Help with Regex

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Help with Regex

Torsten Bergmann
Does that help:

   '20 31 64 33 99 12 32 11 44 16 99 41' splitOn: Character space  


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Re: Help with Regex

Em 07-06-2010 16:02, Torsten Bergmann escreveu:
Does that help:

   '20 31 64 33 99 12 32 11 44 16 99 41' splitOn: Character space  


In fact I must ensure everything are digits & spaces... what I did was just parse the whole line (id, date, seq of key codes, final sec code) using:

mx0 := RxMatcher forString: '(\d+)\s(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)\s((\d+\s)+)(\d+)'.
mx1 := RxMatcher forString: '(\d+)\s'.

line := anOpenStream nextLine.
mx0 matches: line.
codes := mx1 matchesIn: (mx0 subexpression: 6).
1 to: codes size do: [ :i |
    newCodes addLast: (codes at: i) asInteger ].
^newCodes asIntegerArray.



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