Help with using ValueAspectAdaptor

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Help with using ValueAspectAdaptor

Costas Menico-2
Hi everyone,

I have made a class Company with an instance variable companyName and
the accessors.  I also created a second class SomeotherModel with an
#update method.

I use the following code:


Company>>companyName: aString
        companyName := aString.
        self changed.

        self halt.

company := Company new.
viewObj := SomeotherModel new.
coName := ValueAspectAdaptor subject: company to: #companyName.
coName when: #valueChanged send #update to: viewObj.
coName value: 'Meezon Software'.

At this point I get sent an #update in viewObj.

Is this the correct way to notify a SomeotherModel object that there
was a change in the companyName of Company object?

Basically I would like to know what the easiest way is to notify an
object when there is a change in another object. I have looked ar
Valueholder but that is not as good.



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Re: Help with using ValueAspectAdaptor

Bill Schwab-2

If I understand what you're trying to do, a value aspect adaptor is not
really going to help.  The idea behind value aspect adaptors is to allow
generic views (and other objects) to use #value/#value: to work with any
aspect of another object by inserting an adaptor between the view and the

It sounds like your goal is to have the model trigger notifications when an
aspect's value changes.  You can achieve this in at lease a couple of ways.
One is to simply #trigger: from the setter method.  Another is to store the
aspect in a value holder, and provide getter and setter methods to get/set
the value of the contained value model.  You would still have to do
something to allow interested parties to see the changes, either by allowing
them to "see" the value model and register interest in its events, or by
observing the changes and triggering events from the model.

It might also help to look at

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Help with using ValueAspectAdaptor

Ian Bartholomew-3

Just to add a bit more to Bill's answer.  The simplest way, as Bill says, is
to do the triggering yourself


Company>>companyName: aString
companyName := aString.
self trigger: #companyNameChanged

self halt.

company := Company new.
viewObj := SomeotherModel new.
company when: #companyNameChanged send #update to: viewObj.
company companyName: 'Meezon Software'.

If you have a large number of Company objects "owned" by SomeotherModel and
it needs to know which one changed then you can pass the changed object as
part of the trigger event. Note the added colons on the Symbols

Company>>companyName: aString
companyName := aString.
self trigger: #companyNameChanged: with: self

SomeotherModel>>update: aCompany
self halt

company when: #companyNameChanged: send: #update: to: viewObj

The other method Bill mentions uses a ValueModel and is more complicated.

companyName := String new asValue

^companyName value

Company>>companyName: aString
companyName value: aString


self halt.

company := Company new.
viewObj := SomeotherModel new.
company companyNameValueHolder when: #valueChanged send #update to: viewObj.
company companyName: 'Meezon Software'.

The advantage of this method is that you can share the
companyNameValueHolder with other interested parties and not need any more
"glue" code. Assuming (because of the name you used) that SomeotherModel is
some kind of Shell containing a TextPresenter that is supposed to display a
company name then you would only need the following to link them together -

viewObj companyNamePresenter model: company companyNameValueHolder

As in all these things the best way does really depend on what you are
trying to do.....
