Hi, Pharo Users!
I'm starting to work on types in Pharo. To be more precise, I'd like to improve the RoelTyper (a package which "guesses" variable types in code). What suggestions do you have? I have some ideas and I'm currently working to find more, but it's always interesting to hear what the community has to say :) Oh, and by the way, I've found a bug in RoelTyper. I have a fix, but it seems that RoelTyper is a Moose thing, since it's not included in the vanilla Pharo image. Do you know where I could submit the fix? Cheers, Diego. |
Hi Diego, First: welcome! RoelTyper makes indeed type inference for Moose (so based on a model of a source code, and support all kind of languages). I don’t know the status of this project
but the Moose mailing list can help you on this (in cc). For type inference of only Smalltalk objects based on Pharo, I know that Pablo Tesone (in cc too) is working on it (maybe you should see
http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pabloTesone/J2Inferer or
http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~pabloTesone/JUInferer). If you found a bug and have a fix, it is very nice ;)
Did you make some regression tests ? To submit it, you should be a contributor of
http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~RMoD/RoelTyper or in the RMoD team project. You can try to ask the rights here or send your fileout as attachment. Cheers, Vincent De : Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]]
De la part de Diego Orellana Hi, Pharo Users! I'm starting to work on types in Pharo. To be more precise, I'd like to improve the RoelTyper (a package which "guesses" variable types in code). What suggestions do you have? I have some ideas and I'm currently working to find more, but
it's always interesting to hear what the community has to say :) Oh, and by the way, I've found a bug in RoelTyper. I have a fix, but it seems that RoelTyper is a Moose thing, since it's not included in the vanilla Pharo image. Do you know where I could submit the fix? Cheers, Diego. !!!************************************************************************************* "Ce message et les pièces jointes sont confidentiels et réservés à l'usage exclusif de ses destinataires. Il peut également être protégé par le secret professionnel. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci d'en avertir immédiatement l'expéditeur et de le détruire. L'intégrité du message ne pouvant être assurée sur Internet, la responsabilité de Worldline ne pourra être recherchée quant au contenu de ce message. Bien que les meilleurs efforts soient faits pour maintenir cette transmission exempte de tout virus, l'expéditeur ne donne aucune garantie à cet égard et sa responsabilité ne saurait être recherchée pour tout dommage résultant d'un virus transmis. This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Worldline liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavours to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted.!!!" |
Hi Vincent! Thanks for the answer, I'll ask in the moose-dev mailing list what can be done about it, and of course I've made an unit test that checks the bug is gone :D Cheers, Diego. 2016-04-14 12:50 GMT-03:00 Blondeau Vincent <[hidden email]>:
In reply to this post by dorellang
Hello Diego
Good initiative! RoelTyper is not a Moose project. It is just used in moose. Now it would be good to check a bit (RoelTyper was made to work on VisualWorks and Squeak/Pharo) and it would be nice to make sure that we do not need the VW specificities. RoelTyper is managed by RMoD so give me you login and we will add you to the project. Le 14/4/16 16:52, Diego Orellana a écrit : > Hi, Pharo Users! > > I'm starting to work on types in Pharo. To be more precise, I'd like > to improve the RoelTyper (a package which "guesses" variable types in > code). What suggestions do you have? I have some ideas and I'm > currently working to find more, but it's always interesting to hear > what the community has to say :) > > Oh, and by the way, I've found a bug in RoelTyper. I have a fix, but > it seems that RoelTyper is a Moose thing, since it's not included in > the vanilla Pharo image. Do you know where I could submit the fix? > > Cheers, > Diego. |
Hello, My smalltalkhub user is dorellang. Cheers. 2016-04-15 17:27 GMT-03:00 stepharo <[hidden email]>: Hello Diego |
Hi Diego, Just yesterday I have added documentation explaining a bit how the process is working in my Type Inferer, it works in a different way than RoelTyper, but maybe you can get ideas of how enhance Roel's Any doubt please tell me. Pablo On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 2:41 AM, Diego Orellana <[hidden email]> wrote:
Pablo Tesone.
[hidden email] |
In reply to this post by dorellang
I added you.
Tell me if this is working. Le 19/4/16 02:41, Diego Orellana a
écrit :
Hello, Stephan. I uploaded the test and the fix (actually a workaround to prevent the method from exploding a throwing an error; basically the type information from block temporaries is omitted). So it works ok so far :) Cheers, Diego. 2016-04-19 10:01 GMT-03:00 stepharo <[hidden email]>:
In reply to this post by tesonep@gmail.com
Hi Pablo, Well, I tried to load the packages from your repositories, but I couldn't. First I tried to load all the packages in the repository via: Gofer it package: 'J2Inferer'; package: 'J2Profiler'; package: 'ConfigurationOfJ2Inferer'; load. But then I have this error: "This package depends on the following classes: SIRegister You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: J2SilentSIRegister J2SilentSIRegister>>#fill" And when I try to load it via 'ConfigurationOfJ2Inferer loadBleedingEdge', and I got: 'Could not resolve: J2Inferer in C:\Users\diego\Desktop\pharo' How I am supposed to load them in my image? I am still a newbie in Pharo so I don't know how you are supossed to do it :P Cheers, Diego. 2016-04-19 4:11 GMT-03:00 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>:
Hi Diego, the most updated version is published in GitHub. In that place there is also some documentation. Cheers, Pablo On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Diego Orellana <[hidden email]> wrote:
Pablo Tesone.
[hidden email] |
Hi Pablo,
We are diving into the mysteries of BaselineOf. After having cloned the github repo and loaded manually the baseline. We tried: BaselineOfJ2Inferer project version load But we get a could not resolve: J2Inferer-Implementors. No idea whether your Baseline is oddly defined or Metacello/Baseline/Filetree are buggy :-( How can we load your application? Alexandre
_,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;: Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
In reply to this post by tesonep@gmail.com
How to open a IBBrowser by the way?
Cheers, Alexandre
_,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;: Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
Pablo, can you give us some usage examples? First I would like to get the type inference data programmatically in order to compare the type data with other tools. And also, I would like to open the IBBrowser. Here's what I've tried so far: For getting argument types: (((J2Inferer default inferClass: RTView; typeInfoFor: RTView) methods at: #setCanvas:) parameters at: 1) subtypes But subtypes is a set of J2ParameterRelationship objects which I don't know how to get the types from them. And I've managed to open the IBBrowser like this: IBBrowser openOn: (RPackage organizer packageNamed: 'Roassal2') using: (J2Inferer default) the browser at first opens fine and shows all the packages and instance variables but it doesn't show any methods and when I click an instance variable I get an error. What am I doing wrong? I'd be very thankful if you helped us :D Cheers, Diego. 2016-04-21 10:56 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>:
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