>I keep looking through documentation and the class browser, but can't
> seem to find a simple way of getting the HWND of a created window/view.
Send #handle to a View instance, it answers an instance of ExternalHandle.
> I'm sure there is a simple way to do this, but any pointers in the
> proper direction (and - even better - how I can easily find simple
> information like this in the future) would be great! :-)
It's difficult to give a exact answer to that, it depends to a great extent
on what you are looking for. In this case maybe ...
- Look at the methods and instance variables in View.
- Do a free text search (ClassBrowser/Browse Other/Containing Text) for
- Look at interface methods that pass a hwnd and then tracing back to see
where that parameter came from.
As a general rule, getting to know the image can be invaluable. Spending a
bit of time just browsing around and following up on anything that looks
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