside gems) and not a class.

2) I saw UserProfile>>loginHook:. But I don't understand how this or the previous one could help. Why? Because at OS startup I would only start the stone.. no user would be logged in. And if I would need to manually log in ...then I am in the same situation.  

3) Modify the V script and also run the code to start my gems. I don't like this because I may want to only start the stone at some point.

4) Add ANOTHER V script that starts seaside gems... and make sure this one is executed AFTER the script to start stone

5) Write monit scripts which I wanted anyway and reuse the fact that monit would start upon system startup and would start gems because they are down ;)

I guess my best option is the last one right? or am I missing other alternatives?


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Re: [Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

Johan Brichau-3
My solution is a combination:
- stones are started at startup using SYS V scripts
- gems are started using monit, which is also started automatically

I have bad experiences trying to start all things using monit. Although it allows to declare dependencies, it just does not try to start the stone first before starting the gems. In the end, if monit has execution failures starting gems, it will give up and you have to login manually anyway.


On 28 Jan 2014, at 19:47, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.
> I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started.
> 1) I saw SystemLoginNotification but I need to register a class. I would like to simply add a piece of code (that start seaside gems) and not a class.
> 2) I saw UserProfile>>loginHook:. But I don't understand how this or the previous one could help. Why? Because at OS startup I would only start the stone.. no user would be logged in. And if I would need to manually log in ...then I am in the same situation.  
> 3) Modify the V script and also run the code to start my gems. I don't like this because I may want to only start the stone at some point.
> 4) Add ANOTHER V script that starts seaside gems... and make sure this one is executed AFTER the script to start stone
> 5) Write monit scripts which I wanted anyway and reuse the fact that monit would start upon system startup and would start gems because they are down ;)
> I guess my best option is the last one right? or am I missing other alternatives?
> Thanks,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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Re: [Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Option 5 is a good bet for managing gems ... I use daemontools[1],[2] for starting/auto starting the seaside gems up on SS3.

I use monit to alert me if the gems/stone goes down for some reason and to also monitor disk space, etc.

The nice thing about daemontools is that they will restart a gem almost instantaneously... something that I'm not sure monit will do ...

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.

I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started. 

1) I saw SystemLoginNotification but I need to register a class. I would like to simply add a piece of code (that start seaside gems) and not a class.

2) I saw UserProfile>>loginHook:. But I don't understand how this or the previous one could help. Why? Because at OS startup I would only start the stone.. no user would be logged in. And if I would need to manually log in ...then I am in the same situation.  

3) Modify the V script and also run the code to start my gems. I don't like this because I may want to only start the stone at some point.

4) Add ANOTHER V script that starts seaside gems... and make sure this one is executed AFTER the script to start stone

5) Write monit scripts which I wanted anyway and reuse the fact that monit would start upon system startup and would start gems because they are down ;)

I guess my best option is the last one right? or am I missing other alternatives?


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Re: [Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

Martin McClure-5
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
On 01/28/2014 10:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an
> easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it
> autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops
> the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.
> I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started.

I'd probably use a second init script to start the gems. It varies by
distro, but there's usually some way to declare the ordering or
dependencies of those scripts. Some, it's as simple as "they execute in
alphabetical order".



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Re: [Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck

Am 28.01.2014 um 19:47 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>:

Hi guys,

I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.

I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started. 

1) I saw SystemLoginNotification but I need to register a class. I would like to simply add a piece of code (that start seaside gems) and not a class.

2) I saw UserProfile>>loginHook:. But I don't understand how this or the previous one could help. Why? Because at OS startup I would only start the stone.. no user would be logged in. And if I would need to manually log in ...then I am in the same situation.  

3) Modify the V script and also run the code to start my gems. I don't like this because I may want to only start the stone at some point.

4) Add ANOTHER V script that starts seaside gems... and make sure this one is executed AFTER the script to start stone

5) Write monit scripts which I wanted anyway and reuse the fact that monit would start upon system startup and would start gems because they are down ;)

I guess my best option is the last one right? or am I missing other alternatives?

I do No. #5. As you are using the stone-creator you could steal some things from here. First I do for every instance I want to run a monit script

check process concierge-6100 with pidfile /var/tmp/concierge-6100.pid
   start = "/opt/application/bin/start-gem concierge 6100" as uid gemstone
   stop = "/opt/application/bin/stop-gem concierge 6100" 
   # Empty FastCGI request
   if failed port 6100
     # Send FastCGI packet: version 1 (0x01), cmd FCGI_GET_VALUES (0x09)
     # padding 8 bytes (0x08), followed by 8xNULLs padding
     send "\0x01\0x09\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x08\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00\0x00"
     # Expect FastCGI packet: version 1 (0x01), resp FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT (0x0A)
     expect "\0x01\0x0A"
     timeout 5 seconds
   then restart

This starts one web gem on port 6100 for user gemstone and checks the fast cgi behaviour every minute. If somethings goes wrong the gem is restarted. The next script is a bridge between the monit script and the gem startup script that uses the stone creator env (that is the /opt/application/bin/start-gem script)


if [ "$2" == "" ];
   echo "usage. $0 [stone name] [port]"
   exit 1

echo $$ > /var/tmp/$1-$2.pid

source /opt/application/$1/env
source /opt/application/$1/etc/gem.conf
export GEMSTONE_USER=DataCurator
export GEMSTONE_PASSWORD=swordfish
export LOGFILE=/opt/application/$1/log/$1-$2.log
exec /opt/application/bin/gs-start-gem $1 $2 

Here the pid file is created (we can use the current PID because I use exec at the end). Furthermore the env script from stone-creator is sourced to direct towards the right stone. The last script called is a modified version from the gemstone installation. IIRC it is only two lines exchanged. Here it is

# ./startSeaside30_Adaptor runs a Seaside server Gem the class WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems
#   determines whether a FastCGI, Swazoo or Zinc adaptor is used
#     - first argument is a label used to name files
#     - second argument is a port number

if [ -s $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret ]; then
    . $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret
    echo 'Missing password file $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret'
    exit 1

# Requires a server type label as a parameter
if [ "a$1" = "a" ]; then
        echo 'Missing argument <server type label>'
        exit 1

# Requires a port number as a parameter
if [ "a$2" = "a" ]; then
        echo 'Missing argument <server port number>'
        exit 1

exec $GEMSTONE/bin/topaz -l -e $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/seaside30.conf >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${1}_server-${2}.log 2>&1 << EOF

set user DataCurator pass $GEMSTONE_PASSWORD gems $GEMSTONE_NAME

display oops
iferror where


"record gems pid in the pid file"
| file |
(GsFile isServerDirectory: '$GEMSTONE_DATADIR') ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
file := GsFile openWriteOnServer: '$GEMSTONE_DATADIR/${1}_server-${2}.pid'.
file nextPutAll: (System gemVersionReport at: 'processId') printString.
file cr.
file close.

| x |
"set _cacheName: for Gem to get unique id in statmon output. see http://code.google.com/p/glassdb/issues/detail?id=132"
System _cacheName: ((x := '$1-' , (GsSession serialOfSession: System session) printString , '-' , System myUserProfile userId) copyFrom: 1 to: (x size min: 31)).


GsProcess usingNativeCode not
  ifTrue: [
    "Enable remote Breakpoing handling"
    Breakpoint trappable: true.
    GemToGemAnnouncement installStaticHandler.
    System commitTransaction ifFalse: [ nil error: 'Could not commit for GemToGemSignaling' ]. 

System transactionMode: #manualBegin.

    [:ex :cat :num :args |
      "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
        GRPlatform current transactionMutex 
          critical: [ 
            GRPlatform current doAbortTransaction ].
        System enableSignaledAbortError.
      ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
  category: GemStoneError
  number: 6009
  subtype: nil.
System enableSignaledAbortError.
"This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
 thread is blocked on an accept. Assuming default 60 second 
 STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake up at 30 second intervals."
  [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.

GsFile gciLogServer: '$1 Server started on port ', $2 printString.

WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems startGemServerOn: $2.
"does not return"
GemToGemAnnouncement uninstallStaticHandler.
System beginTransaction.
  fatal: '$1: topaz exit'
    'port: ', $2 printString, ' ',
    'pid: ', (System gemVersionReport at: 'processId') printString) addToLog.
System commitTransaction.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [Glass] Ways to auto start Seaside gems upon stone startup

Paul DeBruicker
In reply to this post by Johan Brichau-3
There is the waitstone command that ships with GemStone which you can use in your daemontools/monit scripts that will wait on the stone to be present before starting the gem. E.g.

source /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/defSeaside
$GEMSTONE/bin/waitstone $GEMSTONE_NAME 2
exec setuidgid deploy $GEMSTONE/seaside/bin/startServiceVM31

Johan Brichau-3 wrote
My solution is a combination:
- stones are started at startup using SYS V scripts
- gems are started using monit, which is also started automatically

I have bad experiences trying to start all things using monit. Although it allows to declare dependencies, it just does not try to start the stone first before starting the gems. In the end, if monit has execution failures starting gems, it will give up and you have to login manually anyway.


On 28 Jan 2014, at 19:47, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am using the tools from Norbert Halt to create stones. He makes an easy V script that you can put in /etc/init.d and then make it autostart/stop during OS start/stop. But that script simply start/stops the stone. I want my seaside gems to also be started.
> I wonder what you do to auto start seaside gems after stone has started.
> 1) I saw SystemLoginNotification but I need to register a class. I would like to simply add a piece of code (that start seaside gems) and not a class.
> 2) I saw UserProfile>>loginHook:. But I don't understand how this or the previous one could help. Why? Because at OS startup I would only start the stone.. no user would be logged in. And if I would need to manually log in ...then I am in the same situation.  
> 3) Modify the V script and also run the code to start my gems. I don't like this because I may want to only start the stone at some point.
> 4) Add ANOTHER V script that starts seaside gems... and make sure this one is executed AFTER the script to start stone
> 5) Write monit scripts which I wanted anyway and reuse the fact that monit would start upon system startup and would start gems because they are down ;)
> I guess my best option is the last one right? or am I missing other alternatives?
> Thanks,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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[Glass] VSD tool Ubuntu 12.04


I tried to use the VSD tool but I seem to have some trouble with the
resolution or font definitions on my Ubuntu installation.
The drop down menues do not properly display their content. The entries
overlap each other.

Is there anything that I might be missing?

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Re: [Glass] VSD tool Ubuntu 12.04

Dale Henrichs-3
I will check around ... 

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to use the VSD tool but I seem to have some trouble with the resolution or font definitions on my Ubuntu installation.
The drop down menues do not properly display their content. The entries overlap each other.

Is there anything that I might be missing?

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Re: [Glass] VSD tool Ubuntu 12.04

No need, too! Thank you Dale!

Richard provided me already with the solution!

One needs to change the font settings in VSD :-D
"Chart -> Choose Chart Font"
How embarrassing!

Thank you again!

m 28.01.2014 16:03, schrieb Dale Henrichs:
I will check around ... 

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to use the VSD tool but I seem to have some trouble with the resolution or font definitions on my Ubuntu installation.
The drop down menues do not properly display their content. The entries overlap each other.

Is there anything that I might be missing?

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