Having a bytcode loader

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Having a bytcode loader

Mathieu Suen-2

I have a little bit of free time so I decided to try
implementing a bytecode loader and dumper.
So I have a couple of question on what would be the right interface.
And how people want this kind of feature.

First do we wanted inside the *.st file or have it like in elisp a kind of *.stc file?
So now I am not aware of how people usually load file into GNU-Smalltalk so I have no
clue to how people want this feature.

So feel free to send, ask, suggest propositions.

I part from that I have look at the ObjectDumper class.
I wonder if that could help for building the bytcode dumper.


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Re: Having a bytcode loader

Paolo Bonzini-2
On 05/27/2010 11:52 AM, Mathieu Suen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a little bit of free time so I decided to try implementing a
> bytecode loader and dumper. So I have a couple of question on what
> would be the right interface. And how people want this kind of
> feature.
> First do we wanted inside the *.st file or have it like in elisp a
> kind of *.stc file?

I think a *.stc file like Python and elisp would be better.  The right
interface IMO would be:

1) a gst-compile script to compile a .st file to .stc.  This could reuse
some of the infrastructure in gst-convert.

2) gst-package would check if a .stc file is present every time a .st
file is put in an archive, and put the .stc file too.

3) Similarly, the PackageLoader would check if a .stc file is present
and "file it in" too.  I'm not sure whether the same file in primitive
would be used for filein, or a different one.

> I part from that I have look at the ObjectDumper class. I wonder if
> that could help for building the bytcode dumper.

Maybe.  However, first of all I'd start by profiling a large filein
(Seaside) and see whether time is spent in Smalltalk or C code.


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Re : [Help-smalltalk] Having a bytcode loader

Mathieu Suen-2
Ok So I did try to profile with the ProfileTools package.

Here is the code to generate a grind file:

Eval [
     | file
result |
     PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'ProfileTools'.
result := CallGraphProfiler profile: [PackageLoader fileInPackage:
     file := FileStream open: 'grind.out' mode:
FileStream write.
     file nextPutAll: result printString.
file close.

But I soon as I try to read it with KCachegrind
it fail to open the grind.out file.
Is there some missing header or
something else to append to the file?


--Mathieu suen

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Paolo Bonzini <[hidden email]>
À : Mathieu Suen <[hidden email]>
Cc : [hidden email]
Envoyé le : Jeu 27 mai 2010, 12h 22min 34s
Objet : Re: [Help-smalltalk] Having a bytcode loader

On 05/27/2010 11:52 AM, Mathieu Suen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a little bit of free time so I decided to try implementing a
> bytecode loader and dumper. So I have a couple of question on what
> would be the right interface. And how people want this kind of
> feature.
> First do we wanted inside the *.st file or have it like in elisp a
> kind of *.stc file?

I think a *.stc file like Python and elisp would be better.  The right interface IMO would be:

1) a gst-compile script to compile a .st file to .stc.  This could reuse some of the infrastructure in gst-convert.

2) gst-package would check if a .stc file is present every time a .st file is put in an archive, and put the .stc file too.

3) Similarly, the PackageLoader would check if a .stc file is present and "file it in" too.  I'm not sure whether the same file in primitive would be used for filein, or a different one.

> I part from that I have look at the ObjectDumper class. I wonder if
> that could help for building the bytcode dumper.

Maybe.  However, first of all I'd start by profiling a large filein (Seaside) and see whether time is spent in Smalltalk or C code.


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