GoogleMaps support

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GoogleMaps support

i'm interested to manage Google Maps with Seaside.

All work fine but i found a problem into Safari and Chrome browser  ( i don't test IE ) when display a JQDialog  with GMDraggableMarkers.

All works fine with Firewox.

One month ago i submit  email to this list with title : JQuery Dialog -Extensions with GMDraggableMarkers problem.

I port some consideration about it at the end of this e-mail.

Now my question are:

how i can  solve the problem ? 

can anyone give me some guidance?

anyone work around the Google Maps seaside integration ?

Any consideration is welcome.



OK,  I attached two Monticello Package.

The first is a  JQuery-Extensions-NickAger.2.mcz    with code for manage JQDialog  call.

The last  JQGoogleMapTest-DTR.1.mcz  is  my code to test  the standard call and the JQDialog call of a GMDraggableMarkers.

Prerequisites are:   JQ  support    and  GoogleMaps support  from:    ''

In summary the problem is related to the management of the example  GMDraggableMarkers.

When i call it with traditional call:  aGMDraggableMarkers  it works fine with  all browsers.

When i call it with   jqDialog:   aGMDraggableMarkers it works fine  only with the Firefox browser.

with Safari and Chrome :

When you move the marker you lose the control of the marker .
 No infoWindow is open at the end of marker moving.

I don't test Windows browser.

It looks like you have a CSS issue that comes up in Safari (did you try Chrome? may happen there too) but not Firefox.  

I test with Chrome 19.0.1084.56.

It don't work fine and reports the same errors of Safari ( View ******** at the end of this e-mail ).

************************ This consideration, i think,  are important ************************************

A) Now the anomalous behavior is relative to the GEvent dragend *when
i move the marker into the map div.*
*** GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
marker.openInfoWindowHtml("Just bouncing along..."); }); ***

In this case the event is not "manage" and the
marker.openInfoWindowHtml("Just bouncing along..."); is not open

A1) On contrary when i move the marker outside the map canvas and
release the mouse the infoWindow is open.

B) The strange is that the GEvent dragstart is always right manage

*** GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragstart", function() {
map.closeInfoWindow(); }); ***

When begin the drag of the marker if InfoWindow is open it is close.

I don't understand because some GEvent is right manage and other not
when open maps in modals dialog with JQDialog.

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JQGoogleMapTest-DTR.1.mcz (3K) Download Attachment
JQuery-Extensions-NickAger.2.mcz (2K) Download Attachment
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Re: GoogleMaps support

Johan Brichau-2

There is also this project I started some years back. It's functional, though never reached the state I wanted it to get (yet).

On 11 Jul 2012, at 18:47, [hidden email] wrote:

> Hi,
> i'm interested to manage Google Maps with Seaside.
> For now i work with
> All work fine but i found a problem into Safari and Chrome browser  ( i don't test IE ) when display a JQDialog  with GMDraggableMarkers.
> All works fine with Firewox.
> One month ago i submit  email to this list with title : JQuery Dialog -Extensions with GMDraggableMarkers problem.
> I port some consideration about it at the end of this e-mail.
> Now my question are:
> how i can  solve the problem ?
> can anyone give me some guidance?
> anyone work around the Google Maps seaside integration ?
> Any consideration is welcome.
> Thank,
> Dario
> <JQGoogleMapTest-DTR.1.mcz>
> <JQuery-Extensions-NickAger.2.mcz>
>> OK,  I attached two Monticello Package.
>> The first is a JQuery-Extensions-NickAger.2.mcz    with code for manage JQDialog  call.
>> The last JQGoogleMapTest-DTR.1.mcz is  my code to test  the standard call and the JQDialog call of a GMDraggableMarkers.
>> Prerequisites are:  JQ  support  and  GoogleMaps support from:    ''
>>> In summary the problem is related to the management of the example  GMDraggableMarkers.
>> When i call it with traditional call:  aGMDraggableMarkers it works fine with  all browsers.
>> When i call it with jqDialog:   aGMDraggableMarkers it works fine  only with the Firefox browser.
>> with Safari and Chrome :
>> When you move the marker you lose the control of the marker .
>> No infoWindow is open at the end of marker moving.
>> I don't test Windows browser.
>>> It looks like you have a CSS issue that comes up in Safari (did you try Chrome? may happen there too) but not Firefox.  
>> I test with Chrome 19.0.1084.56.
>> It don't work fine and reports the same errors of Safari ( View ******** at the end of this e-mail ).
>> ************************ This consideration, i think,  are important ************************************
>>>>>> A) Now the anomalous behavior is relative to the GEvent dragend *when
>>>>>> i move the marker into the map div.*
>>>>>> *** GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
>>>>>> marker.openInfoWindowHtml("Just bouncing along..."); }); ***
>>>>>> In this case the event is not "manage" and the
>>>>>> marker.openInfoWindowHtml("Just bouncing along..."); is not open
>>>>>> A1) On contrary when i move the marker outside the map canvas and
>>>>>> release the mouse the infoWindow is open.
>>>>>> B) The strange is that the GEvent dragstart is always right manage
>>>>>> *** GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragstart", function() {
>>>>>> map.closeInfoWindow(); }); ***
>>>>>> When begin the drag of the marker if InfoWindow is open it is close.
>>>>>> I don't understand because some GEvent is right manage and other not
>>>>>> when open maps in modals dialog with JQDialog.
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