Goodie: test button for the launcher toolbar

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Goodie: test button for the launcher toolbar

Stephen Travis Pope

Hello all,

I'm splitting out a few of the goodies that are incorporated in Siren, and the most useful is this one.

How often have you been testing an app, and had to have a workspace or browser open to execute the code that starts your test.

This tiny file-in goodie adds a button to the left side of the launcher's button panel with the "do it" icon (little thunderbolt). When you press it, it executes the launcher's default test message, which is initialized to print 100 factorial to the Transcript. 

If you press the button with the keyboard shift down, it pops up an editor to paste your favorite test message in to. This will be executed the next time you press the button.



   Stephen Travis Pope  --  Santa Barbara, California, USA (1K) Download Attachment
pastedGraphic.tiff (3K) Download Attachment
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Re: Goodie: test button for the launcher toolbar

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)
Re: Goodie: test button for the launcher toolbar

You could probably do the same with a unit test or a permanent visual laucher extension that adds a menu to launch your applicatio(s) depending on what it is you're trying to do at the moment. Just a thought.


(Sent from a BlackBerry)

----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Travis Pope <[hidden email]>
To: vwnc <[hidden email]>
Cc: Stephen Travis Pope <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sat Mar 10 18:29:27 2007
Subject: Goodie: test button for the launcher toolbar

Hello all,

I'm splitting out a few of the goodies that are incorporated in Siren, and the most useful is this one.

How often have you been testing an app, and had to have a workspace or browser open to execute the code that starts your test.

This tiny file-in goodie adds a button to the left side of the launcher's button panel with the "do it" icon (little thunderbolt). When you press it, it executes the launcher's default test message, which is initialized to print 100 factorial to the Transcript.

If you press the button with the keyboard shift down, it pops up an editor to paste your favorite test message in to. This will be executed the next time you press the button.

