Goodies Updated - now includes HotDraw*

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Goodies Updated - now includes HotDraw*

Bob Jarvis

*A version of HotDraw is included, but it doesn't work.  See the
write-up on the web page above for further explanations and offers.

Share and enjoy.

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Re: Goodies Updated - now includes HotDraw*

John Brant
"Bob Jarvis" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> *A version of HotDraw is included, but it doesn't work.  See the
> write-up on the web page above for further explanations and offers.

I have a version where many of the figures work, but there are still several
things that need to be done. If someone wants to work on it, I can send it
to them.

John Brant