Hover help or tool tip

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Hover help or tool tip

Louis LaBrunda

I would like to create and display a hover help over a multi line edit field that normally doesn't support it.  If there is some way to use the existing hover help with this field, that would be great.  If not, I think I can catch the mouse over event to know when and where to display the hover help but I'm not sure what object to use to create the hover help or how to tell it to display itself.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


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Re: Hover help or tool tip

Alex Greber
Maybe this helps:
1. on parent of multiline (e.g. on the form): setting "hoverHelpEnabled= true"
2. event to script: hoverHelpRequested (e.g. on form) -> setHoverHelpText: callData
3. implement setHoverHelpText: callData
setHoverHelp: callData
   callData item name = 'Multi-line Edit1' ifTrue: [callData labelString: 'Hello'].

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Re: Hover help or tool tip

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the help.  I had kludged up something that worked but I like your suggestion much better.


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