Gofer fail

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Gofer fail


topaz 1> run
Gofer project load:'FastCGISeaside'.
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
The Specified Error Dictionary contains no information for error number
2318 in the current language.
Error Category: [User] Number: 2318 Arg Count: 3
Arg 1: genericError
Arg 2: nil
Arg 3: an Array
topaz 1>

i think gems fail to start from gems log

       [:ex :cat :num :args |
         "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
           SeasidePlatformSupport transactionMutex
             critical: [
               SeasidePlatformSupport doAbortTransaction ].
           System enableSignaledAbortError.
         ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
     category: GemStoneError
     number: 6009
     subtype: nil.
   System enableSignaledAbortError.
   "This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
    thread is blocked on an accept. Assuming default 60 second
    STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake up at 30 second intervals."
     [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
   ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.

   GsFile gciLogServer: 'FastCGI Server started on port ', 9001 printString.

   FSSeasideHandler startUp: 9001.
 * ^1 
i need FSSeasideHandler  class.
