GlorpWriteFailure and GlorpTransactionFailure

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GlorpWriteFailure and GlorpTransactionFailure


I am a bit confused about GlorpWriteFailure and GlorpTransactionFailure.

From what I found and what I read in the source code, an optimistic locking failure should throw a GlorpTransactionFailure. But in VAST, I always get a GlorpWriteFailure. There are two References to GlorpWriteFailure and one to GlorpTransactionFailure and all of them could be optimistic locking problems or others. I must say I've never actually gotten a GlorpTransactionFailure, but GlorpWriteFailure is quite common.

Glorp sometimes just swallows SQL errors and just signal one of these two exceptions.

So it is hard to tell if an update failed because of an optimistic locking failure or something else if I only get a GlorpWriteFailure wihout much additional info.

How do people handle this? Are there any best practices available anywhere?

Thanks for your ideas


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