Glorp - How to kill a session?

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Glorp - How to kill a session?


I'm having a bit of a problem here.
There are two Glorp Sessions in two separate "processes" ([...] fork).
With one session I save objects which are read by the other session at a later point.
Via the other session those objects need to be changed.
But this doesn't work.
I get an error about something with unique constraint violation or something.
That's not so important, however. The reason for this seems to be, that only the
(still active) session that saved the objects in the first place is allowed to change

My current "solution" is that both processes use the same GlorpSession,
which is held in a class variable, which I don't like at all.

So I thought it would help to kill the old session.
Or is there another way to do this?
Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Markus Kahl

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