Help to get the classes/methods that were updated after compilation.

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Help to get the classes/methods that were updated after compilation.

Pernet Alexis

So, i need to know what classes/methods have been changed so that i can run the critic browser tests on the fly. I remember there's a way to do it, but not exactly how to use it.
Can i have some help with that? (or a link to somewhere that is explained)

Also, i need a way to gather environments and associate them with rules, what would be the best type of collection/etc... to do that?
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Re: Help to get the classes/methods that were updated after compilation.


for now I’ve started to develop a script which will generate new rules based on existing ones. I encountered some problems today, so in the end I think I’ll trash some of them for now.

If you have some knowledge about environments it can be interesting, because I don’t see a reason for them now. In constant re-running you have just one entity and you need to know if it violates certain rule or not. It’s not about composing an environment of entities which violate certain 1 rule.

My script is for now here: . If you don’t understand it - it’s fine. I just wrote some meta-magic today in a rush.

Let’s keep in touch and try to do something together.


On 02 Sep 2014, at 23:29, Pernet Alexis <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello!
> So, i need to know what classes/methods have been changed so that i can run the critic browser tests on the fly. I remember there's a way to do it, but not exactly how to use it.
> Can i have some help with that? (or a link to somewhere that is explained)
> Also, i need a way to gather environments and associate them with rules, what would be the best type of collection/etc... to do that?

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Re: Help to get the classes/methods that were updated after compilation.

camille teruel
In reply to this post by Pernet Alexis

On 2 sept. 2014, at 23:29, Pernet Alexis <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello!

Hi Alexis,

> So, i need to know what classes/methods have been changed so that i can run the critic browser tests on the fly. I remember there's a way to do it, but not exactly how to use it.
> Can i have some help with that? (or a link to somewhere that is explained)

I think you want something like this:
SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance on: MethodModified, MethodAdded send: #updateMethod: to: self
This will send #updateMethod: to self on each method modified or added with a corresponding announcement as argument.

> Also, i need a way to gather environments and associate them with rules, what would be the best type of collection/etc... to do that?

I not sure I understand. You want to run a set of critic rules when one method of a given RBEnvironment is changed? Or something else?