Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

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Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

Juan Buligovich
Hello everybody

I've purchassed recently both versions Dolphin 5 & 6. Dolphin 6 looks
impressive. I'm eager to use it for real work. But there is an annoying
problem with the executable I've deployed from Dolphin 5. In some user
machines such executable after a short while working ok, stops the
automatic updating of the user interface: The buttons status
(enable/disable) remains freezed. Apparently the #validateUserInterface
stops to be sent.

Those user machines are old and are still using Windows98, but I can't
ask the user to change the hardware and the OS, because the application
is working OK in Dolphin 4.

What are the hard and soft requirements for Dolphin 5 and Dolphin 6
deployed executables?

The Object-arts site specifies only the requirements for Dolphin 6
development environment.

Any information and comments will be gratefully received.


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Re: Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

Schwab,Wilhelm K

> I've purchassed recently both versions Dolphin 5 & 6. Dolphin 6 looks
> impressive. I'm eager to use it for real work. But there is an annoying
> problem with the executable I've deployed from Dolphin 5.
 > In some user

Since it fails when deployed from D5, I suggest fixing it there before
moving to D6.

> machines such executable after a short while working ok, stops the
> automatic updating of the user interface: The buttons status
> (enable/disable) remains freezed. Apparently the #validateUserInterface
> stops to be sent.

What does the program do?  That is not intended to pry into your
intellectual property; generic answers will be helpful.  In particular,
does it use COM, sockets, ODBC, etc.?  I found it necessary to tweak the
idle loop in some versions, particuarly so when I was still relying
heavily on COM.  The failure mode was something like what you describe.

Searching Ian's archives might help.  Look at D4's idle loop and compare
what 9x would do there vs. in D5/6.

PLEASE make a backup before making any changes.  Having done that, you
might alter the D5 idle loop accordingly to see if it helps.

> Those user machines are old and are still using Windows98, but I can't
> ask the user to change the hardware and the OS, because the application
> is working OK in Dolphin 4.

Just out of curiosity, why is the customer sticking w/ 98?  I agree that
since they are, you should do your best to target it.  You might be
surprised to find who shares that goal:


> What are the hard and soft requirements for Dolphin 5 and Dolphin 6
> deployed executables?

Do you mean hardware and software?  Hardware requirements for Dolphin
have never been terribly demanding, so I doubt that is the problem.  I
would look at the idle loop.  You might need to hack in a test for 9x
and then re-establish the D4/9x WaitFor*() call.  Again, please make a
backup before trying it.

Another possibility: do your users pop up menus and then walk away?  If
so, and if you rely heavily on deferred actions, you might need to look
at Steve Waring's(??) view queue goodie.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

Blair McGlashan-3
In reply to this post by Juan Buligovich
"Juan Buligovich" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> Hello everybody
> I've purchassed recently both versions Dolphin 5 & 6. Dolphin 6 looks
> impressive. I'm eager to use it for real work. But there is an annoying
> problem with the executable I've deployed from Dolphin 5. In some user
> machines such executable after a short while working ok, stops the
> automatic updating of the user interface: The buttons status
> (enable/disable) remains freezed. Apparently the #validateUserInterface
> stops to be sent.
> Those user machines are old and are still using Windows98, but I can't
> ask the user to change the hardware and the OS, because the application
> is working OK in Dolphin 4.
> ...

It sounds as if you are using an unpatched Dolphin 5.1 to deploy the app.
There was a bug on Windows 98 whereby the idle processing would stop waking
up due to an issue with the implementation of a particular API call on
Windows 98. If you patch 5.1 up to 5.1.4 using Live Update (or use Dolphin
6) you should find that this problem goes away.



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Re: Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

Juan Buligovich
In reply to this post by Schwab,Wilhelm K

Thanks for your inmediate response. I begun the debugging work
following your advices. Looking at this low level of Dolphin Smalltalk
was a very interesting experience to me. And a time consuming one too.
I've worked in it until I received the Blair's message. Then I applied
the Dolphin 5.1 patches and the idle problem seems to be fixed.

About your questions:
1) My application doesn't use COM, nor sockets; just some ODBC.
2) I don't know yet why the customer is still using w/98. Perhaps they
are making economies...


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Re: Hard&Soft Requirements for Dolphin 6 & 5 deployed executable

Juan Buligovich
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan-3

Thanks for your help. After I applied the patches the problem
I'm just waiting the users corroboration.
