Hi !
I am using WidgetExamples exampleBuilder to make an accordion widget. I open a model newPluggableWindow in it, and would like it to be a fullscreen entity. I have tried all the methods, #fullscreen and #extent but in vain. It would be great if anyone could help. The code snippet is as : printSearchResults self open. SearchQuick searchQuick: self myString. builder := WidgetExamples exampleBuilder. dialog := (builder newPluggableDialogWindow: 'SEARCH RESULTS FOR " ', myString , ' " '). searchResultsAccordion := dialog contentMorph: ( dialog newColumn: { dialog newColumn: ( SearchQuick myResult collect: [ :r | dialog newRow: { ( ( dialog newExpander: r title asString forAll: { ( dialog newTextEditorFor: ( ValueHolder new contents: r content asString ) getText: #contents setText: #contents: )minHeight: 150. } )minWidth:750; minHeight: 10 ) cellInset: 0; borderStyle: (BorderStyle inset baseColor: dialog paneColor; width: 1) } ] ) . backBtn := dialog newButtonFor: self action: #backButtonClicked label: 'Back' help: 'Back'. backBtn extent: 750@30. } ); minWidth: World extent x; minHeight: World extent y; model: nil. searchResultsAccordion position: 0@0. searchResultsAccordion extent: World extent. searchResultsAccordion width: World extent x. searchResultsAccordion height: World extent y. builder newScrollPaneFor: searchResultsAccordion. dialog position: 0@0. dialog extent: World extent. builder openModal: dialog. dialog newScrollPaneFor: searchResultsAccordion . Regards Jigyasa |
Le 05/08/2015 23:30, Jigyasa Grover a écrit :
> Hi ! > I am using *WidgetExamples exampleBuilder* to make an accordion > widget. I open a model *newPluggableWindow* in it, and would like it > to be a fullscreen entity. > I have tried all the methods, *#fullscreen *and *#extent* but in vain. > It would be great if anyone could help. Hello, I only reply to pharo.user group, no need to cross post to pharo.dev. May be dialog are constrained to not be fullscreen, not sure. What you could try, is debug your code when requesting fullscreen on your dialog: In a workspace, (or from an inspector on your dialog): myDialog fullscreen (or self fullscren from an inspector), then select and debut with Alt+shift+d (on linux) But I just tested these in a workspace: "Does not open fullscreen" d := ExampleBuilderMorph new newPluggableDialogWindow. d fullscreen. d openInWorld. "Works, set to fullscreen" d := ExampleBuilderMorph new newPluggableDialogWindow. d openInWorld. d fullscreen. Looks like, the dialog has to be open first in the World then notified for fullscreen. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu http://google.com/+DrgeoEu |
In reply to this post by Jigyasa Grover
Hi jigyasa, You have an openFullScreen method somewhere, which really opens full screen (and makes it hard to close;) ). Thierry Le 5 août 2015 5:30 PM, "Jigyasa Grover" <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Thank You Sir :)
It does almost what I desire . Regards Jigyasa |
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