Goodies updated for XP

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Goodies updated for XP

Bob Jarvis
My goodies have now been updated for Dolphin XP.  Everything from the
4.0 goodies loaded and worked without a hitch in XP, the only
exception being where I had created a loose method in a Dolphin base
class that conflicted with a newly-provided method of the same name in
XP.  My bad.  Once I removed the offending method from my package (and
now I don't even recall which one it was) all was well.  Hats off to
Andy and Blair for providing yet another smooth upgrade!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EARTH-SHATTERING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VersioningSourceManager and RcsSourceManager have been refactored and
greatly improved, and now provide AutoMagic Checkout of changed files.
 In other words, if you make a change to a method, class, resource,
global, or package it will now be checked out from RCS for you
automatically.  I've also added support for the new context menu
entries in the PackageSelector pane of the System Browser (Check Out
All, Check Out Changes, and Check In) so that you can use those menu
items to do your source code management instead of opening a Source
Browser (which is also still supported).

The refactoring of VersioningSourceManager should also make it much
easier to add support for other file-based source code control
systems.  Anyone who wants to do this should look at RcsSourceManager
for inspiration, and should look at the VersioningSourceManager
protocol in a protocol browser to see which methods need to be

Share and enjoy.

Bob Jarvis

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Re: Goodies updated for XP

Bob Jarvis
Udo Schneider pointed out that the examples and HTML documentation
images for TGen were missing, so I've added these files to both the
GoodiesXP and Goodies4.0 packages and uploaded fresh copies to the web

Share and enjoy.