Hi! Yes. I did and I will do it. I am trying Glorp to be easily installed in Pharo.
I am creating new packages so that Glorp could load in Pharo. So, all this steps would be much more easier. I will be glad to know if these steps work for you. However, I am first trying to see what the problems are.
If you want to use latest pharo image, you must do the following things:
1) Download latests pharo image.
2) Pharo doesn't support underscore '_' as name of a selector. I already created a ticket and hope this to be fixed. However, there is a workaround you must install:
http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=826. Filein underscore.cs
3) Install PostgreClientV2 and Glorp. If you have md5 in PostgreSQL you must also download Cryptography package.
4) At this moment, you must have all but 3 tests green in Cryptography package and all green in PostgreClientV2. Noticed you may change class side method PGConnection #buildDefaultConnectionArgs for your connection settings.
5) Copy the following methods (all of the category *glorpPostload) from BlockContext to BlockClosure:
asGlorpExpressionForDescriptor: aDescriptor
asGlorpExpressionOn: anExpression
asGlorpExpressionOn: anExpression in: aQuery
asGlorpExpressionOn: anExpression withUltimateBase: aBaseExpression
6) ) In EscaledDecimal #glorpPrintSQLOn: aStream change the "fraction" variable use for a getter: asFraction.
7) You may need to change the connection settings of Glorp tests. To do this, change GlorpDatabaseLoginResource #defaultPostgre* (all methods starting with defaultPostgre). Now, run Glorp tests and all should be green.
Tell me you results.
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