Google Maps for Pier?

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Google Maps for Pier?

Mariano Martinez Peck
James: sorry for cc'ing you, I don't know if you are in this mailing list.

I need to integrate google maps in my webapp and I found VERY useful what you did here:

A really excellent job. Actually what I need is exactly the example "Interacting With the Map".

Now, the question is, do you have in mind to do a Pier component for this ? This would be greate!

On the other hand, I saw the GoogleMaps addon for Pier but it is quite limited for what I need. That addon is only for static maps. I need the final user be able to zoom in, out, move, change to road to satellite, etc...

Thanks for the help!


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Google Maps for Pier?

Mariano Martinez Peck

John McKeon:  how difficult do you think could be to adapt your Google Maps addon to the James Foster work ? He did a very good work.



On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
James: sorry for cc'ing you, I don't know if you are in this mailing list.

I need to integrate google maps in my webapp and I found VERY useful what you did here:

A really excellent job. Actually what I need is exactly the example "Interacting With the Map".

Now, the question is, do you have in mind to do a Pier component for this ? This would be greate!

On the other hand, I saw the GoogleMaps addon for Pier but it is quite limited for what I need. That addon is only for static maps. I need the final user be able to zoom in, out, move, change to road to satellite, etc...

Thanks for the help!


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Google Maps for Pier?

John McKeon
Hi Mariano,

That GoogleStaticMaps was a quick and dirty component to allow a Pier to have a "we are here" map on a page. Paltry at best and no comparison to the work of James Foster. That package *is* quite good, a full blown implementation of the Google maps *javascript* api. But I could not get them to work on a Pier page. So I threw together what I could get to work using the GoogleStaticMaps package from squeaksource.

In theory, one should be able to add any Seaside component to a Pier page only requiring you to implement canBeRoot on the class to return true. It will then show up in the list of components that can be added to a page. I have done this with several components. I have not been able to get the GMComponent based maps to work.... Firebug gives me 1 error with google is not defined (in google.load("map", "2")) so it may be script loading sequence or something along those lines.


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

John McKeon:  how difficult do you think could be to adapt your Google Maps addon to the James Foster work ? He did a very good work.

Other than the above method, it would take some work.



On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
James: sorry for cc'ing you, I don't know if you are in this mailing list.

I need to integrate google maps in my webapp and I found VERY useful what you did here:

A really excellent job. Actually what I need is exactly the example "Interacting With the Map".

Now, the question is, do you have in mind to do a Pier component for this ? This would be greate!

On the other hand, I saw the GoogleMaps addon for Pier but it is quite limited for what I need. That addon is only for static maps. I need the final user be able to zoom in, out, move, change to road to satellite, etc...

Thanks for the help!


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...