HTML simple question ?

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HTML simple question ?

Bruno Brasesco
Hi all,

Is there any way in Dolphin to display aString (in HTML format) in
aURLPresenter without creating a File on hard drive ?


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Re: HTML simple question ?

Louis Sumberg-2

> Is there any way in Dolphin to display aString (in HTML format) in
> aURLPresenter without creating a File on hard drive ?

Dolphin's TipOfTheDay class uses the following type of approach, though I
believe the string's size should be no greater than 1,000 or so.

URLPresenter showOn: 'about: <h2>Hello</h2><h1>there</h1>'.

-- Louis

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Re: HTML simple question ?

Steve Alan Waring
Louis Sumberg wrote:

> Bruno,
>> Is there any way in Dolphin to display aString (in HTML format) in
>> aURLPresenter without creating a File on hard drive ?
> Dolphin's TipOfTheDay class uses the following type of approach,
> though I believe the string's size should be no greater than 1,000 or
> so.
> URLPresenter showOn: 'about: <h2>Hello</h2><h1>there</h1>'.
> -- Louis

If this is a limitation, you can use the document's IPersistStreamInit
interface. An example would be;

   pPersistStream := self document queryInterface: IPersistStreamInit.
   pStream := (IStream onHGLOBAL) nextPutAll: aString asByteArray;
   pPersistStream initNew.
   pPersistStream Load: pStream

Where document is accessed via;
    self view controlDispatch document

One limitation of this method is that no host is set into the document and
therefore relative hrefs can not be resolved. As I understand it, if you
need to load a string as if it was obtained from a certain url, you need to
implement a URLMoniker.


Steve Waring
Email: [hidden email]