please excuse my posting to this list although my question is very generic and not very closely related to Smalltalk. But since here are a few people around who use Seaside and related web technologies in Smalltalk, I thought this question may be of interest to the group. Our web application (Seaside based, to at least justify my abuse of this group a tiny bit) sends out mails to registered users at certain events. We currently have some HTML-Strings that are concatenated into mail messages, by simply streaming the headers, an empty line and the html contents of a mail message. Of course we fill in individual information like the name of the recipient, amounts etc. individually for our mail recipients. I am looking for an application that allows to me visually design such an HTML (and alternative text) message and export the result as a simple ASCII file that can be used to 1. Use a simple text editor (or workspace) to add variables (like %1, %2 etc. for bindWith:with: etc, or Mustache or whatever) 2. Read from a FileStream and fill in the variables and concatenate the ready made message into a String that can be sent out via SMTP I've tried MailDesigner Pro on Mac, but this doesn't embed pictures inline into the exported file. It puts images onto some cloud location and adds links to them. This is not what I have in mind. I want the images to be inline in the message as attachment. I hope I've described exactly enough what I need and that you guys have any tips what I could use. I don't care if it runs on Windows, Mac or Linux, and it can be a reasonably priced commercial product if it does what I need. Maybe you don't have an answer but have an idea where I could ask. Thanks, Joachim -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel mailto:[hidden email] Fliederweg 1 http://www.objektfabrik.de D-71640 Ludwigsburg http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0 Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1 _______________________________________________ Esug-list mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org |
Hi, I Use MailStyler its Windows only but does a good job in virtual box. Enclosed is the method I use to crypt the link and how I replace text under buttons and in the text. Notice that I request the original document from my server which is easier to get things compliant. Hope this helps, This AppeX and VW of course (what else). sendRequestSignUpMail: aNewUser license: aConf languages: langSTR | aMessage smtpClient stream bos aByteArray cryptedMail httpClient request response messContents aLinkAccept aName byMailChimp | stream := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. bos := BinaryObjectStorage onNew: stream. bos nextPut: aNewUser email. bos nextPut: aNewUser passwd. bos nextPut: Date today. bos close. aByteArray := stream contents. cryptedMail := Crypter new cryptEmail: aByteArray. DeploymentOptionsSystem isRuntime ifTrue: [aLinkAccept := '' , cryptedMail] ifFalse: [aLinkAccept := 'http://localhost:8889/Interpret/confirm' , cryptedMail]. httpClient := Net.HttpClient new. httpClient timeout: 2000. request := Net.HttpRequest response := [httpClient executeRequest: request] on: Error do: [:exc | Transcript show: 'You missed it !']. response ifNotNil: [messContents := response value byteSource contents asByteString. messContents := messContents copyReplaceAll: 'text/html; charset=utf-8' with: 'utf-8'. aNewUser firstName ifNil: [aNewUser lastName ifNil: [aName := 'Interpreter,'] ifNotNil: [aName := 'Mr/MS ' , aNewUser lastName]] ifNotNil: [aName := aNewUser firstName]. messContents := messContents copyReplaceAll: 'XXXXXX' with: aName. messContents := messContents copyReplaceAll: 'http://confirmsigningup' with: aLinkAccept. messContents := messContents copyReplaceAll: 'YYYYYYYYYYYY' with: aNewUser email. aMessage := Net.MailMessage newTextHTML. aMessage contents: messContents. aMessage to: aNewUser email. aMessage from: '"HeadVox" <[hidden email]>'. aMessage subject: 'HeadVox Sign-Up Confirmation'.
_______________________________________________ Esug-list mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org |
Hi Maarten,
thanks a lot for your answer and code sample. It helped in several aspects:
Thanks a lot! Joachim Am 11.10.16 um 16:28 schrieb Maarten Mostert:
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel [hidden email] Fliederweg 1 http://www.objektfabrik.de D-71640 Ludwigsburg http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0 Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1 _______________________________________________ Esug-list mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org |
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