Google Summer Of Code 2010 news!!!

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Google Summer Of Code 2010 news!!!

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi smalltalkers. I have been asked to be the admin of GSoC 2010. The backup or second admin is Janko Mivšek. As you may know, Squeak has participated in GSoC 2007, 2008 but failed (not accepted) in 2009. We are not sure if we will succeed this year but we will try to do as much as possible.

We think that one of the most important reasons why we failed in 2009 is that Google was looking for bigger communities that Squeak. This is why this year we all go under the ESUG umbrella. We present ESUG as the mentor organization and we cover ALL Smalltalk dialects (commercial and non-commercial), not only Squeak. Pharo, Smalltalk/X, GNU Smalltalk, Cuis, VisualWorks, VisualAge, Dolphin, Gemstone/GLASS they are all invited to participate. Also cross platform projects like Seaside, AidaWeb, Magma, etc are welcome.

As you can notice, the Smalltalk dialect doesn't need to be open-source, but the projects or ideas to implement do need to be open-source. But, I can perfectly build an open-source project on top of commercial dialects.

It is a Google program that support (money) students to work on different open-source projects. Google doesn't talk or manage directly to the students but trough "Mentoring Organisations". Those organizations have to apply to GSoC. They have to give a lot of information, included a list of ideas/projects. Each project has a description and a mentor. Then the students apply for each project. If the organization gets selected by Google they will tell you how many "slots" they give. Suppose they give 5 but we have 20 projects....then we vote and the most voted projects win. The student has to do the project and the mentor has to help and guide him. The mentor receives 500 USD and the student 4500USD.
For more information read:

The most important thing is the deadlines we have. We started late so we are very near to the first deadline which is 12/03/2010 (less than one week). For that deadline we need to submit all the information of the mentor organization (answering several questions) and give the list of ideas/projects and the mentors of that.

We have created a webpage (Thanks Janko!!) where we will put all the information. We will make this page public soon (we still need to review a couple of things).
But for the moment we would REALLY appreciate if tell us your ideas. To do this, just answer to this email. Then we will collect the information and put in the website. For each idea you need:  a short title and a paragraph (for the moment) explaining the idea.
After, we need that the people that are willing to be mentors start to apply as mentors...please, consider yourself being mentor. Sometimes it is not that difficult. I mean, don't be shy as sometimes being helpful, being aware of the dates, answering emails, etc is more important than the Smalltalk knoweldege. We can have a lot of ideas, but we need also mentors for that. We even would need a "substitute" for each mentor...

Just as an example you can see the ideas of the previous years:

That's all for the moment.



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Re: Google Summer Of Code 2010 news!!!

Mariano Martinez Peck
A little correction. At the beginning I though only open-source Smalltalk dialects were possible, but now Janko let me know that non open-source dialects are welcome too. What really has to be open-source is the project/idea in particular, but the Smalltalk dialect in itself can be non open-source.

Sorry for the noise.


On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi smalltalkers. I have been asked to be the admin of GSoC 2010. The backup or second admin is Janko Mivšek. As you may know, Squeak has participated in GSoC 2007, 2008 but failed (not accepted) in 2009. We are not sure if we will succeed this year but we will try to do as much as possible.

We think that one of the most important reasons why we failed in 2009 is that Google was looking for bigger communities that Squeak. This is why this year we all go under the ESUG umbrella. We present ESUG as the mentor organization and we cover ALL open-source Smalltalk dialects, not only Squeak. Pharo, Smalltalk/X, GNU Smalltalk, Cuis..they are all invited to participate. Also cross platform projects like Seaside, AidaWeb, Magma, etc are welcome.

It is a Google program that support (money) students to work on different open-source projects. Google doesn't talk or manage directly to the students but trough "Mentoring Organisations". Those organizations have to apply to GSoC. They have to give a lot of information, included a list of ideas/projects. Each project has a description and a mentor. Then the students apply for each project. If the organization gets selected by Google they will tell you how many "slots" they give. Suppose they give 5 but we have 20 projects....then we vote and the most voted projects win. The student has to do the project and the mentor has to help and guide him. The mentor receives 500 USD and the student 4500USD.
For more information read:

The most important thing is the deadlines we have. We started late so we are very near to the first deadline which is 12/03/2010 (less than one week). For that deadline we need to submit all the information of the mentor organization (answering several questions) and give the list of ideas/projects and the mentors of that.

We have created a webpage (Thanks Janko!!) where we will put all the information. We will make this page public soon (we still need to review a couple of things).
But for the moment we would REALLY appreciate if tell us your ideas. To do this, just answer to this email. Then we will collect the information and put in the website. For each idea you need:  a short title and a paragraph (for the moment) explaining the idea.
After, we need that the people that are willing to be mentors start to apply as mentors...please, consider yourself being mentor. Sometimes it is not that difficult. I mean, don't be shy as sometimes being helpful, being aware of the dates, answering emails, etc is more important than the Smalltalk knoweldege. We can have a lot of ideas, but we need also mentors for that. We even would need a "substitute" for each mentor...

Just as an example you can see the ideas of the previous years:

That's all for the moment.



vwnc mailing list
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