> > I have downloaded Dolphin ST value edition for trial and am trying
> > to install. I have got my trial registration number and copied it
> > to the registration form and hit "install".
> > But all I get is an error message: "SmallInteger does not understand
> > #isEmpty" What is wrong!!!
> Hmm.. when you say you hit 'Install' do you mean the 'Unlock' button
> in the dialog with the caption 'Dolphin Smalltalk First Run'? I think
> the best thing would be if you contacted us by e-mail (use my reply
> address suitably modified with the 'SNIPTHIS' removed) and give the
> full details of how you are trying to install Dolphin. Hopefully,
> we'll be able to sort the problem out fairly quickly.
Ok, sorry,I should have realised this straightaway. This is a known
problem when you try to install/unlock Dolphin when you are logged on
to XP as a user with insufficient rights to the system registry. You
need to be logged on as a Power User or Administrator to complete the
installation correctly.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best Regards
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support