[Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

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[Glass] adding profiling to GemStone


I want to reuse the current Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler
classes in GemStone. So I moved the general classes to
Seaside-Development-Core-Profiler and created a hook that implements
Pharo and GemStone specific profiling in
Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler and
Seaside-GemStone-Core-Profiler respectively.

I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
Seaside-Pharo-Development here: https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.

Is this change helpful for Seaside?

The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.

Does anyone have an idea how I can profile seaside requests in GemStone?

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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Otto Behrens <[hidden email]> wrote:

I want to reuse the current Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler
classes in GemStone. So I moved the general classes to
Seaside-Development-Core-Profiler and created a hook that implements
Pharo and GemStone specific profiling in
Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler and
Seaside-GemStone-Core-Profiler respectively.

I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
Seaside-Pharo-Development here: https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.

Is this change helpful for Seaside?

The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.

Does anyone have an idea how I can profile seaside requests in GemStone?

I think (I am not sure) that what I did was to simply surround the #handleRequest: of the adaptor I was using with a ProfMonitor script. 
Example...I modify WAServerAdaptor:

WAServerAdaptor >> handleRequest: aRequestContext
"Pass the request context to the appropriate request handler."

| profMon |
profMon := ProfMonitorTree new.
profMon interval: 10.
 profMon startMonitoring.

[ self requestHandler handle: aRequestContext ]
on: WAResponseNotification
do: [ :n | "got a response" ].


(FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '/Users/mariano/requestProfile.txt') nextPutAll: (profMon reportDownTo: 100); cr.

Notice that I remember doing this in the Zinc adaptor but I guess it would be fine here as well. 

Ideally, I would love an inspect here at the end to inspect the results in GemTools, but since it runs in its own gem it is difficult to get an inspector in GemTools (we discussed this with Dale in a separate mail). So I simply write the string to a file. 

The profile also write is own file with the results. Send #fileName to the monitor and you would get something like '/tmp/gem26398.pro'. I thought I could recreate back a profiler instance and open the results with such a file, but i didn't find it. That's why for the moment I was simply writing the string into a file.

Hope this helps,

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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

> I think (I am not sure) that what I did was to simply surround the
> #handleRequest: of the adaptor I was using with a ProfMonitor script.
> Example...I modify WAServerAdaptor:
> WAServerAdaptor >> handleRequest: aRequestContext
> "Pass the request context to the appropriate request handler."

Well, I thought that this was what I tried, but maybe not. I'll try
again. Thanks.

> Notice that I remember doing this in the Zinc adaptor but I guess it would
> be fine here as well.

It could just make a difference; I'll try there as well.

> Ideally, I would love an inspect here at the end to inspect the results in
> GemTools, but since it runs in its own gem it is difficult to get an
> inspector in GemTools (we discussed this with Dale in a separate mail). So I
> simply write the string to a file.

The profiler tool in Seaside allows one to keep results in an object,
which I suppose one can inspect. I'm trying to write a GS version.

> The profile also write is own file with the results. Send #fileName to the
> monitor and you would get something like '/tmp/gem26398.pro'. I thought I
> could recreate back a profiler instance and open the results with such a
> file, but i didn't find it. That's why for the moment I was simply writing
> the string into a file.
> Hope this helps,

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

>> I think (I am not sure) that what I did was to simply surround the
>> #handleRequest: of the adaptor I was using with a ProfMonitor script.
>> Example...I modify WAServerAdaptor:
>> WAServerAdaptor >> handleRequest: aRequestContext
>> "Pass the request context to the appropriate request handler."
> Well, I thought that this was what I tried, but maybe not. I'll try
> again. Thanks.

Works nicely, thanks. Using ProfMonitor because ProfMonitorTree gave
me a stack overflow though - infinite recursion. But I'm still running Should upgrade.
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by otto
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Otto Behrens <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to reuse the current Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler
> classes in GemStone.

I believe I saw a profiler one but maybe my memory is playing tricks with me.

> So I moved the general classes to
> Seaside-Development-Core-Profiler and created a hook that implements
> Pharo and GemStone specific profiling in
> Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler and
> Seaside-GemStone-Core-Profiler respectively.
> I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
> Seaside-Pharo-Development here: https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.
> Is this change helpful for Seaside?

Yes, once you have a running version and know which hooks you need.

> The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
> to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
> profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
> GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
> incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
> the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.
> Does anyone have an idea how I can profile seaside requests in GemStone?

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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

>> I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
>> Seaside-Pharo-Development here: https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.
>> Is this change helpful for Seaside?
> Yes, once you have a running version and know which hooks you need.

The version I've got here:
works in Pharo. It just moves some code around and created some hooks.

But in GemStone it still hangs. This is the crux of the code:

WAProfilerItem | profile: aBlock
        | result |
        self startProfiling.
        result := self runProfilerOn: aBlock.
        self endProfiling.
        ^ result

WAProfilerItem moved to Seaside-Development. startProfiling and
endProfiling simply records the start and end time stamps.

WAPharoProfilerItem | runProfilerOn: aBlock
        tally := MessageTally new.
        tally reportOtherProcesses: false.
        ^ tally spyEvery: 1 on: aBlock

Pharo specific subclass that is in Seaside-Pharo-Development.

WAGemStoneProfilerItem runProfilerOn: aBlock
        ^ aBlock value

The GS specific subclass in Seaside-GemStone-Development. The idea is
that it runs ProfMonitor. But we're not getting to that point yet.
aBlock value does not return.

WAProfilerFilter | handleFiltered: aRequestContext
        | item |
        item := self itemClass request: aRequestContext request copy.
        [ item profile: [ super handleFiltered: aRequestContext ] ]
                ensure: [ items := items copyWith: item ]

The itemClass method is loaded with either Seaside-Pharo-Development
or Seaside-GemStone-Development. Not sure if this is the most elegant
way of getting platform specific behaviour here. If you have a better
one, please let me know.

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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by otto

I will try to look into the profiler issues for GemStone ... I'm not familiar with the Seaside Profiler code ... I wrote a nice profiler for Seasdie3.8 way back when, but that work never got ported to Seaside3.0 ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:03:17 AM
| Subject: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone
| Hi,
| I want to reuse the current Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler
| classes in GemStone. So I moved the general classes to
| Seaside-Development-Core-Profiler and created a hook that implements
| Pharo and GemStone specific profiling in
| Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler and
| Seaside-GemStone-Core-Profiler respectively.
| I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
| Seaside-Pharo-Development here:
| https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.
| Is this change helpful for Seaside?
| The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
| to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
| profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
| GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
| incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
| the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.
| Does anyone have an idea how I can profile seaside requests in
| GemStone?
| Thanks
| Otto
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| Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by otto

I've pulled your portProfilerToolToGemStone branch over to the glassdb repo where we'll be able to share code ... I should be able to spend some time tomorrow working on this...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:03:17 AM
| Subject: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone
| Hi,
| I want to reuse the current Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler
| classes in GemStone. So I moved the general classes to
| Seaside-Development-Core-Profiler and created a hook that implements
| Pharo and GemStone specific profiling in
| Seaside-Pharo-Development-Core-Profiler and
| Seaside-GemStone-Core-Profiler respectively.
| I made some changes in Seaside-Development and
| Seaside-Pharo-Development here:
| https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30.
| Is this change helpful for Seaside?
| The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
| to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
| profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
| GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
| incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
| the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.
| Does anyone have an idea how I can profile seaside requests in
| GemStone?
| Thanks
| Otto
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| Glass mailing list
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| http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by otto

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:03:17 AM
| Subject: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone


| The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really battling
| to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
| profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block in
| GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
| incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as measuring
| the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.


Just to get onto the same page, when I load Seaside from the portProfilerToolToGemStone branch, I get a MNU in my browser (see attach png)...

I'm working in 3.x (3.2 actually ... using tODE), so if you are seeing something different, then I will need to switch to 2.4.4...

Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Dale Henrichs-3

I created a pull request[1] that fixes the problems that I ran into with this code.

I "fixed the problem with the profiled block not returning" by putting in an ensure block ... AFAIK, when one is working with #handleFiltered:, the code that follows the block does not get executed because continuations are getting created and normal block execution does not apply ... I looked at the other filter tools and it looks like they were all using ensure blocks to perform work "after block execution" and that grick worked for WAProfilerItem>>profile too.

Once I got past that I ran into an issue with  WAHttpVersion>>= and its interaction with WAGemStoneInspector...

I haven't done anything more with the profile, but it is tempting to port the Seaside2.8 code to Seaside3.0, since I'm in the neighborhood:)


[1] https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30/pull/1
[2] https://github.com/finworks/Seaside30/pull/1/files#diff-c0eef7b0cdc9950e3b3d984ae86197eaL2

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dale K. Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| Cc: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2014 10:08:24 AM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone
| ----- Original Message -----
| | From: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| | To: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion"
| | <[hidden email]>
| | Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:03:17 AM
| | Subject: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone
| |
| ....
| | The GemStone version is simplistic at the moment; I'm really
| | battling
| | to get it to work in GemStone. My problem is that the block being
| | profiled does not return; the response notification seem to block
| | in
| | GemStone and does not return in #handleFiltered:. I would like to
| | incorporate ProfMonitor, but I'm not even getting as far as
| | measuring
| | the time it took to execute #handleFiltered:.
| Otto,
| Just to get onto the same page, when I load Seaside from the
| portProfilerToolToGemStone branch, I get a MNU in my browser (see
| attach png)...
| I'm working in 3.x (3.2 actually ... using tODE), so if you are
| seeing something different, then I will need to switch to 2.4.4...
| Dale
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

> I created a pull request[1] that fixes the problems that I ran into with this code.
> I "fixed the problem with the profiled block not returning" by putting in an ensure block ... AFAIK, when one is working with #handleFiltered:, the code that follows the block does not get executed because continuations are getting created and normal block execution does not apply ... I looked at the other filter tools and it looks like they were all using ensure blocks to perform work "after block execution" and that grick worked for WAProfilerItem>>profile too.

Thanks, Dale. I can do more with the profile now.

> I haven't done anything more with the profile, but it is tempting to port the Seaside2.8 code to Seaside3.0, since I'm in the neighborhood:)

Are you talking about glassdb/Seaside30? Is there some porting work to
be done in here? Perhaps it's worth it to go for Seaside 3.1. Let me
know where I can help.

Glass mailing list
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Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone

Dale Henrichs-3

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Otto Behrens" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Dale K. Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
| Cc: [hidden email], "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2014 12:15:32 PM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] adding profiling to GemStone
| > I created a pull request[1] that fixes the problems that I ran into
| > with this code.
| >
| > I "fixed the problem with the profiled block not returning" by
| > putting in an ensure block ... AFAIK, when one is working with
| > #handleFiltered:, the code that follows the block does not get
| > executed because continuations are getting created and normal
| > block execution does not apply ... I looked at the other filter
| > tools and it looks like they were all using ensure blocks to
| > perform work "after block execution" and that grick worked for
| > WAProfilerItem>>profile too.
| Thanks, Dale. I can do more with the profile now.

I'm pretty familiar with the gory details of the GemStone profiler, if you want some more help...

| > I haven't done anything more with the profile, but it is tempting
| > to port the Seaside2.8 code to Seaside3.0, since I'm in the
| > neighborhood:)
| Are you talking about glassdb/Seaside30? Is there some porting work
| to
| be done in here? Perhaps it's worth it to go for Seaside 3.1. Let me
| know where I can help.

I was thinking glassdb/Seaside30 since that's where you're doing the current profiling work...

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