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Hernan Question: OO-Relational mapping

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Hernan Question: OO-Relational mapping

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

Can you share your experience with Hernan on this question:

"I don't know the status regarding database connection and OO-Relational mapping, but that is also very important (sadly) (I know squeakDBX and Glorp, but haven't use it in a long time). “

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Re: Hernan Question: OO-Relational mapping

Francois Stephany
I'm in the process of writing a super simple (some would say trivial) ORM basked on Sprinkles for Android[0]. I use Sprinkles on Android and like the right balance between SQL and Object Mapping.

- pragma driven
- PostgresV2 only for now
- table=class, row=instance model.
- use SQL for queries

The last point is important to me. I feel like learning Glorp is actually harder than leverage my existing experience with relational database. 

Right now (after a sunny sunday afternoon and one evening) the ORM can 
- insert 
- update
- create table from pragma description 

The plan is to iterate a bit on it for my real world project and then open source it. 

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys

Can you share your experience with Hernan on this question:

"I don't know the status regarding database connection and OO-Relational mapping, but that is also very important (sadly) (I know squeakDBX and Glorp, but haven't use it in a long time). “

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Re: Hernan Question: OO-Relational mapping

Emilio Oca-3
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Well, within an organization that gives 'service' country wide, with more
than 25k employees, of which 2 or 3k of them are from IT.
I feel that if I am to offer a Smalltalk solution I (me alone) need to
present a prototype as fast as the usual team in charge of that project
would. That usually means I had to be fluent (which I am not) on every level
of the stack of a web app.
(help on this to get easily something as up as seaBreeze:
http://seabreeze.heeg.de/ and down to Gemstone AND Oracle would be really

Oracle is the core of all our software systems (we use to have the biggest
one on LatAm), some even offer html as a PLSql output...
Fast, easy, reliable interaction with Oracles is a must for me, at all
levels. I need to fire pl-packages as well as SQL and metadata. And I don't
really know if all these is possible.

I am doing a lot now with OSProcess, I think, because there are at least 3
frameworks very similar, self but trivially documented.
But I'll like to be full Smalltalk because an important migration may be at
my door and the road map I shall propose must be simple and smooth on every
step. With a lot of testing, CI, and Oracle (yes sorry, it's everywhere for
me :) until it, or some of it, goes to Gemstone.

So these is my (lack) of experience on this question.



> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Pharo-business [mailto:[hidden email]] En
> nombre de Stéphane Ducasse
> Enviado el: Jueves, 13 de Marzo de 2014 11:05
> Para: Pharo Business
> Asunto: [Pharo-business] Hernan Question: OO-Relational mapping
> Hi guys
> Can you share your experience with Hernan on this question:
> "I don't know the status regarding database connection and OO-Relational
> mapping, but that is also very important (sadly) (I know squeakDBX and
> Glorp, but haven't use it in a long time). “
> Stef
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