Help and Prof. Stef browsers

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Help and Prof. Stef browsers

Schwab,Wilhelm K
Hello all,

In prodding the 1.1 beta, I noted the help and Prof Stef browsers.  Is there any tutorial information on how they were built?  They do some very useful things (splitters, layout, trees) and deserve careful study.


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Re: Help and Prof. Stef browsers

laurent laffont

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Schwab,Wilhelm K <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello all,

In prodding the 1.1 beta, I noted the help and Prof Stef browsers.  Is there any tutorial information on how they were built?  They do some very useful things (splitters, layout, trees) and deserve careful study.

Hi Bill,

HelpBrowser>>initWindow is a good example too.

Laurent Laffont


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