> I'm trying this for the first time:
> 1 doc := (IXMLDOMDocument new)
> 2 loadURL: self url , id printString;
> 3 yourself.
> 4 root := doc documentElement.
> 5 ^(root selectNodes: './/catalog') collect: [:e | e attributes at: 'id']
I haven't tried this myself but a quick look at the MS documentation suggests
that loadURL: is asynchronous by default (which is sensible). So it looks as
if you should either wait until the #readyState propery has become 4 (=
"completed", the other states are 1 - "loading", 2 - "loaded", and 3 -
"interactive"), possibly using the #onreadystatechange: notification (sorry, I
have no idea how to do that myself), or set the #async propery to false before
doing the download.
-- chris