Goodies 5e

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Goodies 5e

Ian Bartholomew-17
I've just updated the Dolphin XP Goodies file on my web site and as it
contains some changes to the ChunkBrowser (as suggested by Blair) that I
think are a useful addition I thought I'd mention it here rather than
letting people discover it by chance :-)

I've added a new goodie, the DiffBrowser, that takes two files and displays
the differences between each file.  It has three comparison modes -
character, word and line - with word being the default as it seems to be the

The ChunkBrowser now uses the DiffBrowser to display the differences between
image/chunk and chunk/chunk making it a lot easier to spot what the changes
are within a chunk.

The comparison operation for method definitions used within the ChunkBrowser
now (optionally) uses the RefactoringBrowser's parser to perform the
comparison. This means that methods that have only been reformatted or had a
non-code component (comment) changed will not show up as change, making it
easier to spot the chunks that matter.
