Grapher charter

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Grapher charter

Peter Uhnak

Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)

However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.

When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.

I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).

​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds x: #key.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
b add: ds.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 points: data.
ds2 x: #key.
ds2 y: y.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds2.

b axisX
numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view open.

It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)


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Re: Grapher charter


Le 21 mars 2015 01:01, "Peter Uhnák" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi!
> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
> ​
> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
> ​
> ​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
> ================================
> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
> b := RTGrapher new.
> b extent: 500 @ 400.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds points: data.
> ds x: #key.
> ds y: y.
> ds barShape.
> b add: ds.
> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds2 points: data.
> ds2 x: #key.

I think that a RTStackedDataset is not using x.

> ds2 y: y.
> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
> b add: ds2.
> b axisX
> noDecimal;
> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"

Try number of labels instead.

> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
> b axisY
> noDecimal;
> title: '% share'.
> b build.
> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
> lb view: b view.
> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
> lb build.
> b view open.
> ================================
> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
> Peter
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Re: Grapher charter

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.  Currently, you can have:

data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds points: data.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds y: y.
b add: ds.

b axisX
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view

No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.

If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:

((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency

Which produces something like:

So yes, most methods are very short :-)

Let us know how it goes

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:


Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)

However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.

When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.

I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).


​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds x: #key.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
b add: ds.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 points: data.
ds2 x: #key.
ds2 y: y.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds2.

b axisX
numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view open.

It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)

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Re: Grapher charter

Oh actually, I started to work on RTHistogram. But I did not finish. 
It would be great that you took over if you are working on distribution.

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 23, 2015, at 2:58 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:


You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.  Currently, you can have:

data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds points: data.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds y: y.
b add: ds.

b axisX
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view

No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.

<Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 2.44.41 PM.png>

If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:

((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency

Which produces something like:
<Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 2.57.31 PM.png>

So yes, most methods are very short :-)

Let us know how it goes

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:


Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)

However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.

When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.

I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).


​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds x: #key.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
b add: ds.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 points: data.
ds2 x: #key.
ds2 y: y.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds2.

b axisX
numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view open.

It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)

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Re: Grapher charter

Thomas Brodt-2
In reply to this post by abergel
I also already noticed that Barcharts currently do not use the index in the collections as x value, but a distribution over the x axis between (x-1) and x. This leads to misalignment when you compose two DataSets like this:

data1 := #(3 5 7 5 6 2 7).
data2 := Array with: 1 @ 3 with: 3 @ 5 with: 7 @2.
ds1 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds1 points: data1.
ds1 barShape.
ds2 := RTDataSet new.
ds2 connectColor: Roassal2.Color green.
ds2 x: #x; y: #y.
ds2 points: data2.
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.
b add: ds1.
b add: ds2.
b axisX
    numberOfTicks: 7;
    numberOfLabels: 7.
b build.
b view open

As a rough bug fix I made another subclass RTBarChartDataSet that uses the real index. The following script just uses RTBarChartDataSet instead of RTStackedDataSet.
Be aware that the fileout is from Visualworks, not Pharo.

data1 := #(3 5 7 5 6 2 7).
data2 := Array with: 1 @ 3 with: 3 @ 5 with: 7 @2.

ds1 := RTBarChartDataSet new.
ds1 points: data1.
ds1 barShape.

ds2 := RTDataSet new.
ds2 connectColor: Roassal2.Color green.
ds2 x: #x; y: #y.
ds2 points: data2.

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.
b add: ds1.
b add: ds2.

b axisX
    numberOfTicks: 7;
    numberOfLabels: 7.
b build.

b view open

Now the points align. There are other issues however, e.g. the x axis currently stops at max value, but should be at least as wide as the bar covers the x axis. But as a first sketch, it solved our issue.

Maybe this can inspire someone to a real solution to have barcharts whose x value corresponds to the values, not only the index in a collection (we will need this somewhen, anyway).


Am 23.03.2015 um 18:58 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:

You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.  Currently, you can have:

data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds points: data.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds y: y.
b add: ds.

b axisX
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view

No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.

If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:

((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency

Which produces something like:

So yes, most methods are very short :-)

Let us know how it goes

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:


Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)

However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.

When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.

I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).


​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds x: #key.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
b add: ds.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 points: data.
ds2 x: #key.
ds2 y: y.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds2.

b axisX
numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view open.

It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)

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Re: Grapher charter

In reply to this post by abergel

Le 23 mars 2015 18:58, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi!
> You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.

No, you shouldn't.
I use that for dates.
Well, I am going to use a decoration as you told me for my use case but this is the same.
We need more control on where the labels are going.


 Currently, you can have:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
> b := RTGrapher new.
> b extent: 500 @ 400.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds points: data.
> ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
> ds y: y.
> ds barShape.
> ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
> b add: ds.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds connectColor: Color green.
> ds points: data.
> ds connectColor: Color green.
> ds y: y.
> b add: ds.
> b axisX
> noLabel;
> noTick;
> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
> b axisY
> noDecimal;
> title: '% share'.
> b build.
> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
> lb view: b view.
> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
> lb build.
> b view
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.
> If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:
> ((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency
> Which produces something like:
> So yes, most methods are very short :-)
> Let us know how it goes
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>> On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
>> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
>> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
>> <2015-03-21_00:54:28.png>
>> ​
>> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
>> <2015-03-21_00:55:23.png>
>> ​
>> ​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
>> ================================
>> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> b := RTGrapher new.
>> b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> ds points: data.
>> ds x: #key.
>> ds y: y.
>> ds barShape.
>> b add: ds.
>> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> ds2 points: data.
>> ds2 x: #key.
>> ds2 y: y.
>> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
>> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> b add: ds2.
>> b axisX
>> noDecimal;
>> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
>> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> b axisY
>> noDecimal;
>> title: '% share'.
>> b build.
>> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> lb view: b view.
>> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> lb build.
>> b view open.
>> ================================
>> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
>> Peter
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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Re: Grapher charter

In reply to this post by Thomas Brodt-2
Hi Thomas,

Mixing both stacked and non-stacked data is a bit odd. I am not sure how other charting engine behaves on this. We will have to check.

A stacked data set may be rendered using lines instead of bar charts. Consider:
data1 := #(3 5 7 5 6 2 7).

ds1 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds1 points: data1.
ds1 barShape.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 points: data1.

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.
b add: ds1.
b add: ds2.

b axisX
    numberOfTicks: 7;
    numberOfLabels: 7.

b build.
b view open

It produces

Is this close to what you want to achieve?


On Mar 24, 2015, at 6:25 AM, Thomas Brodt <[hidden email]> wrote:

I also already noticed that Barcharts currently do not use the index in the collections as x value, but a distribution over the x axis between (x-1) and x. This leads to misalignment when you compose two DataSets like this:

data1 := #(3 5 7 5 6 2 7).
data2 := Array with: 1 @ 3 with: 3 @ 5 with: 7 @2.
ds1 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds1 points: data1.
ds1 barShape.
ds2 := RTDataSet new.
ds2 connectColor: Roassal2.Color green.
ds2 x: #x; y: #y.
ds2 points: data2.
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.
b add: ds1.
b add: ds2.
b axisX
    numberOfTicks: 7;
    numberOfLabels: 7.
b build.
b view open

As a rough bug fix I made another subclass RTBarChartDataSet that uses the real index. The following script just uses RTBarChartDataSet instead of RTStackedDataSet. 
Be aware that the fileout is from Visualworks, not Pharo.

data1 := #(3 5 7 5 6 2 7).
data2 := Array with: 1 @ 3 with: 3 @ 5 with: 7 @2.

ds1 := RTBarChartDataSet new.
ds1 points: data1.
ds1 barShape.

ds2 := RTDataSet new.
ds2 connectColor: Roassal2.Color green.
ds2 x: #x; y: #y.
ds2 points: data2.

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.
b add: ds1.
b add: ds2.

b axisX
    numberOfTicks: 7;
    numberOfLabels: 7.
b build.

b view open

Now the points align. There are other issues however, e.g. the x axis currently stops at max value, but should be at least as wide as the bar covers the x axis. But as a first sketch, it solved our issue. 

Maybe this can inspire someone to a real solution to have barcharts whose x value corresponds to the values, not only the index in a collection (we will need this somewhen, anyway). 


Am 23.03.2015 um 18:58 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:

You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.  Currently, you can have:

data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds points: data.
ds connectColor: Color green.
ds y: y.
b add: ds.

b axisX
 title: 'method size (LOC)'.
b axisY
 title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view

No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.

<Mail Attachment.png>

If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:

((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency

Which produces something like:
<Mail Attachment.png>

So yes, most methods are very short :-)

Let us know how it goes

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:


Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)

However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.

When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.

I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).


​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.

y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: data.
ds x: #key.
ds y: y.
ds barShape.
b add: ds.

ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds2 points: data.
ds2 x: #key.
ds2 y: y.
ds2 connectColor: Color green.
ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
b add: ds2.

b axisX


numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"

title: 'method size (LOC)'.


b axisY


title: '% share'.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
lb build.

b view open.

It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)

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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Grapher charter

In reply to this post by philippeback
> > You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.
> No, you shouldn't.
> I use that for dates.
> Well, I am going to use a decoration as you told me for my use case but this is the same.
> We need more control on where the labels are going.

Indeed, we need more control on label positioning. It takes time to tune all the pieces.
But we will succeed :-)

Alexandre Bergel

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Grapher charter

In reply to this post by philippeback
Hi Phil,

We started to work a bit on that direction. Consider the following example:

b := RTGrapher new.

ds := RTDataSet new.
ds points: #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6).
b add: ds.

deco :=  RTHorizontalAllValuesDecorator new.
deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
b addDecorator: deco.

deco :=  RTVerticalValuesDecorator new.
deco addAll: #(2 3 4).
deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
b addDecorator: deco.

b axisX noTick; noLabel.
b axisY noTick; noLabel.

I suspect that in the future, the axis renderer will be much simpler with the decorator. Decorators gives flexibility.


On Mar 24, 2015, at 9:00 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

Le 23 mars 2015 18:58, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi!
> You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.

No, you shouldn't.
I use that for dates.
Well, I am going to use a decoration as you told me for my use case but this is the same.
We need more control on where the labels are going.


 Currently, you can have:

> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
> b := RTGrapher new.
> b extent: 500 @ 400.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds points: data.
> ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
> ds y: y.
> ds barShape.
> ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
> b add: ds.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds connectColor: Color green.
> ds points: data.
> ds connectColor: Color green.
> ds y: y.
> b add: ds.
> b axisX
> noLabel;
> noTick;
> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
> b axisY
> noDecimal;
> title: '% share'.
> b build.
> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
> lb view: b view.
> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
> lb build.
> b view
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.
> If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:
> ((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency
> Which produces something like:
> So yes, most methods are very short :-)
> Let us know how it goes
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>> On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
>> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
>> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
>> <2015-03-21_00:54:28.png>
>> ​
>> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
>> <2015-03-21_00:55:23.png>
>> ​
>> ​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
>> ================================
>> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> b := RTGrapher new.
>> b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> ds points: data.
>> ds x: #key.
>> ds y: y.
>> ds barShape.
>> b add: ds.
>> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> ds2 points: data.
>> ds2 x: #key.
>> ds2 y: y.
>> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
>> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> b add: ds2.
>> b axisX
>> noDecimal;
>> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
>> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> b axisY
>> noDecimal;
>> title: '% share'.
>> b build.
>> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> lb view: b view.
>> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> lb build.
>> b view open.
>> ================================
>> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
>> Peter
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Grapher charter


Le 24 mars 2015 23:18, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi Phil,
> We started to work a bit on that direction. Consider the following example:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> b := RTGrapher new.
> ds := RTDataSet new.
> ds points: #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6).
> b add: ds.
> deco :=  RTHorizontalAllValuesDecorator new.
> deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
> b addDecorator: deco.
> deco :=  RTVerticalValuesDecorator new.
> deco addAll: #(2 3 4).
> deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
> b addDecorator: deco.
> b axisX noTick; noLabel.
> b axisY noTick; noLabel.
> b 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> I suspect that in the future, the axis renderer will be much simpler with the decorator. Decorators gives flexibility.


I also now have an HTML5 exporter version of mine thay exports nicely in a seaside component.

But the full view is draggable around and takes a lot of space despite the extent I specify for the RTGrapher.

Something in the Visitor maybe.


> Cheers,
> Alexandre
>> On Mar 24, 2015, at 9:00 AM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Le 23 mars 2015 18:58, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>> >
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.
>> No, you shouldn't.
>> I use that for dates.
>> Well, I am going to use a decoration as you told me for my use case but this is the same.
>> We need more control on where the labels are going.
>> Phil
>>  Currently, you can have:
>> >
>> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> > data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> >
>> > y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> >
>> > b := RTGrapher new.
>> > b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> >
>> > ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> > ds points: data.
>> > ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
>> > ds y: y.
>> > ds barShape.
>> > ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> > b add: ds.
>> >
>> > ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> > ds connectColor: Color green.
>> > ds points: data.
>> > ds connectColor: Color green.
>> > ds y: y.
>> > b add: ds.
>> >
>> > b axisX
>> > noLabel;
>> > noTick;
>> > title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> > b axisY
>> > noDecimal;
>> > title: '% share'.
>> > b build.
>> >
>> > lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> > lb view: b view.
>> > lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> > lb build.
>> >
>> > b view
>> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> >
>> > No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.
>> >
>> >
>> > If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:
>> >
>> > ((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency
>> >
>> > Which produces something like:
>> >
>> > So yes, most methods are very short :-)
>> >
>> > Let us know how it goes
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Alexandre
>> > -- 
>> > _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> > Alexandre Bergel
>> > ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi!
>> >>
>> >> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
>> >>
>> >> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
>> >>
>> >> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
>> >> <2015-03-21_00:54:28.png>
>> >> ​
>> >> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
>> >>
>> >> <2015-03-21_00:55:23.png>
>> >> ​
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
>> >> ================================
>> >> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> >>
>> >> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> >>
>> >> b := RTGrapher new.
>> >> b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> >>
>> >> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> >> ds points: data.
>> >> ds x: #key.
>> >> ds y: y.
>> >> ds barShape.
>> >> b add: ds.
>> >>
>> >> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> >> ds2 points: data.
>> >> ds2 x: #key.
>> >> ds2 y: y.
>> >> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
>> >> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> >> b add: ds2.
>> >>
>> >> b axisX
>> >> noDecimal;
>> >> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
>> >> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> >> b axisY
>> >> noDecimal;
>> >> title: '% share'.
>> >> b build.
>> >>
>> >> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> >> lb view: b view.
>> >> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> >> lb build.
>> >>
>> >> b view open.
>> >> ================================
>> >>
>> >> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
>> >>
>> >> Peter
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> Moose-dev mailing list
>> >> [hidden email]
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Moose-dev mailing list
>> > [hidden email]
>> >
>> >
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Grapher charter

Yes, I think you can set this in the visitor

Alexandre Bergel

On Mar 25, 2015, at 3:17 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

Le 24 mars 2015 23:18, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi Phil,
> We started to work a bit on that direction. Consider the following example:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> b := RTGrapher new.
> ds := RTDataSet new.
> ds points: #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6).
> b add: ds.
> deco :=  RTHorizontalAllValuesDecorator new.
> deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
> b addDecorator: deco.
> deco :=  RTVerticalValuesDecorator new.
> deco addAll: #(2 3 4).
> deco labelConversion: [ :value | '#', value asString ].
> b addDecorator: deco.
> b axisX noTick; noLabel.
> b axisY noTick; noLabel.
> b 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> I suspect that in the future, the axis renderer will be much simpler with the decorator. Decorators gives flexibility.


I also now have an HTML5 exporter version of mine thay exports nicely in a seaside component.

But the full view is draggable around and takes a lot of space despite the extent I specify for the RTGrapher.

Something in the Visitor maybe.


> Cheers,
> Alexandre
>> On Mar 24, 2015, at 9:00 AM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Le 23 mars 2015 18:58, "Alexandre Bergel" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>> >
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > You are using an histogram. I think I should disable having labels on the X-axis with histogram.
>> No, you shouldn't.
>> I use that for dates.
>> Well, I am going to use a decoration as you told me for my use case but this is the same.
>> We need more control on where the labels are going.
>> Phil
>>  Currently, you can have:
>> >
>> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> > data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> >
>> > y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> >
>> > b := RTGrapher new.
>> > b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> >
>> > ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> > ds points: data.
>> > ds histogramWithBarTitle: #key rotation: 0.
>> > ds y: y.
>> > ds barShape.
>> > ds highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> > b add: ds.
>> >
>> > ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> > ds connectColor: Color green.
>> > ds points: data.
>> > ds connectColor: Color green.
>> > ds y: y.
>> > b add: ds.
>> >
>> > b axisX
>> > noLabel;
>> > noTick;
>> > title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> > b axisY
>> > noDecimal;
>> > title: '% share'.
>> > b build.
>> >
>> > lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> > lb view: b view.
>> > lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> > lb build.
>> >
>> > b view
>> > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> >
>> > No tick and no label on the X-axis. However, you titled bar in your stacked data set.
>> >
>> >
>> > If you are working with distribution, I highly suggest you to work with RTDistribution. This class is far from being finished. But I need help on this. You can then do:
>> >
>> > ((CompiledMethod allInstances copyFrom: 1 to: 100) collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) plotFrequency
>> >
>> > Which produces something like:
>> >
>> > So yes, most methods are very short :-)
>> >
>> > Let us know how it goes
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Alexandre
>> > -- 
>> > _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> > Alexandre Bergel
>> > ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> On Mar 20, 2015, at 9:01 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi!
>> >>
>> >> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
>> >>
>> >> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
>> >>
>> >> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
>> >> <2015-03-21_00:54:28.png>
>> >> ​
>> >> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
>> >>
>> >> <2015-03-21_00:55:23.png>
>> >> ​
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ​Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
>> >> ================================
>> >> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
>> >>
>> >> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
>> >>
>> >> b := RTGrapher new.
>> >> b extent: 500 @ 400.
>> >>
>> >> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> >> ds points: data.
>> >> ds x: #key.
>> >> ds y: y.
>> >> ds barShape.
>> >> b add: ds.
>> >>
>> >> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
>> >> ds2 points: data.
>> >> ds2 x: #key.
>> >> ds2 y: y.
>> >> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
>> >> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
>> >> b add: ds2.
>> >>
>> >> b axisX
>> >> noDecimal;
>> >> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
>> >> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
>> >> b axisY
>> >> noDecimal;
>> >> title: '% share'.
>> >> b build.
>> >>
>> >> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
>> >> lb view: b view.
>> >> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
>> >> lb build.
>> >>
>> >> b view open.
>> >> ================================
>> >>
>> >> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
>> >>
>> >> Peter
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>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> > Moose-dev mailing list
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>> >
>> >
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> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
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