Graphics add-ons for Dolphin?

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Graphics add-ons for Dolphin?

Are there any add-on graphics packages available for Dolphin?

For instance, trying to create a game, or a data-visualization
tool in Dolphin might benefit from such a graphics framework.
(Or are the base graphics-libraries good enough?)

I imagine this could be a nice niche for Dolphin, because on
a plain browser-based application it is difficult to create
decent interactive graphics.

-Panu Viljamaa

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Re: Graphics add-ons for Dolphin?

Bruno Brasesco
Check this:

"panu" <panu@fcc.net_zerospam> escribió en el mensaje
news:[hidden email]...

> Are there any add-on graphics packages available for Dolphin?
> For instance, trying to create a game, or a data-visualization
> tool in Dolphin might benefit from such a graphics framework.
> (Or are the base graphics-libraries good enough?)
> I imagine this could be a nice niche for Dolphin, because on
> a plain browser-based application it is difficult to create
> decent interactive graphics.
> Thanks
> -Panu Viljamaa

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Re: Graphics add-ons for Dolphin?

Bruno wrote:

>Check this:
Thanks for the reference. Look's great.  But what about about 2 D?
This is what businesses more often need.

Is it easy  to apply a 3D frameset and simply omit one dimension,
to produce 2D graphics?

-Panu Viljamaa

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Re: Graphics add-ons for Dolphin?

Steve Alan Waring
In reply to this post by panu-2
panu wrote:
> Are there any add-on graphics packages available for Dolphin?

Hi panu,

The Smalltalking site has a graphics package at:

The "Graphic Objects" package is for an older version of Dolphin, however I
recently contacted Andres Otaduy, and he is working on a beta version for
D5. If you have trouble contacting him, email me and I can send you an email
address for him.


Steve Waring
Email: [hidden email]